Respect are culture

Respect are culture

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there are too few words to describe how dumb this is.

Can they just get on with it already?

No. People are culture.

Norn iron is fucked...

The braindead loyalist are traditional and rightwing, the irish are literal marxists.

If they had right wing nationalists instead of shinners they would have the north.

The fuck is going on in this picture? Is that a tower of pallettes?

The Republican obsession with Palestine is unhealthy and cringey as fuck. I'm a Gael and a Catholic and I despise Republicans. Was in Strabane yesterday and seen a middle aged man walking around ASDA with a big tattoo of Che Guevara on his arm and no doubt he is a Republican retard too.


Annual burn Irish things stuck to a tower of pallets day in Northern Ireland.

>irish are literal marxists
Sinn Fein are a centre left party

The sdlp are centrist and incresingly to the right on economic issues

There is no Marxist contingent in stormont aside from one mla from a minor party

based jews amirite

So the people of Northern Ireland are just edgelords, or what?

1.13 for gas
Thats cheap gas

>I'm a Gael and a Catholic and I despise Republicans.

Fight me irl or keep your mouth shut pussy ass bitch

That's per liter.


They are irish in denial , and cling to a silly nostalgic view of the union which has been irrelevant in Britain for yearyears

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Some shoddy workmanship here.

They're loyal to their idea of 1970s britain.


They talk about solidarity and yet they betrayed Gadaffi who actually helped them and shipped them arms.

Did they catch the building on fire?
That's pretty neat, the fireworks for US's 4th of July evolved from bonfires we used to light on that day.

>So the people of Northern Ireland are just edgelords, or what?

Irishmen were considered white negroes for centuries.

Where do we meet?

Nah fuck Israel and Jewry too. I have no love for Arab or Jew and I think the Palestinians have been robbed of their land but the obsession with the Palestinian cause I think is a bit too much.

How about neither

Most people in power are idiots...

I'll meet you in strabane home boy asda carpark 10 mins