Why are white supremacists always the most pathetic examples of their race?
It's almost as if they try to compensate for their personal failures by claiming the successes of "white" people as their own.
Why are white supremacists always the most pathetic examples of their race?
It's almost as if they try to compensate for their personal failures by claiming the successes of "white" people as their own.
How would you know? Are you a white supremacist?
That guys is more of a redditor kekistani type though.
In any case, the problem with white supremacists is true and it's because if you identify as one you will not be able to get a job and will be a social outcast.
This keeps the well adjusted people out of the group, so what you have left are the mentally unwell, and low iq types who don't have the foresight to understand what associating with a WS group will do to them. It's like getting a facial tattoo.
Intelligent WS are forced to keep their opinions to themselves or get fired/ face other social persecution.
Sure thing Schlomo.
Heimbach: worker, family, wife, kids, owns land
You: leaf
Who's inferior again???
That's a Jew bud
They all look like Mike Enoch I swear.
Who the fuck does he work for LOL
>Why are white supremacists always the most pathetic examples of their race?
they aren't, you're just cherrypicking
>t. Everyone who disagrees with me is a white supremacist
It's almost as if racism is bad and indefensible in public and only autistic people will try.
Huh. Weird.
Oh well, better ignore that and double down on it!
theyre not. its the people that let it consume them and lose sight of everything else that are pathetic
I used to think the same about white supremacists but I lost touch with liberalism now so I don't remember why did I prefer to think of them that way.
>Intelligent WS are forced to keep their opinions to themselves or get fired/ face other social persecution.
Basically this. Presenting attitudes that are even close to white nationalist will destroy you materially- boycotts, firings, etc, ergo you get a lot of people with nothing to lose in those sorts of groups.
To be fair the guy in OP's pic is an actual white nationalist.
>dat flag
Hello, fellow Nazis
Why is all black supremacists all hybrids
>wanting a homeland makes you pathetic
>appreciating the achievements of a your ancestors makes you pathetic
Nice try, kike. End your life, fucking leaf.
Cause we wuz Vi-kangz in shit. Maybe they just have more time on their hands.
Hey, wouldn't it be creepy if captcha started showing you photos of your own place, asking you to label basic objects. I've already had it ask to select forks. Maybe they were your forks.
c u c k
>((( )))
Yes, gays are truly who you should ask about who is and who is not controlled opposition.
Liberals keep telling me the President Of the United States, the most powerful man in the entire world, is a White Supremacist.
Are they wrong OP?
But liberals told me racism is systemic and an integral societal function.
If it's literally an integral part of our society, how is it indefensible?
Are you saying society is indefensible? Isn't that kind of autistic?
All whites are inferior, not just the supremacists.
nigger what?
Beta cuck leaf the thread.
anyone else purposely try to get them wrong to stop AI from becoming too powerful
Guy in photo probably has a job, kids, land and a home - "loser"
OP a basement dwelling fag that masturbates to porn chronically - Bad ass
I'm not sure I agree with the premise of your question.
Sometimes people who are at the bottom of society have less to lose so they sort of have a bit more freedom to be vocal about these things. You are aware that your livelyhood can be taken from you if you voice unapproved opinions, right?
Also, people who appear to your eyes as 'losers' often *are* the 'losers'...they are the ones who are losing the most in the new multi-culti world. Their wages are undercut, their social class is mocked, they are sent to the back of the line in a society they helped construct over generations.
I've often seen this attitude among 'successful' non-whites. They feel a certain distain for the working class white. They are often the wealthy of their homeland, who really piss all over and exploit their own people in their own country... they expect that we should piss on our 'losers' too. But I don't think a healthy society should ever shit on it's own people regardless of thier social class.
This is a trait white societies have (or had) that seems absent in others. A respect for the working class. A belief that somebody who contributes to the best of their ability is worthy of equal respect regardless of if they are a genius or an average Joe blow.
I think they keep making this bullshit more complicated and annoying just to sell a few 'chan passes'
I have seen a few things in these that were familiar to me in real life. If they ever start having pics of my house... I'm out of here.
>muh confederacy
Meanwhile, this turk rape babies ancestors were probablly in a mud hut in the ottoman empire when it existed.