White girls and black guys?

Are white girls naturally attracted to black guys or is it the rap/indoctrination stuff that makes them like that? I don't know there just is sonething about white girls that makes them so natural to be with black guys.

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in europe the men are trained to not be violent and be polite,niggers are aggressive stupid and not polite

so its a novelty

works the other way around,black girls are attracted to whites due to white men being smarter,less likely to cheat and be better earners

men are loyal to their tribe.

women are loyal to any tribe.
This is because they need to be to survive.

also those arent women in your pic related, they are modern whores

White girls love Asian guys more than Black guys .... MUCH MORE


how the hell is that. not even asian girls like asian guys.

>White girls love Asian guys more than Black guys .... MUCH MORE

Especially attractive White girls. You rarely see a non-FAT White girl with a Black guy (in4 some user posts a white girl with a multi-millionaire athlete)


i think this is pretty stupid to be honest. white women would have been disgusted with 'savages' a century ago, our culture is frankly barbaric and encourages people to act against their own interest.

>not even asian girls like asian guys.

that must explain why half of the world's population is asian ... right? stop thinking because some white guy buys a mail-order bride from 3rd world shithole in SE Asia means anybody loves anybody else.

>(in4 some user posts a white girl with a multi-millionaire athlete)
You mean porn and NFL players aren't the norm?!

>I don't know there just is sonething about white girls that makes them so natural to be with black guys.
It's because you're a retarded faggot and you want black cock. Cut your dick off you poofter.
Also, sage.

>i think this is pretty stupid to be honest

i think you missed the point.

> white women would have been disgusted with 'savages' a century ago,

when the savages captured your women, the women adapted and became 'their women'

women used to need to be flexible as they are much weaker.
not so much today but the trait is still there

99% of white girls that date blacks are lower class low iq. In fact dating a black is dating upwards in social status for them. We should be grateful the blacks are eating our genetic garbage, ensuring a more loyal and superior breed of whites in the future.

You have a problem chink.

gang (nigger) culture is sexualized by the MSM and pop music ...
+ women are fucking stupid

dude I rarely ever see white girls with asians. whats your explanation for this?

Most girls I know (white or not) do not find
them attractive at all. It's mostly rap/drugs/thug culture bs. that they either a: emulate because they have not figured out that BET culture is dead, or b: they are assblasted over an ex boyfriend and get involved purely out of spite.
They all regret it in the end.

nigger detected

holy fuck

is this guy asian?

It depends on the negro. You can't compare a decent looking well educated, well spoken and presented negro to the typical ghetto negro. Many women would find a negro like Van Jones to be objectively attractive in spite of his political shillings.

maybe its only because i encounter lefty whores, but most white women in southern ontario seem to like rap music.
but we don't have a lot of blacks outside of very specific neighborhoods.

Indoctrination. Women have always done what society tells them, just like now with empowerment. They are still being told what to do but women don't have the ability to reason deep enough to notice.

I wish that were true honestly, but it's not they go for niggers when not going for whites. I don't know why you asshurt hapa posters think most people give a shit about mixing with asians. Only you autists care.

i mean i guess that could be true but it's not what is happening. whites have set up laws to protect minorities and favour them and women react to this and also that they are protected by the government. this is the result of actions having no consequences, not the ultimate result of any real victory. if women didn't have the protection of the government and support they would not be comfortable choosing a minority partner.

>dude I rarely ever see white girls with asians

By this, I guess you mean in the Netherlands? How many Asian people are there in the Netherlands in the 1st place? FYI : There are more Chinese men with Eastern European/Russian women than all the black men with White women in the world.


It's the least likely pairing of all despite non stop propaganda from the US so I suspect white wemen are generally repulsed by black men.
That has also been my experience anecdotally. They think they are smelly brutish monkeys.

>well educated
lmao. people are so easily fooled by a business suit and glasses.

There's tons of asians in my town and in the Netherlands and I'm part asian myself. I think I've seen one white girl walk with an asian a few weeks ago but thats it.

>I wish that were true honestly

In America, Asian men born in the US have the highest rates of intermarriage than any racial/ethnic group BY FAR.


I hate to break to you but nobody really finds Asians attractive besides beta Anglo males, weabo And the Jews.Asians are like the most banal and mediocre looking people on the planet.

>pissing in a sea of piss

That'll show those mean old nazi's

>I'm part asian myself

Sorry I forgot that the Netherlands has a large Indonesian community (Eddie Van Halen comes to mind). When I was talking about Asians, I was mostly referring to East Asians rather than SE Asians.

Most girls here pretend to like niggers but most would never date them, which mostly has to do with the fact that they're not as kike-brainwashed as burgers.

To be honest, most girls are attracted to what the pop culture and social norms tells them to be attracted to. So since everybody sucks up to niggers in the US, a lot of American white girls love niggers. In Poland, where most people don't like niggers, the white girls tend to not to like niggers either.

>coalburner walks past me
>always smells of cigarettes and weed


Imo Thia and the Japanese are probably the better looking Asians. The Chinese and rest of them are just as good looking as mainland Africans on avaerage.

where I live there is lots of east asians and they don't get white pussy.