Anniversary of 7/7/05 bombings in UK yet almost none of your nation's news outlets have any reference to it on their...

Anniversary of 7/7/05 bombings in UK yet almost none of your nation's news outlets have any reference to it on their websites.

>>mfw the mudslimes have won in your cucked nation

The lack of coverage terror attacks receive is part of the propaganda effort.
Governments work so hard to prevent the release of photos and video, Not for respect of the victims. Rather because they do not want the population to be outraged. An outraged population will demand answers and put up a fight. The powers that be want the west to jackboot towards a caliphate without any resistance.

Agreed but UK seems to be particularly blue-pilled. All the news outlets seem to work in tandem (pushing Muslim rape articles to the bottom of their pages, not allowing comments, choosing not to remember terror anniversaries, etc.)

Also while promoting articles of hate crime perpetrators being punished.

What you are witnessing is a Normalization Campaign.

Remind me how many American news outlets covered the rape of a 5 year old child on your soil?

Remind me who remembers the old man decapitated by Muslims who kidnapped his wife in America?

Oh that's right. Your as fucked as us.


What was his name again?

Just like how our news stations keep saying "number of terrorist attacks since 9/11" to cover up the 3000 dead.

If nothing happens today will you admit you're crazy and get psychological help?

Probably because so many know it was the MOSSAD did it and they don't want attention drawn to it.

Yet we still have a right to defend ourselves while you wimps give up your weapons then allow a bunch of African junglebunnies to move in, unopposed.

Nothing crazy about it, gammafaggot. Check their local news outlets and find one that has the memories of 50-something dead Brits as their top story.

You admit you're a dumb cocksucker and then I'll admit I'm crazy.

Despite being Labeled "Fake News", A country's main stream media can tell you everything that is needed.

Hmm, care to remind me, defenseless betabrit?

Unless you're in the UK, in which case it is buried under articles about Trump's handshake with Putin or about a single-engine plane crash in a country 3000 miles away.

does that not tell you everything?

>highest office in your countries land
>versus public transportation manager

Do you not see why those vary lardtard?

Yes a lameduck president for 8 years who accomplished virtually nothing versus an actual mudslime who continues to browbeat whites into submission in the arguably most cucked nation in the Western world.

Has your daughter started sucking Muslim cocks yet (be it forcibly or willingly)? You can slander the US as much as you'd like but the evidence speaks for itself, your nation is a totally lost cause.

> your nation is a totally lost cause

I do not see this being the case

>votes a kenyan negro into highest office in the country
>still justifies it

M8 i dont think you're overestimating just how widespread the problem is. I live in Northern ireland to begin with but i have family in Northumberland and you wouldn't know there was a caliphate down south from there.

remove don't.

>I'm still better than the US tho
Hope you're proud of yourself, Bongnigger

Look who our current POTUS is versus that bowl-haircutted dyke you guys let slither in as PM. At least in this country we know how to collect ourselves and right the ship. You guys get invaded by krauts then let ragheads (literally) march in unopposed just a few decades later. Morons in this country voted for Obungo because they felt guilty about letting Bush kill several million ragheads in the course of 5 years.

Your island is the size of some parking lots here in the US, you're out of your inbred skull if you think Somali junglebunnies won't be encroaching on whatever tiny white holdouts they haven't found in the next 5 years.

>Your island is the size of some parking lots here in the US, you're out of your inbred skull if you think Somali junglebunnies won't be encroaching on whatever tiny white holdouts they haven't found in the next 5 years.

Your executive branch is gone, so is your supreme court, senate, party leaders and politicians. They're, at best, civic nationalist and are completely okay with the US only being 52% white. You're assigned to a gradual white population decrease until they come for the boers land.

Meanwhile, in reality, the UK is still 89% white and I will eat my hat if people become okay with the prospect of a country being 52% in Europe.

Also its another episode of
>Americans cant understand land on a human scale versus a satellite

7/7 was a hoax. Nobody died. They report training drills as real events all the time.

>it's another "Americans notice Britain has problems, so British people call Americans non-white and the discussion spirals into a shit tornado" thread

>Anniversary of a bombing

Who cares? We're not butthurt like America with 9/11.