Hamburg is a fucking war zone right now. Police lost control over many parts of the city. Endless hordes of antifa burn the city to the ground. Police is absolutley outnumbered and asked for reinforcement out of all german states.
Rumors say, that this might be an coordinated attack of international leftextremist groups.
Major Communist Uprising in Hamburg
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That not true faggot stop exagerrate.
if Trump dies its over
soros has to see his money pay off somewhere
Isint Hamburg the place where they said last week that white Germans are now a minority there?
Germany needs a new Freikorps
The place you're thinking of is just called Germany.
Watch as nothing changes, they blame trump for inciting his violence by his twitter shitposting and Germany becomes a Muslim majority country.
>driving on the left side of the road
what the fuck
Gib a baseball bat and a ticket for Hamburg so I can fuck Antifa with the Police
lel and sweden is trying to ban white men from listening to live music because imported niggers are raping the children.. when are you cunts going to admit you were wrong about the whole islamist terrorist nigger issue? Sink em at sea i say..
Nothing of value will be lost, hell I hope they tear the whole country down
Stop culturally appropriating the frogs Hanz.
Fuck g*rmans
Shut the fuck up road bump, you won't do shit
Where is ISIS?
They could easily carry out multiple bombings, pretending to be Antifa and wearing all black.
Are they dumb? Are they dying out? Are they pro-communism?
dat SAAB ;_;7
I bet it was a turbo too
This happened last year you nigger
>be germany
>ban right wing anything
>ANTIFA breeds out of control
>pretend this is normal
if this was america those commie faggots would be hanging from street lamps.
no fucking way. what a fucking hero
I bet they do this so they can "whites do terror attacks too!"
No, that was Frankfurt. They're probably a minority in Hamburg too though.
>last year
>turk plows through kurds
I'll bet you or someone you know gets ran over by the end of the year
Thats just Trump getting the fuck out.
How do armed police "lose control" to leftists? Just shoot the rioters. Problem solved.
>if this was america those commie faggots would be hanging from street lamps.
unless they were black, then we'd give them space to burn
>servet demirpence
That's how you know it's german
Fake news.
I'm surprised they didn't stock up on Pepperball guns and beanbag shotguns
>that group of cops running after the nigger
this is good, that car is a chick car and will redpill the fuck out of her
coordinated attack, Happening confirmed.
Antifa don't need to do that in America. They infest your education system and turn your kids against you.
>nothing on any news websites
It would lead to escalation followed by possible assassinations,bombings and terror campaign in Red army faction style. They can`t do it our fear.
any streams?
Genius! They should hire you as a strategic advisor.
Who cares? Our shitty people keep reelecting the parties who appease and apologize for Antifa. Manuela Schwesig of the SPD cut all fund for fighting left-wing extremismis, because the threat was "over-blown". Germans DESERVE this.
You wish. You know very well that you fat burgers wouldn't do anything. You've never done anything before, and you won't do anything in the future.
fuck off with this fake shit and go back to counting your shekels jew nigga
Actually they can't do it because it is against the law.
>War Zone
>Mainly Schanze,St Pauli + Altona
Dont spread HAPPENING bullshit. In my part nothing is happening at all.
I would be so fucking pissed off if that happened to my car.
no it wouldn't
I'd declare martial law and form a citizen militia with power to keep public order
German police
They're the mossad
>our side of the boat isn't sinking we're fine
Don't give a shit. Germany is lost to the globalists anyway. Burn that country down.
hired mercenaries
If Trump dies, nukes fly.
German police should of exvuted their commies and antifa years ago.
Question: WWH in USA?
Would National Guard be deployed?
Would police finally shoot?
there is that too. but we should remember that every great revolution was born out of riots escalating out of control.
I swear to god American are the most stupid people I have ever seen
they should be executed on the spot
>erhöhte Abgaswerte
Just kill ALL protesters. Leave no one alive to resist you. Problem solved.
Why don't all the Germans who want to be communists go to the east and everyone else go to the west?
They can call it: East Germany and West Germany and have a wall between
>if this was america those commie faggots would be hanging from street lamps.
>WWH in USA?
Koreans would be shooting the nogs
Found the teenage scumbag.
Dont you have some Manchester streetcorner to make unsafe?
live streams when?
the ol' in out
SAAB of peace
this is the only reasonable solution
it'd make the national body heaps better and cut down on soros minions sowing discord among previously prosperous and peaceful countries
Police in usa would have shot long time ago
kraut, you made my day
Yeah okay, Breivik. Keep it cool now.
This one is a new video or an old shit?
Ok ok , go back to play Call of Duty ameridumb
>Rumors say, that this might be an coordinated attack of international leftextremist groups.
No shit, Sherlock.
>all these anti German posts
>some probably fall for it
Don't listen to the divide faggots. We're all sitting in the same shitty boat lads.
Fake news Germoney would welcome them as refugees.
if they would strike it would be after\during the important meetings.
More likely we will see the a black block doing something really stupid.
It just saddens me to see what happens when you force a generation to hate its own ancestors.
>boiling pot Europa edition
Damn, wild shit.
>literally playing flutes and tribal drumming
New one
There's been a few times when there was unrest on murikan college campuses. Their cops would probably stand down like they did in Berkeley. Or they'd open fire like they did in Kent.
I guess it depends on the state?
>be poorfag
>work your ass off all year long + overhours
>finally have enough money to get a shitty used cat
>lefties burn down your car to "demonstrate"
This wouldn't happen if we had actually had a right to bear arms.
I'm actually kind of happy for those police officers. Looks like they're getting to let out a lot of pent-up frustration there.
Isn't German law pretty similar to Dutch law?
Shooting rioters in self defense should be fair enough, right? Notwehr is notwehr
Burn it to the ground might be a bit dramatic.
They probably just want means for meme production so that they can have a civil meme war right outside G20.
Fitting isn't it?