It's here!
What is gonna happen?
What are you gonna do?
It's here!
What is gonna happen?
What are you gonna do?
Other urls found in this thread:
examine these digits
Praise be to kek
Praise kek
Nothing is going to happen. Nothing big ever happens when it's hyped up like this
Nothing. Kek is dead, and Reddit normies killed him.
Type "travel on air" backwards without spaces 7 times to summon KEK the meme god to make something happen
Nice 57 now check these.
I signed and sent off my last set of papers for the military. As I was looking up the date I realaised the trip 7's. Leaving Tuesday lad.
Anyone have a link to that countdown timer? The one with like 3 hours left.
Nvm found it. See you in heaven.
wat dis?
77 deats in Hamburg
Something another user posted. Not sure what its for.
It will happen in September
I imagine Kek's waking up for the day, browsing the thread now?
Absolute chaos for a week, followed by the race war.
No, that's the other thing, idiot. This one is in April.
>What is gonna happen?
>What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna fuck your mum.
You people are fucking pathetic.
Putin gives Trump the FSB files on the Western pedo rings.
> pretending it did not originate here
I like how the moment a Sup Forums trend becomes normie we pretend we never liked it.
Cool image dimensions, it would have been cooler if the image filesize was digits.
economic collapse imminent
NWO propose new global currency
we retaliate with crypto currency later
Didn't you get the memo?
KEK is dead. This is a MOLOCH board now. Praise MOLOCH! ABAR BA'ESH!
Last roll for Kek
Leaving the military is good for your health
As a soldier you are nothing to the people you are defending in power
The us gov did all kinds of chemical, nuclear, psychological and drug testing on soldiers without their knowledge
Fuck being a citizen slave
Being a soldier is honourable in places like Thailand as they never invade other countries
They only defend their own country
Moloch is a little bitch no pagan god is as powerful as KEK
We can't stop MOLOCH now. KEK is finished with, he is dead. MOLOCH killed him. It was glorious.
Its time you all praised MOLOCH too. Just say 'ABAR BA'ESH!'.
t. newfag. thats how it works around here
Kek will manifest today.
CNN gets bought and they change the name.
They'll say it's because their more than "cable", but it will really be embarrassment.
G20 visitors eliminated
Holy shit, what I've done...
The odds are stacked against you
Back against the wall
You gonna give it your all
This is the final stand
The powers in your hand
Two worlds collide
On the inside
Gonna fight for what's right
Before it's gone gone gone
This is Bakugan
Happy Kek Day! PRAISE
a massive explosion somewhere in the world
(((An attempted assassination))) on Trump happens and it starts a chain reaction of events where WW3 starts and ending in complete nuclear winter.
There will be several "Happening" threads today. Kek has spoken...
a false flag attack
pls kek why...
nothing is going to happen goy
Praise him
checked and kek'ed
Pew pew
let's end this, for Ogdoad
What are we ending
is the Meme War over?
no it is only the beginning
>What are you gonna do?
barbecue, it's friday
Praise kek
>The us gov did all kinds of chemical, nuclear, psychological and drug testing on soldiers without their knowledge
don't forget soldiers are encouraged to smoke to save the VA money on caring for elderly soldiers, nobody in the USA smoked until WWI, why did they start? free cigarettes given to soldiers, why cigarettes instead of pills? because wide leaf tobacco bonds with cesium making it an especially effective eugenics agent, I don't know many smokers who live past 65
most smokers I know are military or ex military
>MOLOCH killed him
Moloch is the god of eternal let down, he never follows through, thats part of his myth
Soon we will ascend into another realm of meme magic and chaos. Praise the Frog God.
checked -- get comfy lads
shots fired before the end of the day
Please someone die today
Kikes, niggers and libshits are forever blown the fuck out.
That already happens all days almost two a second.
Praise kek
Gods Number
Kek rituals all day brothers!