What Happens in Hamburg?

What Happens in Hamburg?

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Fuck that faggot cop, If that dude would've held a Soviet sign he would've probably sucked his dick, but since it's the Nazi one let's take him to jail.

that sieg heil was cringy but what else would you expect from someone who hangs out with Dylann Roof?

This, major fighting between antifa and policemen, fires everywhere. Police lost control of parts of Hamburg.

So much violence against innocent peaceful anarchists. Germany is truly nazi. Boo.



Are these your videos, Hans?



>not putting a turkish flag on your car so the rascals leave it alone

what is being happening in Europe for the last 20-30 years
You just woke up from a long dream?

Restored it to its original, unedited format.

Peace and tolerance, my friend

I like to think that cop came all the way up to where he was sitting and held his arm up for him.

Also that's a pretty tite bowl cut bruh.
Are they making a comeback in Deutschland?

New alt right haircut?

Buts isn't G20 all in left wing controle ? What exactly are they protesting against ?

Why destroy town and property?

It makes no sense??


this is so cringey what are they even protesting? they support globalism now.

A bunch of kids are throwing garbage and fireworks at cops thinking that it's "revoluztns"


They havent realised that yet. Which makes it even funnier. fucking retards.

They are leftists.

Thats not anglo pussy antifa thats highly organized and funded euro antifa.
Something you can only dream of in the US or Australia.

Sucks for us but these guys are pretty much an all Eu army these days

>Save the planet by burning a car which produces CO2 emissions
>Create much more CO2 emissions and toxic smokes by doing this

Top kek m8s!

White male privilege by the look of it. The only way the white man can truly be defeated is to destroy everything he has created.

they are probably sponsored by the state

White people chimping out. Why am I not surprised.

Some MURRICAN in Germany posted them in another thread, I think.

Antifa and Muslims burn everything down, destroy shops and cars

Some guy in crowd says something anti Muslim, Massive police force arrives to deal with him

The first one under the name of the anti-globalization movement is from Berlin88, then Paris89, Madrid94
Liberals protesting the central banks, the IMF, the World Bank

Anti-corporate, Anti-global/central banks... because the oppress the 3rd world countries, their aim is wealth... typical communist rethoric

>state pays leftist unemployed retards to destroy city
>they burn everything down, causing hatred against left
>right wing raises once again
What did Merkel mean by this


Fire bomb it again.

>euro antifa

lol this is my fav video ever

1 nazi vs 50 antifa


stays in Hamburg

There is some article defending property damage, justifying it because it's property of corporations. I've brought up why not actually attack the rich and their homes instead, at least one said because they don't want to be attacked or shot.

Liberals are not leftist.

what the fuck is wrong with germans

Too bad he's in prison for 20 years or so. That was obvious self-defense seeing he was outnumbered, not to mention he was attacked on his way out.

>tfw you watch those kicks on the commie on the floor.

Why don't they line up and have offer their rectums to migrants?? They're so passionate about making a difference

Bunch of criminals, they should all be locked up for this vandalism and street terrorism.

on a side note


Fucking scum, what the fuck is wrong with Germanbros. In Austria our police would have shot a few of them to make a statement.
Germans are too good hearted to the point they would let scum seriously hurt them.

This is what the PKK does in Turkey. You have a problem Hans.

Is that a joke?

nice first world "country" you got there

They even throw bricks and molotovs, this shit is intended to hurt and kill policemen.
As far as I'm concerned everyone who throws a brick at a policemen has attempted to murder a person.
They should just shoot them. We don't need people like that in our societies.

Are you about to chimp out and REEEEE at me whitey? Please sit the fuck down if you are.

God I would fucking love to be a riot police officer during times like that. You're basically free to crack liberal skulls and if they try to take it to court all your buddies in the police force close ranks and you get away with it.


This happens every year reteard.


That makes it even worse.

This doesn't seem very environmentally friendly.

shitty larper is shitty

Its was till they let in your buddys.

antifa is white

I congratulate you on not chimping out. Hopefully the rest if your kind learns to be the same way.

I bet burning cars had German flag stickers on them, serves these nazis right

Police are cucks and don't do anything to them. Many have said ANTIFAgs are backed by the government, so supposedly police can't arrested them, further proving police are cucks.

>leaving turkish flag alone
>turks burning down cars
braindead marsh nigger

yea that's true
They can easily monitor all person traffic and nab those rioters before they even arrive.
They do this all the time before football matches. They just grab people who have no business being there and send them away or apprehend them.
Now look at this shit...

They don't burn down turkmobiles because that would be racist. I did not expect your feeble roach mind to grasp this anyway.

I like how ANTIFAgs brag about fighting with K*rds, then will turn around and whine any pro whites in the US military. They also call for revolution and attacking and taking down the government, then call McVeigh a terrorist.

comfy stream

according to antifa you cannot be racist against turks because we are all nazi neo-ottoman fascists you dumb kike

this is why the riot police should be allowed to shoot straight into the crowd of people, and whoever dies is seen as "acceptable loss"

Police state fucking when?

Easy there viking.

>Floating balloon animals

Sorry lads, RT is obviously better but nothing going on there yet

They've had so many sides, they'll now just say they're against everything.

Nice, fucked em up good

Said it many times, I'd love to see Euro ANTIFAgs try this shit in the US, see if they ever make it out of the US.

>according to antifa
Look at this turkroach quickly assuming the role of victim L M A O

I'm sure it's real in your mind mehmet.

So hypothetically... if antifa by some grace of god got close enough to the POTUS to pose a threat and got gunned down by the SS, what would happen next?

But they did and got away with it

Impress me and post the actual video

Don't call it a grave this is the future you chose

In my experience best gifts you can give to Bundeswehr officers or cops in Germany is nazi memorabilia. Most of them will be extremely happy but hide them immediately since those things can destroy ones career in a heartbeat if anyone else ever found out. Basically they're all closet nazis but due to political climate they are so paranoid they don't even know that almost all of their colleagues are in the closet with their politics aswel.

Germans are very good at following orders and acting publicly like the robots their leaders think they are but behind closed doors they are still nationalistic as hell.


Pure gold, free Josue

G-20 which is the dumbest idea in the first place because Hamburg is left as fuck