
Anyone else getting sick of this fag? All he does is tweet, praise authoritarian regimes, and push wars. He hasn't done ANYTHING to benefit anyone's life.

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Trump is everything anyone with a brain should despise:
an incompetent, narcissistic loud-mouth, who doesn't hold to any actual principles


Cry harder, CNN.

muh trump putin alliance - trump gives poland patriots, attacks syria, claims russia rigged the
US elections

muh draining the swamp - i don't even need to explain

so much more, this guy is such a retard but pol is full of underage kekistan trumplosers.

Trump is doing everything I wanted him to do, though he may have to replace Sessions at some point with someone who's actually going to enforce the laws and not be weak and useless.


Crypto-Merchant faggots

He's a nigger-loving kike



wtf #ImWithHer now

Watching liberal tears after he won benefited my life

sounds like a butt blasted libdrule to me, hahaha just reporting in to your faggot gay rights activist thread to tell you he is the only thing standing in your delusional path protecting you from getting murder-fucked by islamist extremists. Have a nice day you retarded gay cunt.


The left has no consistent set of principles, which is why all they have to offer is 24/7 rage. They give Bill Clinton a pass on rape. They do muh-LGBT while embracing Islam. They gave Obama a pass on wars and corporatism because he's black. They tout their pro-intellectualism but need to resort to manipulating people with Hollywood celebrities.


Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes


Lots of rural and suburban retards ITT

>Benefiting people

You must be new to this country.

that must mean that conservatives should trash everything they once held to as well

so you're saying Trump is only doing what a hypocritical, left-wing crybaby would be doing. Aren't you in a bit of confusion here?


Because of their hypocrisy and lack of consistency, I laugh every time the left loses something. I laugh at every deportation because the left deserves to feel PAIN for being a bunch of hypocrites. Nary a peep when Obama was deporting people. Nigger privilege.

Hello shareblue employee, how much they pay you for posting here?


>that must mean that conservatives should trash everything they once held to as well

Such as?

I don't care about that
>praise authoritarian regimes,
>and push wars
Wars are great if we win. Fuck everyone else, America over all.

You don't deserve those digits, and anyone who voted for Trump and really meant it has no regrets. Whole world's just mad that "Orange Cheeto man" is making them all look like dumbshits.

How will a war with NK benefit you? Or the USA for that matter

kekistan trumpfags believe you need to be leftist or hillary fan to see that trump is a narcissistic idiot. many such cases. SAD!

Huh, whenever someone says something that follows popular opinion on Sup Forums and they get digits, people go apeshit. That triple 7 get must mean something.

Lucky to be alive.

Sick of him, as opposed to who? Fucking Obama?

Probably the silver lining to all-out war with NK is that a fake-news corporation such as CNN isn't going to be tolerated one bit. They'll be lined up and shot as traitors, as they should be.

Is this one of those college course threads? You can take a safe break if you need one.

It is a great honor for me to be here with all of my friends.
So amazing + will NEVER FORGET !

Trips have spoken.

Yea, it's hard winning all the time.
Saged and hid.

>Trump Has Had 50% More Meetings with Foreign Leaders than Obama

there is more than black or white you underage faggot.

what did kek mean by this?

I don't know OP.... it sure seems like he found a way to make your ass hurt.

government intervention in the economy for example
it was always a core principle of conservatism, that there should be no (or at least extremely limited) state intervention in the economy

Trump is a protectionist who wants to use the power of the state to keep industries like coal alive, regardless if they're competitive or not.
That's the diametrical opposite.

>He hasn't done ANYTHING to benefit anyone's life.

He scrapped the healthcare, that made my life better already.
He also scrapped TTP, and I got to listen to you corporatist shills screech in outrage.
Backing out of Paris Agreement was just a cherry on top.

>push wars
You didn't gave a shit when Clintoris, Obomber and Sanders were pushing for them, so sit down.

It means OP is fag


>How will a war with NK benefit you? Or the USA for that matter

He won't answer. Amerclaps will just cheer whatever stupid war trump gets us in for whatever reason.