Brits how do you feel about The US , your former colony completely passed you over , and replaced you as the world superpower.
How salty are you about it?
Also how do you feel about your empire coming back to bite you with the massive hordes of indians and pakis living in the UK?
Are Brits Salty?
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No, and the amount of pakis isn't a result of the empire, it's the result of needing lots of new labour after WW2.
most people I speak to love America. Some of the old timers even remember Americans being in the UK in the 40s. There are no colonial or independence resentments, but a lot of sentimentality about WW1 and WW2.
What on earth?
We don't even learn about the British Empire, I doubt most people in this country have even the slightest understanding of our past.
Its also rich to comment on the supposed massive hoards of foreigners living here whilst your own country continues to be decades ahead of Europe in demographic suicide.
The USA was founded by English people, the same ethnic peoples who built the great British Empire. Go away with this divisive civic nationalist bullshit.
I think you're pretty swell desu.
Hope you had a great independence day, cousin Cletus :3
How salty are Yanks that you had a good start in life because of us but you still fucking blew it, so much that you're nearly a minority in your own country?
Are you salty about that at all?
>implying America is still a world power
The combined force of burgers can't even take charge of Chicago, let alone the world. Britain is definitely more livable than 99% of Clapistan.
I take great pleasure in watching America destroy itself. I only wish the founders could be around to see their shitty little project annihilating itself.
This must be bait
>We don't even learn about the British Empire, I doubt most people in this country have even the slightest understanding of our past.
I watched a recent Dr Who episode. The Doctor traveled back to Elizabethan England, I think it was. The producers made sure to rewrite history to make sure that Elizabethan England streets were fully populated with shitskins at equal numbers to whites. Kiddies - it's always been this way, you know.
we're surrounded by the ocean, of course we're salty!
oh, about america? we sent our best to stake a claim in the new world, and you guys took a good chunk of the continent and became a superpower!
We're like the less-well-known father of a celebrity, so it's breddy gud!
I'm salty because you no longer treat us as the same people. Why is it so fucking hard for us to immigrate to the USA!? If the Mayflower left England today you would turn they away, detain or even kill them. Thanks for betraying your own kind.
Remember you got independence from the British Government, that doesn't mean the people! If i decided I didn't like British laws, George Washington would welcome me with open arms but modern day America is a fucking disgrace to the founders.
The kikes and commies want Chicago to be a war zone. Easier to steal niglets for blood drinking and general destabilization for more money for gibs. None of these darkies would stand a chance if the governments really wanted establish order.
In our country , there are 12 chapters related to the Britain's tyranny on Indian subcontinent.
I found it bretty cool to learn about what mistakes we did in past .
If we can fix the immigration problem between our countries, you have my full support until then FUCK OFF!
Americans know that most immigrants from Britain would be muzzie not Anglo, so they make it difficult for Brit and yuro immigration
Anglosphere forever
Smart Brits would be proud that a band of Anglo rebels built the most powerful nation of a time
Dumb Brits would be salty as fuck because they would be indoctrinated by media and education system that America = BAAAAD
*all time
(They) don't want white Europeans going to live in America.
I know its the fucking muzzies. Just create an Anglo heritage visa or something. Its makes me feel real fucking ashamed of our countries.
sorry meant (((They)))
America isn't even Anglo lmao. America is a cancer on Europe and the world
Thanks , I haven't been called 'poo' whole day.
And also I hope your family gets raped by your muslim neighbour.
Ideally the Anglosphere could create an immigration agreement where only Anglos can immigrate between the five nations easily, but ban immigration of nonwhites between the five nations
He thinks Donald Trump is capable of anything hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
>Islam is the second largest religion in India, with 14.2% of the country's population or roughly 172 million people
Honor thy father and mother.
>The USA was founded by English people
And french, and spanish, and
America was founded by Anglos for Anglos
1/4 of Americans are Anglo, and that's not including the mostly Anglo Americans that identify as German or Jewish because they have a German or Jewish grandparent or something
If America genocided their nonwhites, they would be majority Anglo
London also isn't majority Anglo, but if London genocided their nonwhites, London would be Anglo
we still have a shit load of americans here in RAF Mildenhall
And when fucking American tell me "you gotta go through the same process like everyone else" FUCK THEM! Most of your fucking ancestors came over in the 1800-1900s when it was easy. You're fucking anchor babies! Bet you wouldn't tell your german grandparents to fuck off or deny them a visa you pathetic fucking sub human trash you. I have way more right to call my self American than you ever will! REEEEEE
>Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
>Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind
t. Benjamin Franklin
No, literally English people. The Founding Fathers were Anglo-Saxons.
How do I get a qt pale British gf
>America was founded by Anglos for Anglos
That isn't the case anymore and there's no going back to that. If the founders were alive today they'd probably call for the abolition of their republic
Sorry I'm incredibly salty about this, but until this is real I no longer recognise any of you as a countries.
Don't deny that UK makes it difficult for Anglo Americans and Anglo kiwis etc to immigrate as well
All western nations make it difficult for white immigration because our governments have an agenda
Well we were just a colony of rome's so
YOU NEED TO GO BACK, fuck off back to mexico! You ain't a real American
mate don't remind me the latest season of that show has went full on sjw tier
I have 84% Hindu brothers with me , bonus point no one in my country is liberal or feminist.
What do you have converted ahmed ?
>qt British gf
Yes I include England in this as well, I just live on land now. Fuck this place
They wouldn't call for the abolition of the Republic
They would call for the deportation of 100% of nonwhites, which America could easily do if the government wanted to
He's right, did you know there are more americans with german and irish roots than british, that explains why americans don't look as ugly as brits
He is also true about spaniards , the US used to be New Spain .
>Brits how do you feel about The US
I don't.
>your former colony completely passed you over
Yeah, you passed us over in being a global laughing stock, having a nigger president and being 56% white. Awesome.
>no one in my country is liberal or feminist
British women are hot
Run them through an archive
>They wouldn't call for the abolition of the Republic
Yes they would. Read the criticisms the founders already had of their republic once they stepped back and observed it functioning.
Americans who are like 1/4 Irish 3/4 English usually identify as Irish
Americans who are like 1/4 German 3/4 English usually identify as German
White Americans are mostly Anglo
Also the Brits = ugly meme is false
There are lots of attractive British girls
I hate to admit this but British girls are more attractive than Anglo kiwi girls on average
This is so true. "Oh shit my grandmothers brother was Irish. Guess I'm Irish" ignoring the 99% English ancestry.
Yeah they had criticisms, but they had not a single hint of even thinking for a moment of going back to monarchy
As Anglos who fight for freedom for Anglos, the Founding Fathers nowadays would fight for the freedom of Anglos from nonwhite tyranny, just like they fought for the freedom of Anglos from German monarchal tyranny in 1776
Any american would like to identify themselves as anything but brits , a lot of Americans also have Italian roots , there are almost no americans that are proud of their brit roots
And dude c'mon brits are ugly af , brits are considered as the ugliest of europe alongside the irish
>regret increases
Shut the fuck up you mong. Monarchism is Anglo culture. Republicanism is not compatible with us
Brother , just be honest , everyone knows Nordics and South Europeans are the best looking people on the planet ,Slavic women too but the rest of europe is composed by ugly inbred looking weirdos.
Just be honest we both know a brit would drop you for the 1st nordic or med that passed by.
And everyone knows, or atleast suspects, that isn't an American flag behind this post.
Muslims protest against the attack on Muslims .
Dude you are dumb.
How is being ruled by a German monarch Anglo culture you cuck
Heaps of Americans are proud of their Anglo colonial roots
It's just a lot of Americans like to be different from the norm so they identify with a non Anglo great grandparent or something
>and South Europeans are the best looking people on the planet
Wop detected.
Stop larping as an Anglo and get cancer you republican scum
I don't like modern Britain at all, but we were definitely founded by Brits.
"We're claiming our natural rights as Englishmen."
It absolutely fucking baffles me how a monarch can serve their country as longest reigning monarch in history, with every single bit of their genetic line being dedicated to ruling this country, and then be called non-British and German by New Worlders who's ancestors probably went to New Zealand long after the Queen's lineage became British. European monarchs married into each others families you fuckwit. Every single bit of the British political system is centered around a monarch, in what way isn't it Anglo?
>How salty are you about it?
Not salty at all since the British Empire actually peaked AFTER the colonies left and formed the US.
I'm actually more salty about Germany to be honest.
>ruin europe twice in two world wars
>currently ruining europe a third time
>the world media fucking loves them yet hates us and treats us like we're the bad guys
As for the US, you have plenty of your own problems. Just swap pakis with knives for nig nogs with guns.
>Shilling for English monarchy
>England would have had a communist PM but for based Northern Ireland
>England would have had a communist PM but for based Northern Ireland
Just stop please. You clearly don't understand.
So you are salty about Germans surprassing you as an European Superpower , I knew it
>DUP + Conservatives
Fuck off with your bullshit.
It's true they are attractive , something brits will never be.
Anglos are ugl-
Fuck off Hernandez. Nobody wants your shitty republic or "democracy". Most British people, and Commonwealth citizens for that matter, are perfectly content with our constitutional monarchy.
I'm hoping an imperialist form of CANZUK comes out.
>Labour + all other parties couldn't form majority
t. civic nationalist
Culture and time doesn't define one as Anglo, blood does
WASPs are much better looking than WOPs.
Which one in the pic is you?
No not really, why do you think any of that matters in the day to day life of brits? Our history is long, varied and interesting and we have a lot to show for it, a lot of rich culture.
I think it's great the US colonies delcared independence, it's kinda like having a child that grows up and leaves home, there's a certain amount of feeling proud that the US too the values that the British had been working on for years and settled their own lands with some really great core values.
I love the Americans, I'm flying back to Vegas for Defcon a hackers conference at the end of this month, I love it there.
There's no hordes of indians and pakis living in the UK, there's pockets of them in some major cities, but we're way more white than America is, espceially outside of London which is where about 90% of the diversity comes from.
>Cherry picking
We all know this is what the average brit looks like , an ugly inbred looking buttertooth
>Content with monarchy
You nearly elected a commie, idiot. You're two steps away from Venezuela.
Anybody can increase their GDP by importing millions of shitskins to do all the crappy jobs. We were the best at it for a while but then stopped, it causes too many problems.
Germany will learn that in time, they're still new to it but they'll learn.
There are also beliefs which are fundamentally not Anglo. Like republicanism. It was experimented in this country and then never returned to. We were the first people experimenting with republicanism properly since the Roman Republic fell and saw its failures centuries before the rest of Europe.
>British culture doesn't define British people
If this is the general consensus among diaspora Anglos then I want nothing to do with you
>Fake flags allowing Krauts to larp as Americans
Fuck off.
At least we have a colony to hand the torch over to, all you've done is try to break europe so many times it became braindamaged enough to import the third world.
You nearly elected Hillary Clinton you fuckwit. She won more votes in fact.
>Haha le god emperor Drumpf xD
I'd tell you what I'd rather be any of those douches than the average ugly inbred buttertooth brit because its mostly likely that I would lose my virginity before age 45
>buttblasted american with the confederate flag
like POTTERY, go to bed Riley
Are you implying Oliver Cromwell did somthing wrong?
What website do you think you're on?
>Implying you're not a low class WOP
I love the bitterness you swarthy, low class scum have towards your WASP superiors.
>letting jews back into england
>making himself de facto monarch without proper process
>implying king charles did anything wrong
>I love the bitterness you swarthy, low class scum have towards your WASP superiors
Butthurt Brit , just a reminder those swarthies are way better looking than you kek
Brits are inferior when it comes to ugliness you are pretty close to poos , now go play your game of soccer rooney
Franklin was a top bloke
>le jooos are all evil
>not respecting the Eternal Anglo-Jewish alliance against catholics and continentals
Even Lovecraft, the brilliant author and Anglo supremacist, married a Jew
Continentals are filth lower than Jews and every Anglo knows it
Also Puritans are fucking based
We are the sum of all european cultures, that was the masonic idea behind the US.
All your politicians/lawyers/judges/presidents are WASPs/Jews. In fact smelly WOPs are genetically closest to Ashkenazi Jews hence the ugliness. I don't know a lot about American social classes but I'd bet on Romney being the prototypical WASP and he's a handsome man is he not? In fact he looks like one of my high school friends
You're the dumbest person in this thread.
Romney is a Mormon, and white Mormons are all Anglo
Mormon is a based religion if you read non biased stuff about it
If you counted as a person that title would belong to you, pajeet