Is this human worth watching? Seems fine...

Is this human worth watching? Seems fine, but I want to get other reactions before I invest more of my valuable time on this endeavor.

>needing Sup Forums to validate your views
fuck off you weak willed cuck

None of these faggots are worth watching unless you're underaged.

isn't she part chink? I wouldn't listen to her

>listening to what women have to say

She's a civic nationalist cuck but at least she is willing to bring white nationalists onto her channel. She's OK because she gives them exposure.

lookin pretty ayyyy there, roam-tan

Is she evil?

No she's a dumb crazy anti-White hapa whore. She even managed to get btfo by a nigger.

she's a pretty face that parrots talking points that a million other "alt right" e-celebs repeat over and over again. subscribe to her patreon and fuel her 50k a year income from patreon alone along with all the other lonely betas.

she constructs nothing and is pretty much a whore. i suppose she has her function to influence other females to the right side of things... but we have better things to focus on.

Maybe but she even denies White genocide. Thing is that mixed people are very dangerous since they don't belong anywhere and tends to want to bring everyone down to their level.

Depends. It's really worth paying attention to views from all sides, if you wish to make an informed opinion about anything. Though honestly as a general guide.

Youtubers like her=mostly alt-lite
/po/=mostly alt-right

This is also true.

>caring about some roasties opinions

Ok i´ll take the Bait.

At first roaming attention might seem like an intelligent human. Upon futher viewing her videos, you may notice her incoherence regarded to the bigger picture. That is because the bitch is "book smart " , meaning she just repeats whatever sounds smart at the moment. True smart people, like jordan peterson are fed a small amount of information on which they can conclude a opinion.

So at the and of the day, the bitch just repeats whatever sound smart. She once stated she is a centrist, of course she is, how could she find herself on the political spectrum when she is merely a drone for popular opinions.


No, she's just an alt-lite basic bitch e-celeb conservitard, except she did give white nationalists quite a bit of sympthathy and triggered so many for debating with "open nazis"

Why would you watch anybody's fucking blog on YT?

>not a porn video
No, definitely not worth watching, even less so if it goes for listening.

>Is this human worth watching?
No, Hapa with an annoying voice, another alt-light whore.

Neck it you roastie gook

she's pretty and cool but she'll never tell you anything you already know.

I've watched like 3 of her videos. She seems center right to me.

>opens video
"gook nip ching chong nip gook gook nip"
>closes video

she's just trying to make a quick buck.
isn't that what amerilard is all about?

egas undoes that you sad attempt of an annoying jerk

form your own opinions, if you've got a goldfish attention span, watch it, if not-read.

What is the point of watching those youtubers at all?
Why do you need somebody's opinion?
I get all the fresh news on Sup Forums and read fellow Sup Forumsacks posts to get into things, so I could make my own opinion. Fuck those youtubers.

>falling for le "politically intellectualoid" vaginal jew

good goy don't forget to like, subscribe and donate to my patreon tee hee :3

>needs Sup Forumss collective opinion before liking something

You could do worse, but you could also do much better. She's easy on the eyes at least.

so punchable


it's bad enough you have to do it when you live with them.

I don't watch opinion YouTube videos, it's for teenagers.

but mcstyxenhammer

you need us to tell you whether you like something?


>getting your news/politics from camwhores


No. She is an idiot.

>i need ecelebs to feed opinions to me

fucking pathetic

She's only a civic nationalist because she's a Hapa and probably wouldn't be welcomed by the white nationalist community. Millennial Woes touched on this.

>Listening to a woman for anything related to politics

Dude she's someone I want to gurgle on my dick, nothing more. Sage

>That is because the bitch is "book smart " , meaning she just repeats whatever sounds smart at the moment.

My sister was book smart, common sense or basic logic, non existent. Explains why she had a 4.0 gpa and I had a 2.5 cause I didn't do shit in school (which if you're in HS, just do the work you lazy piece of shit don't do what I did)

But I'm the one with a career and no debt, while she blames everything under the sun but herself for her problems and keeps doing stupid shit.

Wow, now that she has stopped dying her hair blonde she literally looks like a Thai housemaid.

personally I can't stand any of these alt-lite political equivalent of LE GAMER GIRL XD cunts. They have nothing of value to say and only get views because they're girls. But I guess it helps redpill normies in the longrun so w/e

>accentuating her asianness to get them weeaboo pennies

what an attention whore, bet it worked tho.

>worth watching
How much of a cuck are you?