Is Ben Shaprio a good voice in a sea of countless opinions?
Who do you listen to consistently for insight into politics?
Is Ben Shaprio a good voice in a sea of countless opinions?
Who do you listen to consistently for insight into politics?
Other urls found in this thread:
Him, Dave Rubin, Dennis Prager, sometimes Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson.
There isn't time for listening. Only time to dig and find supplies.
235kg squat with those tiny legs? lmao
lul that shop
It's hilarious how hard this kike cucked himself with that Michelle Fields bullshit.
>Isreal should be a Jewish ethnostate
>Europe should continue taking in a torrent of muslims
Into the trash
Fucking this. I almost consider to subscribe to his kike show to question him about that in the mailbag
Ben is a good checkpoint because he keeps the same stand on everything. he is not always correct, but the consistency lets you use him as a ruler for other people.
>if Ben and someone like Jimmy Dore agree on anything that means that they are probably credible
>Is Ben Shaprio a good voice in a sea of countless opinions?
Can he debate? Yes
Does he regularly shut down liberals? Yes
Is he a good counter-balance for liberal insanity? Yes
Is he still a Jew who openly stated that he didn't care about white genocide despite the fact that he openly supports Israels existence? Yes
I obviously have a problem with him acting like white genocide isn't a big deal nor addressing it or acting like it doesn't exist. With that being said, he is a useful force against liberals.
Will I ever trust what he says completely? Obviously not
Will I recommend him to people?
I knew he was a health nut, but is he that buff?
>IQ 155
More like height
>Who do you listen to consistently for insight into politics?
No one, i do my own investigations and you should to.
As someone who has been lifting for a long time and been around some real strongmen, I can confirm this is real.
fucking dyels
when will they learn
also learn 2 photosop
What the fuck is wrong with his torso shape?
It looks so out of proportions.
>implying Israel is an ethnostate
>implying Ben ever said this
He's not in favor of mass immigration in Europe, you retard.
>Is Ben Shaprio a good voice in a sea of countless opinions?
yes undoubtedly, even though I dont always agree with him
skips leg day, is standing with an odd leg angle, the camera is too close and is slightly angled downwards
2bh unless someone has Dorian Yates-tier legs, you can't actually tell if someone skips leg day when they are wearing pants
Pic related
Patrick Lang, Publius Tacitus, Seymour Hersh, Michael Scheuer, Philip Giraldi, Richard Sale, TheTwistedGenius, Moscow_Ghost
I try to watch his shows but at the beginning and middle of his podcast he does like 2-4mins of his fucking sponsor and I just get sick of hearing all the ads so I can't listen to him anymore. His debates are fun to watch tho.
He's another subversive Jew, Israel first type who doesn't care if Whites die off.. Execute him.
where did he find that little person to stand next to?
he is a good voice
I unironically miss him thanking their sponsors over at Birch Gold
Its shopped you baiting slackjaw
This. They call him the Hebrew Hammer
Rush. Period.
He has more insight into the inner workings of politics than anyone on the air - left or right, tv or radio.
Everyone else is fluff or Jew (or arbitrary opinion).
>"The Nazis were of the left"
>"Hitler was heavily influenced by Marx"
he's an idiot
He's a big Jew.
wow, benny is a big guy
Something is fucked up w/ that photo unless the bird is 4'6" tall. Shapiro claims 5'7" or 5'8", and most short fellas add 2" as a matter of course.
>wealth redistribution, price controls, healthcare, gun control and collectivism
>literally describe himself as a socialist
>not left
Sorry m80, Hitler was a lefty faggot, and so is anyone who idolises him
I want to fuck that QT
No he's a kike serpent who would see your country destroyed by niggers and thirdies. Only the stupidest of white men would trust this viper.
Fucking this.
The day before that lunatic leftist boomer shot up the GOP baseball practice, Rush said the left keeps hyping up these insane Trump takedown stories and never delivers. "THAT'S IT, WE GOT HIM THIS TIME, NOW HE'S DONE FOR FOR SURE!" ...and whatever it is turns out to be nothing again. He says it time and again that the left is unstable and insane to begin with and that having their hopes hyped up every week just to get the rug pulled out from under them is going to cause some of them to snap and get violent.
The next day, he calmly began his broadcast by talking about a cigar and then the baseball practice shooting conducted by some leftist cuck whose first adopted daughter killed herself by burning to death.
Don't be such a fucking retarded nigger. End your life.
>posts a chinese manlet curlbro
Way to disprove your point, I guess? Half the people in /fit/ could outsquat the guy I bet.
when did Nazis redistribute wealth?
it was an aggressive nationalist movement, financed to a large degree by industrialists, that opposed workers organization and regarded Marxism as a parasitical, Jewish conspiracy that needs to be annihilated.
If that's not extreme right, I don't know what is.
Nice bait
Anyone have the original image?
>jews openly support ethnonationalism
>jews consistently rank highest on IQ tests
>jews control media/government/society
Tell me again why you don't agree with jews?
If Ben Shapiro is somehow not white enough for you, then I am a nigger.
>when did Nazis redistribute wealth?
>The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941
Ted is 5'10 and he wears big cowboy shoes.
No. He's literally retarded. I remember him clearly saying that Reagan shrunk the deficit after Carter. This, of course, isn't true.
He's also retarded when it comes to climate change. We get it, you don't understand it or believe in it. It should be undeniable that CO2 warms the Earth; the debate, however, is by how much and how accurate these climate models are. The "Fatal Conceit" in Hayek's words; that is, assuming scientific models to be true and translate directly into reality. Everyone knows accepting these models as true and able to be translated directly into reality is a fatal conceit. I would argue that your average libtard implicitly knows this, they just have more faith in the models. Rush just outright denies it regardless of the fact that CO2, methane, etc. DOES warm the Earth and the past decade has been extremely warm relative to other parts of history where the weather has been recorded.
Finally, he literally dropped out of college after one semester. He's low IQ. Probably a 107, less than a standard deviation above the mean. He's charismatic though, and endearing, I'll give him that. He does not appeal to the youth, the alt-lite, no-masculine types, etc. He just appeals to boomers with no modicum of intelligence whatsoever so they rely on Rush to spoon feed them incorrect bullshit like the above Reagan example.
The socialism part????????
Yeah he's consistently Israel first
It would be a miracle if Shapiro could bench 150 let alone 350 LOL
P.S. there is no way he can bench 150.
Ben Shaprio talked shit about Trump. He is dead to me.
that's not wealth re-distribution,retard.
For one: NSV was financed by donations, not taxes.
For another: the income share of the working class decreased during the Third Reich, while the share by 3%, while the share of industry and business rose by 9%.
Andrew Klavan, though mostly because I agree with what he says.
Ben and Prager both jump to the "muh six million" thing and shout antisemitism at LITERALLY everything to the point where I can't stand it, Rush is funny but too old-school and shouty to be effective (still nice to hear it on when visiting family up in backcountry), Tucker's just an Attack dog, Crowder/Mcinnes are too reddity for my taste (though for wildly different reasons), etc. Mark Levin is pretty intelligent though.
Klavan is the only one that points out culture is top grab, and the most important thing to control. Plus he's funny and not annoying like a lot of the above
I'm always surprised he isn't liked by Sup Forums more, maybe it's just cause he adamantly opposed racism/nationalism, but he's worth listening to. Has a podcast n sheit
good voice
Mark Levin minus his Isreali shilling and Hannity for the entertainment
socialism means workers being in control of their own industrial fate.
Under Nazism, workers who tried to organize in any way, were sent to the concentration camp for being counter-revolutionaries.
Do you also think North Korea is a democratic republic, because it calls itself the "Demoractic People's Republic of North Korea"?
>jews control media/government/society
You answered your own question.
>If Ben Shapiro is somehow not white enough for you, then I am a nigger.
You're a nigger. Ashkenazis have 50% semite DNA. They're not white and they're inbred as fuck.
>that pic
>potential activation of almonds
>quick internet check
The point is that he's Israel 1st and doesn't really care about anything else. He's an absolute traitor.
Rush Limbaugh is the best. With youtube and podcasts you can pause it and adblock commercials.
No, he's an autist who is incapable of providing an argument that isn't a straw man. Like Trump, he's a good example of what happens to a kid who is coddled and spoiled like a little bitch for his whole life.
no excuse for being short guys, get your asses to the gym
I enjoy his fast pace and level-headed approach to things. It really is a comfortable alternative from the autistic screeching that you get from e-celebs.
If it weren't for his zionism then he would be one of my favourite people around. I wish we could convert him.
You're making things up.
Ben Shapiro is an open ZIONIST and a pro-Israel shill of the worst kind. He pretends to be right, but again it's rules for us and different rules for the jews. He's morally inconsistent and a kike so therefore anything he says should be examined for ulterior motives.
>Ashkenazi's are inbred as fuck
>inbreeding leads to low IQs
>Ashkenazi's score higher than all other ethnic groups on IQ tests.
Really zozzles my nozzle
>it's rules for us and different rules for the jews.
>good voice
Pick one
>he doesn't know
Oh boy you're going to enjoy this then! If you copy the link, there's more videos.
the first point is from the German wikipedia page
>Finanziert wurde der Verein aus Spenden und den Beiträgen ihrer zahlenden Mitglieder.
the second point comes from "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", page 264
so you're wrong again
No way those squat/bench numbers are correct.
Shapiro is good stuff generally speaking. Zionist, yadda yadda, but he has principals and is clear about them. That's good enough for you to decide if his insight on any topic is valuable or not.
True facts. That was the moment I stopped paying any attention to him.
He really outed himself as a self-hating manlet with that insane level of white knighting.
It ruined his career. He was in TV every week and selling books and then he lost all credibility and resigned from a great platform while at the same time putting himself on the outside of power and public opinion.
All over some bitch. It was hilarious. The trajectory of his career/life will never be the same.
>It's time for things I like and things I hate.
>First, let's start with things I like: have you guys ever heard of this show called 'The Wire'? It's pretty heady television and the acting is great. I also recently listened to this really esoteric band called 'Aeroplane Over The Sea,' you all need to really check it out. These are both pretty out there and but I think with some digging you'll be able to find them.
>Now for things I hate.
>[insert movie star bitching about politics clip]
>What an absolute moron, huh gang?
>Repeat 334 times
>jew, jew, jew, candian, meme
wow... so this is the power of conservatism
>been around some real strongmen
we don't want to read about your sex life bruce
Smash the left hard, he is in the front line in Commiefornia
Best jew, never let the guard down as normal with the kikes but why not?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Michelle Fields shit?
based ben xD
>jews openly support ethnonationalism
They only support ethnonationalism for the jews you retarded burger
But seeing that you reside in burgerland you might be a jew yourself
Hey Paul
>jews openly support ethnonationalism
You realize Israel is one of the most "multicultural" sates in the fucking world right? you have Ashkenazim, Mizrahim, Sephardi, Yemeni, Maghrebi, Ethiopian jews, Arab Muslims, Christians, Druze, Bahai, Assyrians, Orthodox, Armenians, Copts and all kinds of religious and ethnic groups.
>american education
Holy shit that girl must be like 3 feet tall.
There IS a difference between bombing indiscriminately vs targeting the families of terrorists. Not saying trump was wrong, just saying, it isn't great optics.
Nice try, Shlohmo, selective eugenic inbreeding leads to high IQ, it also leads to masses of hereditary ailments, as all ashkenazis suffer. Fucking google it you stupid ignorant nigger. Kike hereditary ailments. Kike inbreeding. Bretty easy to find this info.
>sea of DIAMOMDS
>those two old dudes scopin tha chix
Typical kike.
> cause he adamantly opposed racism/nationalism
Thing about Klavan is, he's probably more red-pilled than many people think.
He says that's he thoroughly opposed to ethno-nationalism in the US, but have you heard his views on non-white immigration into Europe? They get brought up from time to time, especially when we have terror attacks, so if you're a frequent listener you should have heard them. They come dangerously close to ethno-nationalism.
>Jews have successfully used eugenics to create a higher IQ ethnic group.
Are you saying we should mix races in order to keep us from having hereditary ailments?
Some stupid cunt tried to claim that Trump's campaign manager manhandled her and basically threw her to the ground. Video evidence cleared it up right away, but Benji boy was a little faggot and was whiteknighting like I've never seen before. She was disgraced and quit her job, kikecuck followed suit, probably in the hopes of banging her. Then she gets married like 2 weeks later lol.
Here's the video of the supposed assault
Bens pretty alright but he trashed his career defending a lying lefty cunt and is too prideful to admit he got bamboozled by a goyim gal.
Bresides that his political stance is really quite good though I think appeal of 65 immigration is necessity at the least he supports Muslim ban extreme vetting and a wall, so all is well he's just too embarrassed to support trump after dogging on him over the breaitbart incident and behaves childishly prideful even though their politics are insanely close.