What state is bes to move to?

How do Americans feel about European immigrants?
And what is the whitest and most European cultured state in the union?

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>How do Americans feel about European immigrants?
Depends on if you come here trying to turn the place into a carbon copy of the cuckoldry of Europe. We have enough people here trying to do that already.

New Hampshire

New York City is nice

Don't really care one way or another, better than the Hispanic hordes. Though Europeans typically have such an air of arrogance and hold a great deal of contempt for American culture and people.

If you want to basically live out pol ideals with no real reprocussions? Idaho.

charleston. Tell every european you know if they want to move to america go to charleston

"American culture"

Ik zal nooit weggaan uit Nederland, daar is het te mooi voor, ik vroeg het me gewoon af.
i've been there, it's nice but quite a mess

You talking SC or VA?

sc, duh

For work ethic, it's Alaska. Everybody works a zillion hours and thinks nothing of it.

Goed zo

I was born and raised in Charleston. Best place in SC, but it's still trashy as hell. Lots of nogs and spics too.

Alaska is the most free place on the planet, come here, we want you

I had a great time there when i went to see fort sumter. Really really great time. Also was kinda shocked they were selling confederate hats. I thought about buying one but this qt was checking me out and i didn't wanna kill it desu

>move to a red state
>it's full of niggers and spics

>move to a white state
>it's full of liberals
Must be awful living in America.
I'd love to live in somewhere like Taxas and chill with some Texan right wing dudes, but it's so full of non-whites I don't even want to go there for vacation.

Texas sucks. And liberals are actually good if you have a sense of humor and can laugh at them.

I can't stand them. I am fine with people having different opinions, I'll simply not talk about politics, but liberals are so braindead I can't talk to them about any topic.
These people are completely brainwashed and braindead. Everything they talk about is so vapid and meaningless it makes me sick.
When they talk about something meaningful they do it in a very stoner low information kind of way like Joe Rogan. You'll be talking to them about the possibility of alien life existing and all they can contribute to the conversation is ''woah there are these pyramids and the universe is big, but it's really big woah dude''. None of these people have even heard of the Fermi Paradox. Every single time I talk to liberals I have to go to basics and explain the topic I want to talk about from the ground up. It's only with right wing people where I can have conversations. When I talk about something like aliens with a right winger they already know of the Fermi Paradox, we're on the same wavelength and we know what's up.
Same with race. All liberals know about race is that we're all human race, we all bleed red etc. Only right wing people know about regression to the means, validity of the IQ, crime statistics etc.

We'll probably get more of them soon because of Trump's interest in repealing our immigration act so we can let in more Anglos and Europeans in.

As for a state, Try Western Pennsylvania,Ohio and any other Midwestern State. They're basically fully white and red.


Forgot to link the video where he stated that, Also this


Archive shills

>youtube com/watch?v=Mob-8wN6kpU
>theatlantic com/politics/archive/2017/01/jeff-sessions-1924-immigration/512591

>it's full of niggers and spics
>what is flyover country

Thanks Norwayanon

Washington State

Chile/Argentina and Southern Brazil also might be considerations

Also, on the matter of Northwest migration:

The Northwest Homeland Book Series

The Hill of the Ravens - H.A. Covington

A Distant Thunder - H.A. Covington

A Mighty Fortress - H.A. Covington

The Brigade - H.A. Covington

Freedom's Sons - H.A. Covington

This should help. I'm currently looking myself, I live in commiefornia right now and I want to find a low-tax, high-white area.

California for Tesla
Florida for SpaceX