Brit/pol/ - The Foreskin Edition
>Reminder /OurGal/ Is running in the upcoming UKIP Election

G20 Face to Face talks today

>May to press G20 on terror financing even though shes in bed with Saudi Shitrabia

>Trump and Merkel shit talk eachother at G20

>The retired judge who will head the Grenfell Tower inquiry "lost the room" when he met residents and survivors, according to a community group member.

>UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay in leaving single market because they need more poles to work illegaly and fuck up the working class

>UK starting salaries jump as Brexit vote hits staff supply - REC

>(((Pope))) hopes to have Charlie Gard sick child to Vatican to join his harem of young boys.


>UK house prices finally falling

>Uck spreading STD's

Other urls found in this thread:




Feels good to still have foreskin, lads






Have things got so bad here that you're shilling for a dyke to lead UKIP?
Pathetic, really.

She's based Amerigger

Fuck off Mohammad, you're going back.

Totally American, yes.

>everyone who thinks that a muff muncher is a retarded choice to lead a far right party is a shitskin!
Keep telling yourself that, you degenerate.

What alternative is there?

There is none, we have long past that point. You seclude yourself and prepare for the inevitable collapse and chaos that will soon grip these islands.

Let's just go through what will happen if she wins - she'll get castigated by the media. Farage will be wheeled out to condemn her (which instantly causes UKIP to splinter). UKIP will become a tiny, insignificant splinter on the right, just like the BNP, infested by MI5 agents.

There is no winning here. You should just hold on to the hope that there will be some chaotic war soon in which we can rebuild from the ashes.

You may as well be, no one else comes close to her.

She identifies Islam as the problem, that's in another league to any other politician who is close to leading a party. Even fucking Farage was soft by comparison. She's also for free speech being restored and a pro-Brexiter.

I think if you want anymore you're asking for too much in any realistic scenario.

> Defeatism.

Here we go again...

We have nothing to loose by trying. You're clearly a fifth column.

Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.

They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/.
The Tripcunt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a narcissist, egomaniac, arsehole, attention seeker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell people to filter his tripcode and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.

This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.

>had a dream where I met Nigel Farage

Man that was a good dream

Hello Joe Owens.

AMW tbqh

People don't give 2 shits about the media anymore. Normies think that they are self righteous now because there new comes from a phone instead of a TV/paper now

Good afternoon comrades! How have you furthered our cause today?


Any Kekistanis ITT buying this?

Manchester was a mistake

fuck this man im smart but i can only get 4/5s and occasionally 6s rarely

You are living in a land where white children are murdered in the womb, where queers (which you think are great people) defile ancient altars and ancient traditions, where politicians sell the very land under you feet to gooks and Pakis, and where your daughters are raped by Saracens and your sons are brainwashed into sterile freaks by Jews.

There is no "defeatism", we've already been defeated. They won. And there can be no internal victory now, that can only come from external threats.

These hard left types need a timeout

how do we fix this brit/pol/?


> politicians sell the very land under you feet to gooks
so your australian behind the larp flag




You can't, it's too late.

Fucking chafer-cock

How dense are you that you can't even click my ID and see which posts are mine? This is the second time now I'm using my location as my flag, I will not use it a third time just to humour mouth breathing retards like yourself. .

Lets let posterity decide that, so long as there is one Englishmen in the UK there is still hope.





Stole :(

fucking hell Tom


nah im not watching this cocky cunt anymore

9*9=81. 4-1=3 81*3= 243+1= 244

sick cunt



Tom for PM

>Be Northern

>Vote Labour because "muh factories and mines closed by Thatcher"

>turns out James Callaghan and Harold Wilson of the Labour party closed way more

>tiny Northern brain explodes

Stop watching Countdown you doyles.

this makes me howl i dont know why

hang on did he just say our 50 shades of gay continues?

and ignore that new labour did fuck all to reverse it, and made the situation a whole lot worse by skyrocketing immigration

I just don't get involved up here because there's always some cunt who's dad was striking for a year and he had nothing to eat and my feefee's etc.

I mean the strikes were hard, but as you say it was bigger than Thatcher. That's like blaming the 2008 crash on Brown.

50 Shades of Gay is a documentary going on this Pride week about the history of the gay scene and gay culture in the UK

Men fucking each other up the arse.

They shouldn't sugar coat it.


Unexpected outsider Figel Narage on track to become UKIP leader in latest polls!


No point even saying it like that is something out of the ordinary now, so many straight couples do it.

right how to do intervel training on a bike lads, is it possible? i hate running id much rather cycle to improve my cardio vascular fitness.

I like the way Egaraf thinks!

At least with straight couples it is more natural.

More BBC presenters that would moan as you pushed your shaft up their bumhole lads

>how fix?
Miles of rope

Do you have a bike computer?

You know you're good when you're not even standing and you still somehow win.

Is it just me or are the filthy scum worried that the grenfell judge will be doing a lottle TOO MUCH inquiring for their liking? The amount of shilling against him, how they need someone who 'represents the community' (i.e a fellow corrupted scumbag), it's painfully transparent to anyone with a brain

Can the UK be saved?!

Haven't wanked in about 36 hours. I was going to try to make it to a week but I'm not sure I can.

Come back blairposter

They hate him because he isn't a black woman.

Stupid argument desu, if being gay was unnatural, it would be impossible. Everything humans do is natural, we are just able to things to a more complex extent than other animals can.

>doesn't realize USA, Canada, Aus, and some other countries I don't care about have ALL sold off parts of their country to the chinese.

was this a funny
rip relapsed this morning after about a week

straight couples don't have two dicks

>Grenfell Residents Jeer Through Meeting with Sir Bick

The fucking cheek of these people. Yes they should be entitled to compensation, I think that whether they're illegal or not because they have been put through an traumatic ordeal that was the result of the shit council not being bothered enough to do their jobs.

But they have been put up in hotel rooms.
They have recieved a disaster fund.
They have recieved a 12 month amnesty if they are illegal.
They have REJECTED offers for temporaty homes.

And these cunts STILL are attacking Sir Martin Moore Bick for being a white male, in fucking Britain.

They interrupted him and jeered during the meeting yesterday, as he was trying to defend his appointment and reassure them that he would not give them a hatchet job.

A man named Joe Delaney had the fucking gaul to say, "He lost the crowd, he couldn't control a room full of 200 people." Well perhaps if they didn't behave lile fucking children, he wouldn't have to.


There's more to it than that

Look at the chief shit stirrers and where they were/are (the council)

For me at least a cock in another man's arse is more disgusting/less natural than a cock in a woman's arse.

No but one has an arse and the other uses their dick.

I hope it continues, the media hasn't cottoned on that the public has lost all sympathy for them. Now it's turning into 'why couldn't it have killed them all'.

Is he dare I say it /ourguy/

Disgusting is not a synonym for irrational.

From a biological perspective, if a gay man's hormones are sending him compulsions to grab an ass and fuck it, the same way a straight man is attracted to a pussy, then it is 100% natural.

Just as natural as being infertile.

Lol I don't think the public have swung quite that far... What makes you think that the public feel that way? Brit/pol/ is a bit of an isolated case isn't it?

top kek

I hope they keep terrorising the Lib Dems

> Xenophobia
> They're close to wiping the natives out

o-okay, I think they don't understand the definition of xenophobia.

Some people feel a compulsion to kill themselves, doesn't make it okay.

Yeah I guess that's just me, family and friends.

But I do think most people have lost sympathy after they've turned down houses and chimped out.

We weren't talking about whether it was okay, we were talking about whther it was natural.

As for okay, I would say so. In and of itself, anal kept behind the bedroom doors is of no harm to anyone. It is all the "cultursl" shit that comes with it that is fucking loathesome.

Inagine being proud of a culture that is based around sex of any variety.

not natural is it, if everyone was a fag the entire human race would cease to exist.

Cancer's fucking natural

I wouldn't even call it natural. Wanting to kill yourself isn't natural.

As is hemlock and strychnine.

Meanwhile, British people who had their homes or businesses destroyed or severely damaged in a gas explosion in Wirral, almost 4 months ago have received the sum of £0.00 from the UK Government and had no assistance with getting their shit back together.

Starkey is a homo, doesn't stop him from being based though.

We have covered that, keep up.

Which reinforces my point of comparing homosexuality to hereditary infertility.

It is 100% natural as is every other activity that every single animal participates in. If you believe that humans are divinely special, I can't argue this point because you will simply reject that man is akin to animals. But if you don't believe in God, you can't then say that, "Well, human animals are not constrained to their natural impulses and genetic predispostions,".

Animals have been known to hunger strike and commit suicide following traumatic events. It is a natural phenomenon.

shouldn't have been not nonwhite then, fucking oppressors