Do Brits regret this yet? Or do they still not see how the few benefits of leaving are greatly outweighed by what they lose by not being a part of the EU?
Fuck the EU coming straight from the underground.
What do they lose by leaving the EU
best to get out now before it completely collapses
Fuck the EU coming straight from the underground.
Fuck the EU coming straight from the underground.
Fuck the EU coming straight from the underground
their economy
>Convinces people for Brexit
>Runs away to America so that he doesn't do any of the work
Is this one of those Russian botnets?
Peace and unity for Europe, also their economy will suffer from uncompetitive trade deals, plus now they're looked upon as being almost as racist and xenophobic as USA
The Brexit proccess shows how sadistic EU kikes really are, you can see how bad they want to humiliate the "black sheep" that isn't drinking their koolaid
No, it is the will of the people.
Is he a jew by any chance?
Take a hike captain kike
Got to love a freshly indoctrinated Canadian spewing his propaganda bullshit. Maybe you'll accept the fact that the ratio of Canadians who move to America to Americans who move to Canada is 2 to 1 and then get over your ill informed leftist spicshit? nah, that's too much critical thinking for a leaf.
No. Because only stupid retards who dont care about the facts voted to leave. How could they possibly regret it if they didnt listen to the negative sthen they arent listening now
I haven't for a moment doubted or regretted my vote.
You still don't get it, forget about all the bullshit charade in the media, the CoL is the financial capital of the world, if we refuse the EU access they crumble, we have them over a barrel. We don't need any deal from them, it is nothing more than a nepotistic scam and Europe will thank us and unify after its collapsed.
It was like after the referendum you couldn't find anyone who could say anything bad about it.
When we joined there was a similar political nightmare about the EU's benefit to some and detriment to others.
It's just another one of those "there are pros and cons" things that keeps the whole debate fiery and news worthy
pmsl you are brainwashed kid
I don't know, all I know is pic related is after Brexit.
>britbong hates the globalists
>britbong cries when leaving the globalists
No. One step closer to getting our Nige in 10 Downing Street where he belongs.
Day of the rake when?
The UK has already had mass migration. So they will continue with that, just not from Europe.
You see why this is a problem?
I voted remain so I have nothing to regret other than the fact that so many of my country men are idiots.
Also is this REALLY the direction UK wants to go? Of all the policies...
Fuck the EU coming straight from the underground.
Let me give you some facts about the EU
-marching us into trade deals that will make us helpless to stop the NHS being privatised
-running an expenses scandal that dwarfs that of the UKs
-completely unelected leader, votes behind closed doors with one choice is not elected
-literally created as a eugenics operation
>-marching us into trade deals that will make us helpless to stop the NHS being privatised
That's called the Tory party, not a trade deal.
Give me the "facts", kiddo. Most valid argument 'Remain' has is:
>You think British politicians are not corrupt? They are corrupt too! I can somehow infer that EU politicians are less corrupt though!
Let me give you some facts about the EU
-We were better off in it
We just signed a free trade deal with Japan.
fuck the eu coming straight from the underground
a young anglo got it bad cos I'm not brown
these unelected buereucrats have the nerve to think
they have the authority to make me a minority
no its called ceta and ttip, hence why corbyn really wanted out, he knew this
Brexit was a mistake!
you are showing your ignorance in the matter, get educated and come back
Zero regret, but plenty of concern that the government is planning to go back on its word
how old are you are you still in university
no regrets
PMSL thats an opinion not a fact, what a retard
All the brown and black people in the UK are pre EU. British government brought them to you. The EU brought you poles.
Hate the poles if you like but the browns were your own doing and you are going to return to that.
What the fuck do we lose?
Exports to the EU account for less than 10% of UK GDP
These days, with GATT, tarriffs are ngligible nayway.
What tarriffs we would incur if we signed no deal whatsoever would be covered by what we save by not contruting to the EU budget.
No more wage slaves from Eastern Europe
No more diktat.
UK once more holding the beacon of liberty in Europe.
What were the benefits? Only ones I've heard were being able to go on holiday easier and not being racidt
>-marching us into trade deals that will make us helpless to stop the NHS being privatised
The NHS is a sacred cow that needs to be culled already. It simply cannot function in the current political and social climate, but for some reason all parties hold onto it like a blind man for a stick.
Brexit pissed off all the right people. I regret nothing.
very glad that lads in the kingdom are supporting us with their money in the east thanks Merkel
fuck that slipped past is it anything like ceta or ttip, private court of arbitration etc etc
Slashing corporate taxes and reforming the BBC?yes.
> shit all over EU for 30 years
> block every major legislation that would improve the EU
> blame every little problem, even unrelated, on the EU
Yeah, I don't know why the EU would be pissed
I voted leave without even caring about immigration
Ending EU migration is a start.
Down with the EU. Bring back sovereignty
just ahead of the curve cunt
Ye I dont care but it matters to lefties so its a good tool over them in brexit debate
Ulstermen fly the Israei flag as fuck you to all the commie IRA nationalists who fly the Palestinian flag.
They have no real love for Jews. There arent any in Ulster anyway.
You'll get more pakis and less polish people.
It's perfectly reasonable for a country investing in another country to sue if their investment is ruined by a law change. We will be suing them too.
That picture is a response to Irish Catholics licking the anus of Muslims.
ye thats still retarded anyway give me some facts not opinions anything other than easy to travel and muh xenophobe
What work? He wasn't in government.
The Tories should have made him a peer and appointed him to cabinet but they would never do that.
The man is a modern day St George.
A young Brit got it bad 'cos I'm white.
Live in a poor area with one of the highest leave votes in the country. These people don't only want to leave the EU, they want to do it on the most damaging terms possible.
Mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, GCSE-failing mongs who religiously read The Sun, Daily Express and Daily Mail. Fuck all of them.
Very short sighted thought but thats your prerogative anyway back to the question whats the long and short of the trade deal
Pakis in, Poles out.
Every British government promises less immigration and they have never delivered. All that's changed now I'd they lost the EU to blame it on.
improve the EU? EUrocrat solution to anything is more federalism, more taxes, more diktat.
Except they used EU free movement as a smokescreen so they didn't have to own up responsibility over mass migration.
When the EU borders close. They will have to explain to the people why mass immigration is still occurring. Which at least puts some pressure on our leaders them over the issue as they know it makes and breaks elections.
only people who want to leave the EU are so bottom of the barrel they have nothing to lose
or so they think
Their chains, comrade.
>peace and unity
Yes, I'm sure Mama Merkel's pet sandniggers have peace and unity on their minds.
Fucking Canadian faggot.
Poles out, Pakis out, Iriish out.
Your cucked little nation does all its trade in sterling and dollars yet you still fawn over the EU.
2008 showed how much of a shit brussels gives about ireland. get out and forma compact with UK and USA, your actual allies.
UK bailed you out in 2008, youre welcome.
incorrect demographics
Yeah, letting EU be a impotant useless union who can't ever decide anything without 10 years of multilateral deals is clearly the best route.
Sometime you NEED federalism. Imagine if Trump had to make all 50 governors agree with him before taking any decision.
We are opening up to their cars and they are buying our food.
Seems good.
>It is ok when it pisses off the Irish
You'd be as smart as a brexit voter if you didn't think this was intentional and the "to piss off the Irish" excuse was just to shut you up like the little kids you are.
It stops the horde from getting in. I mean, even more of them. You can't put a price tag on the savings there alone.
Hello, EU officials using proxies!
He does regular shows on LBC, you know in the UK...
Actually inside of 10 years the ratio of UK exports to inside the EU asnd outside has fallen from 55% internal trade to 45% internal; and that has been set to be the pattern; the EU is becoming more irrelevant for us.
Anglos are incapable of alliances. They are snakes.
For example, you all abandoned the empire.
>OP asks a question
>answer question
>"lol, shill!"
Grow up, kiddo.
Only sad it didn't happen sooner, fuck off.
USA is a nation,
Europe is not. It is a continent OF nations.
UK is large enough to stand on its own feet thanks
we voted to join a single market. not a political union.
fuck your EU currency, fuck your EU anthem, fuck your EU flag, fuck your EU army, fuck your unelected EU commission.
Sunshine, you couldn't identify Ireland on a map. Of Ireland. So stick the whole EU up your arse and fuck off while you do it. Cunt.
God save the drama queen.
The most damaging way possible would be war, and that isn't likely.
So if we demand a good deal for post-brexit and EU grumbles that we now have a different but equal relationship then we've damaged ourselves by what? upsetting them?
Everyone in politics is a bit more grown up then that.
Staying would keep us cucked, leaving as an industrialized vassal would keep us cucked.
more than 48% of the country think youre a retarded cunt
youre talking gibberish.
Action =/= Talking
>I can't argue, better search some witty insults off the internet
kek that doesn't add to your case
Mouth breathing, /fit/, 11 GCSEs A*-B, 4 A-levels, 2.1 in Ancient History, never read those newspapers (brief stint of Sun reading during a summer working in a factory). Voted leave and couldn't be fucking happier. Next cuck comment?
hmm yeah, the oldest alliance in the world still in force is the anglo-portugues allaince
and there were THE Allies who fought Germany tyranny while the Irish licked Hitler's arse.
Cant disprove his claim though.
>The most damaging way possible would be war, and that isn't likely
It isn't likely, but that doesn't mean the people in my area wouldn't strongly support a war with Spain over Gibraltar.
Thanks to endless scaremongering, of course.
a poo one? in today's lobotomised dumbed down climate?
you fucking retard.
For once Australia isn't a complete dunce. Literally this.
The EU was an economic cooperation between nations mainly for the purposes of raw materials like steel. Truth be told the monetary union (not the Euro, but things like pegged exchange rates) isn't the worst thing either. This continent consolidating 4th reichesq desire to control laws of sovereign nations is the bullshit we need to get rid of.
Sooner. the. better.