Why is Trump deporting WHITE PEOPLE??
Um, GUYS??!
His visa expired. Read the tabloid you posted.
Sage this thread and sage your life
nice bait
Pick one
I'm okay with that.
He was an illegal, and illegals are criminals.
Debate that, OP. Unless you're a (((1 post by this ID))) faggot.
He obviously wasn't white if he was stupid enough to go on tv, fugging potatoe niggers.
How come his moustache is a Super Saiyan?
top kek
Spoiler Alert: The OP has already abandoned this thread.
Doesn't matter what race you are, if you're here illegally you need to go back
Irish are not white.
>brag about crime on tv
because the people who work in immigration are all sjw jews so they just took the legislation and looked for white people to kick out
>Go on TV and talk about being here illegally
>shocked when thrown out
What a literal nigger.
We need as many whites as possible. Whites are projected be a minority in the next 20-30 years. We should be letting in millions of white Europeans or else we risk becoming the United States of Mexico.
Also fuck Irish people stealing construction jobs in NYC. Navillus is a company full of illegals (if you're watching ICE)
Illegal = illegal
Good riddance. Crime is for black people.
You want to be treated like a white person, you act like a white person.
The time will come when anything darker than a combat boot swings from a low branch, but for now we must be universal in our justice.
>Proclaim you are illegal
>Get deported
I dont understand what it is about this that they dont understand.
The law is the law, you come here you stay here illegally you got to go.
Sorry sweetie but micks aren't White.
They need to go back.
kek just like the_donald says, doesn't matter your race as long as you come in LEGALLY
Preferrably more Based Nonwhites to prove how not racist we are :D
trust a irishman to be a criminal.
The Irish are basically white niggers. One step above real Italians.
Reminder that the Irish are not white.
You kikeslaves have no room to talk
I am a white European with a PhD and blue eyes, how can I immigrate to the States legally?
It's never been about race. ILLEGAL MEANS ILLEGAL. Some of the most die hard patriots iknow are minorities. My black stepdad wears his MAGA cap proudly every day, hates CNN with a passion, I don't have a racist bone in my body. If you want to come here do it LEGALLY. I'll take a based legal mexican over any illegal white scumbag anyway
>black stepdad
>buttmad 1/54 Irishman
>go on tv
>tell everyone your illegal
>get deported
>expect anyone to be suprised
>We need as many whites as possible.
To mongrelize them in your melting pot? Fuck off.
reminder that irish are whiter than slavs and meds ang anglos
This baffles me every time it comes up. Hes not deporting whites, or blacks, or mexicans. Or any other race. Hes deporting ILLEGALS.
because they are illegal, its not about race, its about legality.
Reminder that Ireland has steady replacement levels re. births of native people, and that the rest of Western Europe is going extinct and will become one big Islamic brothel within 50 years.
Get hired by an american company.
If you need "whites" so bad reform your immigration process for Europeans
Better question: How and why are Irish people here illegally?
Luck of the Irish as they say.
You have to go back.
Doesn't matter what color you are.