They have put Trump on the very end of the line, a direct slap to US. There is no chance that this would have happened with Hillary or Obongo.
G-20 group photo
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And here is a pic from 2016 meet.
They should have been sorted on skin color. There is absolutly no reason to race mix.
Well they are trying to promote global stability and Trump is trying to fuck up.
Plus they had to stop him passing notes to his manlet butt buddy. So they put him next to Macron to keep him in line.
What's happened to the feed? The leaders had sat down and began to talk. Then the camera went to some shots of boats and now is like this...
No, it is protocol that the newest leaders start at the end of the line. That is why Macron is right at the end, as he is the newest G20 leader
try harder.
that bitch of a merkel has a very well chosen outfit. So she can emerge from everyone else.
>Putin and Erdogan next to each other
>retaking Constantinople intensifies
>south africa
>40 world economy
why is merkel always doing that thing with her hands
is it autism?
Bullshit. Germany always has a system. The picture is taken based on alphabet. Trump starts with a "T" so he has to go to the back right.
Why is Zuma there? SA is in G-20? But then again, Russia and Brazil are, too.
There's not a single likeable person on that entire photo. Reminds me again just how much I hate politicians.
I was in Hangzhou when this shit went down. The city was basically on lockdown.
They want to make him look bad eurobastards
>Merkel: 1st row
>Theresa May: 2nd row
lmao how fitting
Merkel's been Chancellor for over a decade, s why is she only halfway down the line and conveniently front and center?
She said long ago she does it because she doesn't know what else to do with her arms when posing for a picture.
just nuke germany Trump pls
Putin and Trump are grouchy in this photo because they are not by each other's side making the world great again
She a communist whore
they should both invade germany like in the old days
fucking manlets, holy shit
Oh man what a great time that would be. Then I'd have a beer with Sergei after the glorious battle.
Omg Erdogan is closer to Germany then Trump well at least thats fitting as Germany is muslim country now
Merkel is such an egocentric whore
No matter wich picture it is, I just cant take Justin serious.
He allways looks like some light minded sunnyboy.
well that's all she has she wrecked her nation's future
Is it just me or does Putin look a little drunk?
wtf are Juncker and Tusk doing there and that criminal from IMF
>a little
Oh yeah? To me he looks like a manlet.
Illuminati confirmed.
omg bright red she really wants attention
>merkel ALWAYS most important person in the world
feels good to be EU masterrace
Could you stand being around those freaks without having a few drinks?
It certainly takes some doing to find a russian guy who's shorter than a chinese. Mind that he's also wearing massive heels, I'd look for that during their photo ops for giggles.
you mean turkish colony ?
Germany doesn't have nuke which make them irrelevant
You're just paranoid, user,
so autism. also she's paying tribute to her freemason masters. got it.
well the fact she grew up in east germany gives her away as well
>t. manlet
It's ok Wanli, I'm sure Asian chicks are fine with your micropenis
>The picture is taken based on alphabet.
>Macron behind Trump
You do have a nuke. Who are you going to nuke with it, yourself?
omg cuckcanda get out of here
there are only like 5- (((6))) million turks in the whole EU. hardly a colony
Why are you projecting Wang lee?
Macron moved from his initial position to get next to Trump so he won't be alone at the end.
That's cute.
look at demographics
Statistically it's you who's more likely to be a Wanli with microbenis, leaf-o.
Merkel does the hand gesture because a coach has told her, it looks good on pictures. There was an interview about this, where they talk to the coach.
he is probably like hey trump help me she rules the show in EU
Macron does what he is told to do, don't kid yourself.
a jewish coach
>t. Tripfag
We don't take kindly to you're kind around here.
>country-based ad hominem
>posting under meme flag
Ahmed, be fair, isn't it what Quran says?
but we have (((friends))) who do
also lets ignore the fact that germany could easily build them XDD^^!!
The saddest part about all this is that Trump is so much of a manchild that this simple and worthless fact infuriates him. Him and his little hands. He's the type that can dish out insults but a little joke against him triggers him hard
Algeria soon
lol I dont know cuckish
pls canda go away you are a mistake
Fucking merkle and her red dress is annoying as shit guys
Macron is welcoming Trump on the 14th. He probably wants to start with a better impression than last time.
>1.2 billion Chinese
>35 million Canadians
>ackshually, shtatishtically
High iq Asian myth btfo
Merkel in red in the center, this is pure kino
Here is my real one Wang Lee
My left nut is probably worth more than your entire house and your micro penis
A joke about the way he was born.
How would the left react if a little joke was told about Obama being a Nigger?
It's just a little joke about his skin color.
yeah but seriously what's the deal with that thing she is always doing with her hands?
Trump doesnt trust him as he is in bed with Merkel
Fuck why is my name still on. My bad.
half of your energy is produced by charcoal
>very end of the line
not actually on the end
He is with Merkel in opposition to Trump.
Trump is with Britain and Poland.
The lines have been drawn.
its true it is meme flag
>looks good
It looks creepy because she does it constantly. It's strange and unnatural and invites conspiracy theories. Why can't she just be a normal human being?
Because she s German that's why
That's not knowing who Macron is. He's the definition of an opportunist, he will try to get along with Merkel AND Trump.
You just saw a proof of that.
would a normal person destroy its culture and nation ?
China bringin the bantz kek
Because she is short
all of Europe hates germany
its for posture apparently
it pushes your shoulders into correct position
And what is the probability that a mainlander would be reading an English-language forum and pay $20 for the pass?
Stay cucked fucking slanty leaf, everyone can see through your bullshit.
pls Paris, and pls use the neutron bomb
nice try catholic serb
dont feed canda let it die
I would understand if that were the case, nice fallacy by the way. But trump is so petty shit with a complex not getting something first or not getting his way he makes twitter tantrums.
Apparently you have shitposted so much that you can't lose that meme flag even if you try.
Sad, many such cases!
Cucks in the back
Checks out.
When you see it you'll shit BRICS
>Chong ching Chong shung *makes karatekick and eats plastic rice on the ground *
die europhil shit
They knew don't put him last so it doesn't look like we're doing it on purpose!
This is going to make Americans sick to see the way they treat us
We saved their asses in every war
they did all sorts of weird shit in East Germany.
It was trumps idea.
Who's watching the live ?
Trump was whispering something to Macron who suddenly lost his smile and took a step back.
I don't know what Trump said but this has great meme potential.
should pull out troops from germany
macron("leader of the west") stands beside him
oh fugg. this is the 07.07.07 event
He wasn't supposed to be here but moved anyway to join Trump
God damnit I hate Merkels retarded supposedly genius hand posture