Why do you Sup Forumstards hate modern architecture? Its beautiful

Why do you Sup Forumstards hate modern architecture? Its beautiful.

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More proof its great

It's degenerate.

Way more curves makes it better (arch)itecture

Then in about 5 years this becomes pic related...

See, the problem with this type of architecture is that it goes out of date very fast while traditional architecture can be beautiful for centuries.

>modern architecture is shi-

I have no problem with unorthodox architecture, it's just that most of the time there's no sense of artistic or aesthetic judgement put into it. Modern architects are usually hacks, churning out muh random geometric shapes instead of legitimate making something innovative and beautiful

is that a spongebob house


(((Phallic symbols)))


its supposed to represent the yellow gook cock fucking melbourne in the ass.


Archived it for you

its fucking.. beautiful.


Thanks, archivebro.

Nazis used modern architecture faggot.

Sorry. I prefer Polish architecture.
> pic rel sukiennice, shopping mall of 18th century Poland.

and that means what?
exactly nothing

>becomes ugly after 5 years

That house looks like some shit out of Despicable Me

Modern architecture for households etc is decent but tearing down beautiful historic architecture that's withheld centuries of war and abuse to erect phallus shaped structures is disgusting and even more so the post modern commie blocks.
Some things are beautiful for the history and not a thing could viably replace them.

>a hunk of rusty steel on a normal house
>lol lets just make it into plain curvy triangles
>let's design my house like it was a skateboard park kek
>my apartment looks like a hair comb
>i'm living in a fucking crane

frank lloyd wright is the jimi hendrix and rolling stones of architecture (created some amazing art and invented a genre, but also laid the foundations for decades of degeneracy)

While amazing looking, this is another great example of form over function. That thing has insane upkeep costs due to how and where it was constructed

homo hotel indeed

It is trash compared to any building built in the 19th century, and I mean the worst fucking slums of London looked better than this shit.

It looks great right


Its way better than this garbage

You do know that "modern" architecture is actually art-deco. Which is still magnificent. Post-modernist architecture is the shit we have a problem with.

looks like a human ant colony

Get this Agenda 21 bullshit out of here.

Thats schizophrenic degeneracy not modern minimalism.

that's your argument?

form over function is a good thing in regards to living spaces. You're not a utilitarian creature, you just use utalitarianism for different purposes. Living spaces suffer from utalitarianism.

Some of it looks "cool" I guess but 99% of it is worse than any sort of traditionalistic architecture.

neither is
>a wooden yoga mat.

Notice the good old traditional architecture in the background of this monstrosity that has been forced in there.

He was nazi talking about jews

Seriously. How can you say that with a straight face

Notice this monstrosity? Both traditional and modern architecture can be designed poorly. But good modern design is better than good traditional design

Usonia or bust

If you go outside proper fundamentals, you get a fucking retard of a thing. Example: modern art, gender.

It looks like bizarre alien shapes invading landscape of human civilization.




I can admit that some of the stuff you cherry picked looks OK compared to most modern architecture(obviously any traditional building looks better). But are you trying to tell me that this house is appealing in any way?
Btw the house in my pic (Villa Tugendhat) was designed by a kike and is the foundation of modern architecture.
That buildning looks better than any of the shit you posted m8

Old city hall

New city hall

>Notice this monstrosity?

It has giant poles coming through it, and it looks like it was made by panjeets shits lumped together.

that's in japan


Not viewing a living space as more than a function based block of cement, what are you, a pleb? Shits comfy desu

Plz leave normie

Wood and stone together look much better than any traditional building

Yeah, modern architechture is great!

This one isn't that bad imp

This is way better than that

There seems to be a recent trend with architects trying to design the most ridiculous metal and glass shapes that they can get away with.

Thats brutalist degeneracy, not modern at all.

Still not seeing any monstrosity. Sure it looks a bit fake and tacky, but at least it fits into what's around it.

The wood should be darker, desu

people would probably die from those underground fumes

>I live in a cross between a scrapyard and an MC Escher drawing

Apart from the shitty fake balconies and the questionable brick colour, that one's not too bad.

Interwar architecture produced some comfy buildings.

We already have underground tunnels. Either use short range cheap electric cars, (you can get away with it because city us so dense) or use fans or both.

I would be perfectly happy with a 20/20 room with a bed, desk and other functional necessities.

interwar modernism is great

Some inside pictures.

I know, brutalism was so retarded, but we need it during ww2 because it was cheap.

Some more

Kind of reminds me of the movie Metropolis.

Good job trying to repair or getting someone to repair that shit when it finally breaks, faggot.


The one in the OP isn't any worse than any other house as far as maintenance goes. It's no more complicated than the tiled roof to the right for example. Some of the other ones though, yes - it would likely be cheaper to repair a cathedral.

Modern architecture looks too unnatural. It always looks completely out of place, wherever it is.


I'm just saying. Shit is going to cost more than ticky-tacky. Some houses will cost more just in general and to repair while some might not be repairable within the confines of reason.

And I'm just telling you, that particular one shouldn't.

Unless it's listed or something. Then all bets are off.

Depends on the building material, faggot.

Nah, that thing still looks weird and out of place. Too much glass.


I hope it rarely gets cold wherever that is.

The new city hall is that fucking blob looking thing. Pic related.

I think this it The EU building? Either way. Your point is valid. Fuck this bullshit.

You're not inside it.

It looks objectively more in place place than traditional architecture. Also windows trap heat.

Art Deco gave way to Brutalism which was an abomination, and architecture hasn't really improved much since then. However the real problem is not good taste, it's that no one cares about beauty and prestige in architecture. It's all about just about making money now. I wonder how this change happened.

You would be looking at way thicker reinforcements for the platforms. Those buildings would require tons of special vibration-proofing and sound proofing, as the traffic would cause damage to the foundation.

uninspired, contemporary trash.


>Also windows trap heat.
Compared to having a hole in the wall, sure. That house is still either "real chance of dying of hypothermia in your sleep during winter" cold, or has a small nuclear ractor fueled by banknotes stashed somewhere.

It looks so sterile

You're a dumbass

Its a fact. Thats the autobahn

wrong again, try for a third?

It does

This is the real house of the future.

Read Hitler and the power of aesthetics faggot.