Do you guys like/hate him and why? Tried to sit through his videos but his voice is annoying and his jokes make me want to kick him in the balls.
Does he say anything relevant or is he just another stupid youtuber?
Do you guys like/hate him and why? Tried to sit through his videos but his voice is annoying and his jokes make me want to kick him in the balls.
Does he say anything relevant or is he just another stupid youtuber?
Other urls found in this thread:
Please be dead please be dead please really be dead
Banana man
it's a meme you dolt, "high potassium" is a referance to him shoving bananas up his asshole
What's the hashtag for Bananaman's death?
so hes dead
yeah i was disapointed to find out it wasnt tru but didnt want to have to search for another pic.
He has very powerful logical skills though. Before I was interested in paganism I used to watch him, although I wouldn't recommend him over Varg
wait-varg is a youtuber?!
>Does he say anything relevant or is he just another stupid youtuber?
well hes on youtube, also go jump off of a building immediately.
why are you americunts always so fucking angry?
He forgot to turn off the camera while putting his finger in his ass and jacking it.
amazing atheist is a retarded faggot that parrots europhoric sentences to a group of militant fedora's that desperately seek confirmation on their beliefs
how new are you?
For tutorials pegging yourself with bananas, yes.
all i have seen is the meme lad. not a yt regualr.
anyway ty for your answer
oh absolutely...
He is a piece of shit
then fuck off to r*ddit newfag
Good god, I can't believe we live in times where people can claim to follow this jackass without feeling any shame.
pick one
top kek
Ah potassium, the greatest of oddly phallic objects with an insatiable temptation to engage in fruitophelic sodomy with, truly the nonexistent devil only ignorant sheeple would believe had a hand in this penetrant fruits making as it feels natural to bury this fuck fruit deep in my tight heathen hole hilt deep while exclaiming my disbelief in foolish creationist stories.
Blasphemous butt-fruits are truly the greatest of enemies to man.
>Gonna be a minority by 2050
>Know full well Hispanics will turn this place into the 3rd world
>Literally in the last days of our civilization and everyone is too distracted with bread and circus to care
>Can't even imply it's a problem without getting your name destroyed
>Left to sit online and wait for your society to die
Well at least the worry of this jackass potentially procreating has been removed.
What the fuck even are these videos
Jesus christ how degenerate
Just AA having fun with a pot of hot cooking oil, problem ?
After the last 8 years, stupid people have finally begun to trigger us.
Please respect our safe space
Plz no bully
how were these obtained?
Thank god, he's removing himself from the genepool.
why so mad faggot?
can't you read ??
thats if north korea doesnt bomb you to death first.
which one would you prefer? slow death or blaze of glory?
they were posted to porn sites
because niggers like you shit up this board with horrible threads e-celeb threads
I've been watching him for nearly 10 years. He's a literal cuck in body and spirit and will NEVER get redpilled. He will always remain loyal to nihilism, cuckery and anti-race realism. That said, at least he comes up with his opinions on his own and isn't just repeating what every other dipshit on YT is saying.
these videos have been out for years and years
He has 120k subscribers and his underage army has been shitting up Sup Forums for the past 3 months.
He may be interesting/engaging if your IQ is sub-100. Otherwise, while he isn't... wrong on many issues, he also isn't worth your time.
did he died?
kek whos the nigger faggot again user.
Never heard of him. Celebrating atheism is celebrating your own stupidity.
Yeah, every time something of his came up his shouty voice made me leave.
why is this song so catchy?
why tally hall is died?
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring BANANAPHONE
also: RV trip scam
Sotomayor lawsuit scam
I'm ill after watching this
this is what happens, when you dont have jesus in your life
thats what happens when you're a repulsive manbearpig and will do anything for pussy (seriously theres a story behind this-he did this for some underage gril online, i like to think he was secretly being trolled by Sup Forums)
+can be entertaining, in a crass way
-ignorant as shit on most issues
-dishonest, self-absorbed cunt
finally the faggot nu-males of atheism are dying, hopefully a new kind of man can rise form these ashes, the intended UBERMENSCH.
so its a no then?
>kick him in the balls
Good luck hitting target so small.
To be fair the banana wasn't a muslim.
Are you kidding? New atheism is almost dead but it's atheism+ taking it's place even if they can't organise for shit.
I believe it was one of those photobucket account things, but the reason for him even uploading it mightve been for a girl. he admitted he was gay, or at least bi a bit couple years later.
he says hes gay because he dated some mentally ill girl who thought she was a boy. apparently her dad pulled a gun on him when he found out all the sick sadist sex shit they did together. good times.
all in all hes a fucking snowflake.
>Shoves bananas in his fat pimply ass and is a literal "I'm enlightened by my own intelligence" faggot
Thulean Perspective is his channel.
I hate his opinions and disagree with most if not all of his beliefs. However his form of delivery and knowledge of subject are respectable
>However his form of delivery and knowledge of subject are respectable
kek fucking how?! hes scretchy and gets triggered easily
Blaze of glory, like the Bon Jovi song. Seriously though, there's a lot of reasons for us to be angry, and late stage capitalism made us too fat and lazy to do anything about it.
nah dude i sympathise. would also rather be bombed to death then die slowly
The first thing I thought when I saw OPs pic was, what did he shove up his ass this time...
pretty sure all these alt light retards are on our side, they only need one event that is severe enough, that even normies would consider out of line.
They are at heart cucks and want to keep a good social standing, but the minute you have to pick sides they are on your side.
jsut remember their names when we win we can deal with em.
As an atheist he's insufferable and his arguments amount to little more than "hahaha magic sky daddy!". He's the kind of shit-tier atheist that I wish would get hit by a bus, and this is coming from someone who isn't religious myself.
For every other topic he's equally shit-tier. Typical ultra-liberal leftist, probably a full-on communist.
Ignore him. He offers nothing original and what contributions he does make are inane and limp-wristed at best, outright retarded at worst. He is a shit-tier atheist and an even shittier-tier political commentator.
...also he shoves bananas up his arse wtf dude
Hes a fucking fedora tipping idiot. Pours different on his micro penis. Shoves bananas up his ass and had a sexual relationship with a fucking tranny and even it told him to fuck off.
He's a dangerous degenerate and shouldn't be taken seriously.
The Amazing Dicklet
how comes he became the mouth piece for the atheist community tho if hes so hated?
i mean hes been featured on a few news programmes as their figure head and conned thousands of dollars out of people for a channel he never made!
I knew that atheists were subhuman
The one time where I could tell it was fake news yet I was hoping it was true
kek same.
Atheists prove over and over again the utter bankruptness of their ideology in their behaviour. Neo-atheists are nearly always complete and utter arses
there are other videos, dont tempt us to post the shit-smearing one.
I'm still scarred by that video to this day, I feel traumatized
whats the difference between atheists and neo-atheists?
here, have some more trauma
this is still no where as bad as the awful emo filled "poems" he posts on his tumblr