New Russian army assault rifle - AK 12
Russian weapons are pure sex.
can they do anything not over and over again?
Doesn't look like an AR-15 at all.
The Tavor is the single greatest assault rifle ever invented. I still don't understand why other people are even trying to compete with it.
Is that a FAMAS ?
it looks like that 99c plastic AK47 that povvo kids would always get for christmas.
its clearly a piston gun and its got a stamped reciever. obviously an AK. weak bait homie.
>not even an AUG variant
never gonna make it brah
shit compared to greek made rifles desu
Looks nice to shoot but when will they surplus those VSS's for me?
>t. no guns straya
Shouldn't you be giving your every day routine blowjob to your local emu warlord?
show us your real ID roach.
Off to /k/ m8s
Man, that 5.45 round is a nasty little fucker. Has shit barrier penetration, but it will ruin your ass, if you get zapped by one.
sweet rifle.
Did you really get blacked by one? That's what you're suggesting, right?
7n6 is steel core. Pretty decent barrier pen brah. If it goes through UN baby blue helmets I'd say that's bretty gud
Look at this Player Unknown's Battlegrounds LARPing faggot.
Wow... it's fucking slavshit.
No. What're ya gonna do about it, straya cuck? :^)
>seppos and snow gooks will NEVER be as operator as this
the AUSTEYER is the greatest rifle ever made
jealous you nigger mud ?
>the upper dust cover ist still loosely fitted, making it unsuited to attach sights
>the magazine well is still too short and makes the mag rattle
>the mag release still cannot be reached with trigger hand
>the barell is still too short
>the gas system still makes the barrel whip like a reet
bonus: still using stamped steel
This is a monkey gun, made to being sold to mokeys. Put some bling and LEDs on it and the niggers will go crazy about it.
Let us all squat in the corner and appreciate this ak-47 rip-off.
5.56×45mm NATO
because the Tav is an overhyped design that put form before function.
And Its buttstock is way too fat.
Yeah, it's steel core. And, as mediocre as our M855 is at it. But, 7N6 shines in what it does to a human body. The scary shit is the n22/24 stuff. That's truly armor piercing and penetrates pretty decently.
But ofc, here is something to get you into mood.
>not even bullpup
top kek, why do these dumb countries still buy oversized rifles?
Sooo it's basically a 74M just tacticooled with better ergonomics.
Not surprising really since the rifle is already as good as it can get.
Slavshit is shit
No exception
Found the AR fag
what's considered the most jewish gun
Ye its gud
Looks suitable for rushing B
That's why commie rice farmers armed with SKS and AKs defeated the entire US military with their "state of the art" M16s
Nice, where did you acquire one
>talking shit about AKs when the G36 literally melts if you shoot it too much
I would have solemnly concured if you said Galil Ace.
>over and over again?
this is a pretty big change, they are changing to a western-style thumb selector from the old Remington paddle selector seen on previous generations of AK.
Of course, they will probably make 200 of them, issue only to a few units, and keep on using AK-74M
polite sage for /k/ topic
If I told you I'd have to rekt u
>it's the farmers with guns episode
They "won" because hippies and crony politicians don't know how to win a war. We were commuting retarded levels of casualties against them and after the Tet offensive they were completely exhausted and then instead of launching counter-offensive shitty politicians stopped the war.
I hate re-runs
Tavor and Uzi
Nothing like carrying a 4kg brick around.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Galil, is in fact, Rk.62/Galil, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Rk.62 plus Galil. Galil is not a rifle unto itself, but rather another marginal improvement of a fully functioning Rk.62 system made useful by the Rk.62 corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full rifle as defined by POSIX.
Many rifle users run a modified version of the Rk.62 system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Rk.62 which is widely used today is often called “Galil”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Rk.62 system, developed by the Rk.62 Project. There really is a Galil, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Galil is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Galil is normally used in combination with the Rk.62 operating system: the whole system is basically Rk.62 with Galil added, or Rk.62/Galil. All the so-called “Galil” distributions are really distributions of Rk.62/Gal
That shit is heavy as fuck. I know since I've had the pleasure of handling one. It's fucking crap considering your Island is mostly desert and your fighting overseas sandpeople in their sandcastle sandboxes where light weight is preferable since you're constantly losing liquids due to the heat..
Also AUG is a fucking jam-o-matic when it meets sandy environments. God-tier when used in mountainous but temperate climates like Austria but shit tier in sandland.
Deagle, because its overpriced meme gun with shit design and stupid goys still eat it up.
Slavshit is made for actual war. What you make are overengineered overpriced bricks that malfunction as soon as they're taken out of their perfect testing conditions.
Nothing in the world comes even close to the service record of AK's and their replicas or derivatives.
>tfw someone posts your oc
Airshit! KYS
Good one!
In a perfect contest, A-545 would have become primary service rifle years ago. In a contest we have instead, a 70 year old rifle wrapped in plastic frame gets state procurement order because the factory manufacturing employs more people and has more connections in the government.
>this is what /nogunz/ butthurt looks like
Why not a Sa.58 5.56?
Muh ak
Haha ye
AK47 was already perfect, it was a matter of time it got improved rails for making that heavy monster handy tactical. Plus brand new inner gear. Noice.
Ak47 is far from perfect.
If it would be so great, why would russians change caliber and shit?
Just look at AK74M.
AK47 is waaay too old.
It takes one to know one cock monger
Why do you fucks always call it AK47?
There is only one real rifle called AK-47 and this gun in the museum.
We're practically expendable storm troopers for England so it's not a bad gun considering
Oh fuck. I forgot - again.
It can change a lot. F.e T-34 and T34 are totally diffirent things. T-34 is legendary tank and T34 is american failure.
Because he is an airshitter no-guns faggot. Their knowledge of firearms is from vidya.
That's an extreme test which any other gun would fail.
>imagine being this retarded
Except the AR-15
oh, I'm sorry for that guy redirecting you to the wrong board, maybe you'll find yourself more comfortable at
I read also it was also chosen because the old faggot was still alive and you didn't want to hurt his feelings.
Keymod is lighter, modulate how you like, and allows for better cooling. Going full quadrail is so 2000s.
That test means nothing.
No one is going to submerge their AK in mud, the loose tolerances is what makes it run so well in any condition but forcefully filling the void the bolt is meant to enter will cause a failure no matter the rifle.
Because the AR has tight tolerances (and they closed the fucking bolt cover) so almost nothing got in. It's a situation that will legitimately never happen. AR platform is better than the AK though.
keymod is also ugly as sin
now fuck out of here with your shit taste
Mud isn't the same as water. Also you're not gonna be fighting in that mudtest kind of mud without taking Tartis Back to WW1 western front.
>no vampire vision
LOL, """AK-12""". Real AK-12 got fucked by army bureaucracy and Izmash. It was supposed to be like that. But instead, you get an ol' AK-74 with tacticool mod.
What is this image from?
I have to see if its real.
Expensive and complex mechanics means more severe and numerous possibilities to fail miserably in combat environment. Keep it simple and easy to fix is what I say.
Watch the full vid, they do it what the cover open.
Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Readiness for wet and dry environments is kino.
Keymod is super comfy on the hands and superior for all the reasons I listed.
I still think it looks nice anyway.
In the museums, and in hands of the arabs.
Isn't the AK-47(since when are you ruskis this delicate) the base of all the following models?
To me, any of them related versions are the best kind of assault rifle. Legendary power and reliability. Here we have melting stock HK G36. Fuck.
Go eat rotten fish you dumbass. In a country where you can only own pellet/hunting weapons I do the best I can. Would like to see u taking a burst of steel bbs on the skull at 300fps.
it's Colt Single Action you dumbass, kys.
it's obviously a Glock
They'd rather not fund terrorism.
Another proof that russkies can't invent anything new. They've been driving the same shitty T-72 for 50 years, flying the same shitty R7 rocket for 60 years and shooting with the same shitty AK for 70 years, just strapping flashy gadgets on them trying to mimic NATO
It's actually an F-35
invalid argument.
i played fps, 74m has superior recoil and low spread.
>muh tactical advantage over aesthetics
do you really think adding a ton of shit on your gun is going to help you in any meaningful way?
keymod is a meme, get over it
>Isn't the AK-47(since when are you ruskis this delicate) the base of all the following models?
Yes. But that doesn't mean it was a particularly great rifle, it's cheap and can be abused by illiterate dirt farmer.
>In the museums, and in hands of the arabs.
Arabs mostly have AKM's and western weapons now thanks to the sand people the US put in place just giving up and letting ISIS take all their shit.
>Legendary power and reliability.
Another legendary trait of the AK-47 is ridiculous recoil and shit MOA.
And this is why south koreans used technology from old rusty """"T-64"""" while developing K2 Black panther.
Sure they can't invent anything.
By the way, how are leopards doining in Syria?
Armata is completely new.
Its modular design is a first for MBTs too.
SU-47 project was unique too, and so is the PAK FArt
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
>Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
Exactly and (average) AR isn't going to survive wet (or cold) conditions as well as AK is. AR design lacks the tolerances for extreme temperature fluxtuion when firing the weapon in extreme cold or while wet/underwater. AK does even though firing it underwater or wet was never the intention the fact it was designed to withstand Russian winter makes it also capable of this.