Look, as funny and satisfying as it would be if Trump was responsible for putting the first man on Mars, the reason I vote for republicans is that I want them to spend less money, not more.
Look, as funny and satisfying as it would be if Trump was responsible for putting the first man on Mars...
Fuck off traitor America's going to fucking Mars commie bastard
That would be cool, but the future of space exploration should be led by people like Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. People who have the money, and want to go to space without spending taxpayer money.
Unfortuntely the plan is like this: Republican 100% majority, so the party can FINNALY fucking break up into conservaties, libertarians, neo-cons, demorats, monarchists, exc.
I guess it's something like that. I like Mike as a person, but he's too big government for me.
We can't even build a simple moon base.
We will never set a foot on Mars before 2030.
I've heard from Papa Jones he might be a hidden globalist. Wouldn't suprise me if somehow connected with the pedo ring.
Only people I trust in your goverment is Trump and Rand Paul.
Unfortunetely the Republican party turned out to be Democrats lite.
Rand is one of the only people in our Congress who has any guts at all. I do like him.
Spending money on engineering achievements is exactly the kind of money government should spend.
Unfortunetely he went full retard in the presidential election.
Who gives a fuck about niggers?
The space program generally produces money in the long run, it's one of the few government expenditures that has consistently paid off.
This is why establishing a Space Force is so essential--the one budget that nobody in the US will EVER cut is the military, and the budgets bloat intentionally because it's a way of waving Uncle Sam's dick around while employing 3 million people.
Once the Space Force is official, it'll get 100 billion dollars a year or more, and they'll slowly dump more and more money into it because muh troops. They'll end up building a fucking dyson sphere just to avoid coming in under budget.
Do you really believe a goverment program every pays off?
The numbers I saw for NASA looked pretty good. Sure the government then wastes all the money on nothing, but it did make a lot of it.
Yes, because no private interest will ever invest in the technology needed for space travel because there is no immediate profit in it- but the technologies created which trickle-down can.
>White people don't see long term profit
Dude we literally evolved to do that.
Money that aren't spent on getting to Mars are going to gibsmedats anyway fucker. What would you rather they spend it on?
I would gladly see 3/4th of Earth's population starve to death within a year if it enabled humanity to colonize other planets. all it takes is one huge asteroid and we're toast.
Capitalism is about maximizing profit and minimizing cost- space travel is costly and the technology created, while profitable, is not enough to warrant it. I can make a lot more money, cheaper and more reliably, by selling specialized dildos than dreaming up ways to the stars.
But if the free market were to exist for a long enough time, than demand on earth would probably at some point be mostly met and people would aim for the stars.
If not then just private funding. I'd definitely donate to some white nation space organisation.
Depends on how far they are willing to invest. If they manage to claim an entire planet's worth of resources, then it could potentially be really fucking profitable. Hell, there are asteroids out there containing resources worth enough to buy a medium-sized country.
Yes, but in the meantime the state can invest in long-term projects like space-travel and such. Privatization works great when there is a market, which is not the case for space exploration (yet)
I mean, I'd pay 1000$ for a piece of moon rock if I had the money. There definitely is a market and it's being limited by the goverment insitutions in many ways.
AFAIK there are no restrictions on private companies researching space exploration- there just aren't many of them because the market is too small. Hence why the USA and USSR government programs pioneered the field. When the market is small and the likelihood of major profit slim, the government is best suited for investing in the field.
>in the meantime the state can invest in long-term projects like space-travel and such.
they really cant. pic related
Is NASA unionized?
Need more money for dem space programs
I didn't even mean market regulation, I mean taxation. People's wealth is being stolen to fuel some leftist dream of equality. Imagine what would happen if we manage to catch a rock worth something like the whole of Poland.
The goverment in Poland funded millions to a space institution. 80% of the money went to wages ( stolen ) .
And you care about NASA?
You know what's NASA's budget?
8 billion.
You know the military's?
Almost 900 billion.
The only responsibility of a goverment is to protect it's people from enemies foreign and domestics.
Although I definitely agree your entire military funding is retarded and a result of a corrupt goverment.
It is, but you don't need 900 billion when your biggest enemy are sandniggers armed with rust AK47s built by the Soviets right after WWII ended.
And they would have even less if the government stopped giving them resources.
I don't know why they couldn't give 100 billion to NASA, and another 100 to SpaceX.
finally, we can build Enterprise.
This is it guys. We be space heros and shieeet.
AnCap scum
If technological progress follows the current path, we will only reach Alpha Centauri, our nearest star, by the 32nd century.
So nope.
I can't remember where I read this, but someone posited that Russia could have had a hand in hacking into the United States presidential election and changing all the votes so that Trump won. Can't remember where I saw this but we may want to look into it.
You do know where the money comes from, right?
I hope we can privatise the military at some point in history.
What's your argument?
damn. here I thought we'd make starships that just shoot ship-bourne phasers onto the planet surface to get ISIS.
But how else are we going to establish a beachhead for the Anunaki?
less government waste, retard
its such a vague term being batted around by normies in the politics and media
> by repairing my computer with a screwdriver, I've essentially "hacked" my computer
> this must make me a hacker
> goes to head with feelings of superiority.
Holy shit this thread made me realise that poor right wingers are just as fucking bad as left wingers.
Fuck off, I don't want my descendants' future to be owned by some fucking corporation
You may get to see ships, or even planetary bases.
The problem is the distance, everything is really far away in space.
4 light years around the solar system there's literally nothing, and our galaxy is estimated to have around 400 billion stars.
The problem will be developing FTL drives, if they can be made, and a way to power them.
NASA only has concepts of how to make one of these ships, and they even made some CGIs of how one of those would look like.
But right now it would be retardedly expensive.
The most plausible warp drive is the Alcubierre drive, which would be powered by exotic matter and anti matter, and creating 1 gram of antimatter would lost around 100 trillion dollars, which is 25 trillion more than the money there is on Earth.
Then again, who knows what might happen, maybe someone will make an extraordinary breakthrough.
The Wright brothers said that it would take millions of years to develop a plane capable of crossing the atlantic, and 70 years later we went to the moon.
this is how u get shit like Red Faction.
>trillions of dollars
Or free if we still had slaves. I love progressivism.
While I agree about cutting spending, but I think we all know it's crucial to colonize mars to solve the muzzy problem.
Your average FTL is too slow, not to mention dangerous. Wanna know what a ship travelling even close to lightspeed would do to a planet if it smashed into it?
We need wormholes.
Wouldn't it have much less kinetic energy? So literally nothing?
>Space leadership
>Cuts funding to nasa
Jethuth Cwithe could you have led with worse people? Stellar b8 it almost got me boiled
Yes, the western world should give its money to help niggers over the whole world, but not invest money in something that could benefit our entire civilization for generations to come.
amazing plan.
Oh yeah, spaceships will be treated with the same respect as we treat nuclear reactors.
The problem with wormholes is that opening a white hole in a specific place would be retardedly hard, not to mention that, theorically, the moment something tries to pass a wormhole it would inmediatly close itself.
And yeah, FTL is slow if you travel at light speed, but FTL means Faster Than Light.
The most dangerous weapon in the future will be high-speed spaceships.
What they have to do is give it to SpaceX.
NASA seems very busy taking pretty pictures of Saturn.
I agree
Trump and Pence need to tell NASA to put down their telescopes and pick up a bible or he's pulling their funding.
>elon musk
>not spending public taxes in his private company
What are subsidies anyways, right senpai
You didn't vote for shit, and you're clearly a """concerned""" shill blue
F=ma, you learned this in school. Just because you're travelling incredibly fast doesn't mean you're suddenly not made of physical matter.
Even if you could travel at double light speed, you're looking at sitting on a ship for 2 years until you reach the next star, and generating the energy you need is just as hard. We may not even need space travel if we perfect wormholes
Yeah but a planet also is travelling and has incredibly more mass.
It's just another money laundering scheme.
The earth is flat look up 200 flat earth proofs on YouTube.
They fake NASA feeds, no satellite of chunk of metal can survive in the exosphere where the Suns radiation can make temperatures in objects reach 2000 degrees Celsius.
>not wanting your country to reaffirm its global dominance by doing the unthinkable
>but this cuck wants to save a few dollars
Doesn't matter, even a small ball travelling at the speed of light will reduce a planet to dust. We're not talking about the object's mass as much as we're talking about the speed here.
You could pay for the Mars mission for 1% of nigger welfare bucks.
the eaths magnetic feild protects us from radiation you dumbass! you can see the radiation bouncing off the weakest point in the arctic circle hence the northern lights
you STUPID fucking RETARD!
Reminds that space is fake, earth is flat.
Maybe you're right but the energy to speed up a spaceship would then take entire planet's worth of energy.
>ever replying to flat earth leftists
Yes, but we're not talking about speeding the ship up, we're talking about what happens when it collides with something. Nothing survives.
You're just regurgitating some bullshit fed to you by virgin Nye the science guy and his nigger physicist friend.
All of this is sci fi, they made (((Star Trek))) and (((Star Wars))) to fool you into believing the space larp is true.
Michelson Morley did not disprove ether, Sagnac confirmed it, and m and m may have discovered earth is stationary.
Before larping the science meme read principia and then einsteins original papers. It's all a scam.
Look up south Atlantic anomaly dickwad. And no magnetosphere does not protect against thermal radiation. You stupid fat fuck. This is what burger education looks like.
The US will now be led from a space station. Cool.
even alex jones wouldnt touch this shit
people who come to pol to get "redpilled" see you cucks who dont understand basic science and think every video on youtube is valid see you and think we are all retards
stop making us a laughing stock
Too intelligent to win
if you cannot form a meaning reply, that might be an indication you have no argument dude.
Also, flat earthers are generally right wing, or centrist, if being generous : most are christian, or at LEAST religious in some way,.
Using Alex Jones as a baseline.
Now I understand why your country is being raped by mudslimes.
Go read and think you retard, look into sagnac and laser gyros. They display markedly different speeds of light in various positions and speed.
They changed the meter to mean 1/300000000 of the speed of light cause scientists all over the world were getting varying speeds of light.
They use math magic to trick you. Go read you dumbfuck. You're getting (((their))) cock raping your brain you Brit beta.
Voting republican is for voting for American exceptionalism without crushing citizens underfoot with Draconian laws, not penny-pinching purse-string politics.
Going to Mars is not only our species' destiny, it is a biological imperative for our long-term survival. Also, it would stick in the craw of the Leftist, who would have used those funds for feeding third-world invaders in exchange for votes.
Because I don't want to, you behave like a cult attacking and insulting anyone who doesn't believe you, AKA, leftist behaviour.
>Now I understand why your country is being raped by mudslimes.
This coming from a leaf?
Trailer trash.
What if we could find some new material on some planet, it could be revolutionary
Or it could be nothing.
Also I just listed multiple rational reasons and you are replying with leaf and cult.
Once a beta trailer trash Cuck always a beta trailer trash cuck.
I want off this planet as much as the next guy, but until we figure out how to literally fucking teleport, it's not happening. Better try escapism guys, your sci-fi fantasies won't come true in your life time.
Buy a plane, go to the limit of the planet, show me pics.
Until then, leave.
sorry lad but under trudeu you have been damaged far greater than the uk you are sweden tier
im not sure if you are a poe or really this retarded
Helium-3 can be extracted from both Martian and Lunar regolith in vast quantities. It is the wet-dream of ecologists and the erotic fantasy of energy producers in terms of cost vs. output.
>go to space without spending taxpayer money
No dollar spent on space tech is a waste of money. Arguably, every single dollar *not* spent on space is wasted.
Space colonization means access to infinite natural resources and infinite land, meaning infinite growth and infinite jobs, and offers an unassailable high ground from which to destroy our enemies without fear of reprisal. It's the number one national security priority, economic priority, and social priority. We should be spending hundreds of billions every year on this.
Said Mr. Luddite, snapping a wooden strut in his fat, grubby fingers.
Sure give me a few years to work hard and accumalate wealth while you rot in your trailer park drinking pabst as your white gf gets blacked.
I'll also show you a picture of Godzilla to prove to you a giant lizard exists in Japan.
Are you homosexual?
I'm sure there's enough flat earthers out there to pitch in money for that.
This and enslave Alien scum
Once again:
You're just regurgitating some bullshit fed to you by virgin Nye the science guy and his nigger physicist friend.
All of this is sci fi, they made (((Star Trek))) and (((Star Wars))) to fool you into believing the space larp is true.
Michelson Morley did not disprove ether, Sagnac confirmed it, and m and m may have discovered earth is stationary.
Before larping the science meme read principia and then einsteins original papers. It's all a scam.
After exhaustively reading through this thread, I've compiled the following pros and cons of space travel.
>expanded land
>avoiding the machinations of one-world-government types
>post-scarcity colonies
>advanced tech
>space mining
>eternal avoidance of judaism/muslims/negroes/etc
>long term survival of the species
>unexploited sources of wealth
>fulfillment of desire for exploration
>energy production
>relieving over-population
Not giving your tax-monies to dindus.
The PROS have it, we're going to fucking Space.
Well do you really think of all the planets that exist some of them dont have superior material that is yet unknow to us?
I'm not that concerned about interstellar travel, it's a problem for some future generation. However, faster in-system travel would be very neat. Imagine reaching Mars in a day, or farther away objects in a few more. The system would be our playground. And with the resources, technologies and experience we'd gain that way, we'd lay the groundwork for future, interstellar travel.
We are already faster.
Saturn V took 2 days to reach the moon, while New Horizons went past it after 8 hours.
We still have a lot to work towards to, but progress it's getting done.
There is nothing in space thats worth it at current technology level.
Even if we found gold on the moon it wouldn't be cost effective to mine it.
Any dollars spent on space are dollars that won't see a return this century.
I get that we need to try to get better at it, and over time it will be worth it, but right now is a bad time.
Okay, I was wondering about this. Alcubierre drive is usually envisioned as a means of "superluminal" space travel. However, there are problems with reaching the energy requirements.
But, if it were designed to reach sub luminal speeds, would it be easier? It'd be very convenient if possible.
You don't get magically better at things.