Are we the good guys or the bad guys?
Are we the good guys or the bad guys?
good guys. The people trying to destroy western civilization and christian nuclear families are the bad guys
good guys obviously.
so now, how do we genocide everyone who isnt a straight white male?
depends on who you ask
We are good, but only because our enemies are so, so much worse.
In a vacuum, i think we would fall on a more shady side.
Sup Forums is not one person
>are we the good goys or the bad goys?
does it even matter?
We are the good guys who are capable of doing bad things in the name of the greater good, i.e. we are the heroes that society needs, but doesn't deserve.
Learn some more about ethics and morality dipshit. Start with the Gulag Archipelago. Sage
use this next time
Good? Bad? We're the guys with the memes.
we are good guys but bad goys
Life is almost never really good guys vs bad guys. With that being said, Islamic extremists are pure evil. And the Moloch worshiping elitist Ashkenazi Jews who twist and turn the world and play with life and death are pure Satanic.
Are we "good guys?" Maybe some individuals are that stand against them. I'm not sure I would go so far as to say "we" are good guys. But that as a collective we stand up for self preservation. But no, I don't view life as a comic book.
It's subjective, just like what user said , nobody ever aligns themselves as a 'bad person' but considering the current state of the world we are seen as the 'bad people'
We are the bad guys, we are the good guys, we are neither.
What about Solzhenitsyn? Elaborate.
He shows that ideology is the basis of all great and true evil. It is only when you think you are good that you are willing to kill innocents in the millions. Think about it: the left has killed 150+ million last century, enslaved 100s of millions more and they did that on marxist based doctrines thinking they were doing the world a favor; that they were good. The guys we fight now are on the same philosophical continuum as the marxists - they even fucking wear Che Guerra tshirts. Leftist must be prevented from taking full institutional control at all costs.
Quote form GA:
“Macbeth's self-justifications were feeble – and his conscience devoured him. Yes, even Iago was a little lamb, too. The imagination and spiritual strength of Shakespeare's evildoers stopped short at a dozen corpses. Ideology—that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. That was how the agents of the Inquisition fortified their wills: by invoking Christianity; the conquerors of foreign lands, by extolling the grandeur of their Motherland; the colonizers, by civilization; the Nazis, by race; and the Jacobins (early and late), by equality, brotherhood, and the happiness of future generations.... Without evildoers there would have been no Archipelago.”
we're all just guys
define good, define bad, I'm not being a smart ass, define them without using the god/religion crutch.
only the bad guys call themselves the good guys, just don't ask it or answer it.
>Legend of the Seeker
Mein neger
we are the trolls under the bridge.
I always figured Sup Forums was neither. Just seeking objective truth no matter the consequences.
Sup Forums isn't one person so it's both I suppose.
>Just seeking objective truth no matter the consequences.
unironically the good guys
because i cant post it again
>Are we the good guys or the bad guys?
since you're still juggling aroung good/bad goys bullshit, i would say you're 15 year olds
>good: law abiding
>bad: law breaking
pol is generally pro truth, so we can't be bad guys. There are some bad and some good but the net worth is positive.
Neutral chaos
>destroying family is unchristian
>bible literally says you should love jewsus or destroy your family
Weird how that works
Only a child would ask a question like that. Things are more complicated and nuanced than "good vs evil"
Hmmm what movie is this?
>everything in the bible is to be taken literally
Have you lived amongst muslims for so long that you started thinking like them?
We're the goodest of the baddies.
Personally? I'm in it for the chaos and the destabilization.
I'm hoping for a war and millions of deaths so yea, i'm probably one of the good guys.
Analyze your views.. are they considered morally reprehensible by a majority of society? If the answer is yes, then you are the bad guys.
It's from the Sword of Truth tv show. Books are better and worth reading, Goodkind hates commies.
No, but i have lived among cucked faggot christians who are fucking everything up with their racial universalism and apathy
Everyone thinks they are the good guys and that thier way of thinking is just and correct from the whitest middle class american to the criminal nigger.
The only thing i want is whats best for me and my tribe and the rest can go to hell. That makes me the villian to you because you want whats best for you and your tribe, i mean waifu pillow, you fat fucking weeb.
>define them without using the god/religion crutch.
Why should morality conform to your retarded non-belief based life?
Bad people with good intentions
We're chaotic good, but we can switch to chaotic evil on occasion.
Someone has to protect civilization from the stupid and the jew
I can't even tell anymore
I thought I was the only one here
This guy speaks the truth, I wanted trump elected simply for the chaos that we now see ensuing. Some men just like to watch the world burn.
Wow I'm watching this show right now lmfao
You all are on the good guys' side but you all are definitely not good guys. When we have won and we don't need you anymore we will go back to laughing at you for being so racist.
We are the Imperium of Man
Even a good man sometimes needs a gun
Let me help you, Kasper. You stated:
>destroying family is unchristian
>bible literally says you should love jewsus or destroy your family
The post you quoted stated:
>The people trying to destroy western civilization and christian nuclear families are the bad guys
>christian nuclear families
>christian families
See, that's why you're a fucking retard.
I read these books when I was younger. First sci fi fantasy series I got into from my dad's extensive library. Surprised to see it's held someone with money's interest long enough to be on TV.
Fuck of atheist scum, all morality is based on some form of religion, be it christian, pagan else.
Morality is belife, you have to be taught what is good and what is bad, otherwise you are animal or nigger/chink.