Why do conservishits love mutilating their own children's dicks?
Why do conservishits love mutilating their own children's dicks?
I for one blame Christianity.
Is this something we can agree is okay to get triggered over?
We are fucking chopping at dicks.
Is this where autism is coming from?
Has anybody ever thought that the pain from such a thing would scar a FUCKING BABY for life? What if we are literally fucking ourselves up mentally by doing this?
I'm way more upset about potential brain development differences than any lust for personal pleasure.
Protestants and Jews.
>it's not because the green states are full of Mexicans
It's not just a conservative thing. I'm cut despite being in a very liberal family in a liberal area. It's just generally taboo to question the practice.
Then why the Jews does it and are still rich
dead kike on a stick :(
I hope one day I can sue the church for my lack of foreskin
>tfw if I sue my parents I will just lose my inheritance
Because they're smart and competent
As a Catholic I can say 100% that we do not chop dicks. I always thought that was a Jewish requirement.
Sue for the inheritance.
Jews and wanna be Jews (aka Protestants).
i have never met a person with a circumcised dick
like what the fuck is wrong with you america
It's always the fecking protestants.
Catholicism is just as bad
Didn't know it was that high in IA, I must be the only uncut goy here
It wasn't introduced because of religion, or at least not directly. The main reason was to make masturbation more difficult
>Kellogg worked on the rehabilitation of masturbators, often employing extreme measures, even mutilation, on both sexes. He was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying phenol to a young woman's clitoris. In his Plain Facts for Old and Young,[8] he wrote:
>A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.[15]
Look man, just because the pope loves nigger feet doesn't mean we all do.
No it isn't
Posting a picture of one cucked pope a 1000 times doesn't prove shit
All the Catholic countries are the most based ones
Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugla etc..
>The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.
Stupidest thing I've read in a long time
You forgot us m8
The thing is that if this were any similar operation on females, there wouldn't even be studies allowed because studying genital mutilation would be deemed unethical.
Fug, i forgot Ireland was a thing
Yes you too
Also, is it true abortions are banned in Ireland?
It should be noted that Kellog was a wackaloon Seventh Day Adventist who was eventually kicked out by the SDA prophetess Ellen G. White. What's crazy is that these people were so fringe in terms of religion, but their ideas about health and medicine caugh a lot of traction.
Jews are the reason circumcisions aren't completely banned. Same reason why people like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski get off scott free
what do you expect from a 19th century protestant nutjob
So having my dick uncut is better for woman then
The farmers back in the ol' day circumcised their sons so that they wouldn't masturbate. No one really told the son this so it just became a trend
all abortions yes
Based af
why did you elect a poo in loo pm though
It's a burger thing.
These nut jobs don't even consider themselves protestant. That's how far outside the historical path they see themselves.
it wasnt the people, it was the party that elected him
sure they are
enjoy your day 1 herpes
>based ireland
My sides
9 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. 10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. 13 Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”
Genesis 11
Pretty much. Being a non Christian here is like being the only sober person in the car.
More based than Aust*alia
oh, i guess you couldn't do anything about it then
also, how much do you hate brits on a scale 1-10?
Ireland is going secular at a faster rate than any country before. Just getting a late start on European degeneracy.
This graph is wrong though.
>born in still couldn't dodge the mutilation
I want to die
0, i have no problem with them personally, yeah its there but i think the tension is blown out of proportion
I get it
Also, do you know any Croats in Ireland?
And if you do, are they cucks or based?
>when you don't understand context
no, i have never met any
Kek what the fuck is wrong with Americucks. Circumcised dicks look nasty af.
> Tips fedora
I have circumscied both my sons. If you arent cut you cannot enter heaven
Its not a Christian practice, Europe is Christian too. (or was)
I say we should go back to hanging gays, desu. They are minions of the jew.
>defending christcuckanity
Like pottery
It's inner city shits and rich suberbs who vote this shit in.
Incorrect, christianity requires it. Read the bible
>i have never met a person with a circumcised dick
the fuck are you checkin out other dudes dicks for?
It's a Jewish tradition you moron. No one in my country is circumcised
No it fucking doesn't
Shut the fuck up you uneducated cunt
It is a vital part of christianity but catholics arent christian
Yes we fucking are
What are you on about?
We are more Christian than Protestants, you actual uneducated cuck
>Why do conservatives commit to a tradition?
Are you usually this stupid?
I met one, hardly any different than the other Slavs we get such as the Poles, Slovaks, Slovenians and such. That being said, Slavs are decent enough people.
>It's a Jewish tradition
It's a semitic tradition. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the same religion, all practice circumcision.
Stop spreading lies.
The New Testament explicitly says it's not required. Paul even tells non Jews to remain uncircumcised.
You have mutilated your sons for no reason.
It does. Genesis 17.
No it isn't
Stop spreading bullshit you retarded shit
>all practice circumcision
>tfw born in Wisconsin
>tfw 86%
>tfw uncut
Thanks I guess, lefty Madisonian parents
I got circumcised and I'm glad that I was. No smegma and it looks better.
Because the average american woman is usually grossed out by it and prefers big fat heads allowed to grow like fleshy helmets as opposed to anteater torpedo dicks. Thank Kek my guy is sporting the Darth Vader Helmet look.
this doesn't mean shit you retarded fuck
if it says in the bible it doesn't mean we practice it
and it never says you have to do it
you actual mongoloid
Because they don't want their sons to have some freaky looking ant-eater dick.
Ant-eater dick is a sign of serfdom.
Good goy
The truth is, Americans circumcise for supposed health reasons. Those health ideas came from some fringe people, but it caught on. Americans don't really consider religion when they do it.
>showering under foreskin for a few seconds is such a burden
I expected better from you.
This, it's a protestant stuff, we catholic don't mutilate ourselves hoping we would be 2.0 jews
Never met a Catholic that has ever read the bible
Here is a starter: In thr bible you are commanded to call no man father yet catholics refer to priests as that. Why?
You are told there is no need for anyone between you and God yet pray to Mary for intercession. Where is that found in scripture?.
Catholicism is pagan, not Christian
ITT a bunch of ant-eater Dicks with smegma vent about how unfair it is that girls prefer circumcised cock
smegma is a jewish meme
Every woman I know says opposite
I dont have to listen to a pagan when it comes to christianity.
You are literally delusional, holy fucking shit
>girls prefer kike cock
>only Americans are defending circumcision in this thread
never change Israel
Show your flag you retarded shit
Fucking dirty subhuman, telling me whats right and what's wrong
>parents will give you inheritance
>sue them for shit you'll already get, alienating them and making them hate you
Nice rebuttal. Have you ever read the bible?Where dies the scriptual authority for the office of the Pope come from?How about veneration of saints? Can you name the verse?
>going through life without ever having an infected or stank-ass cock is terrible
It's also harder to transmit/receive STDs. Foreskin is an STD sponge
You're not memeing anyone, nobody here with foreskin and a brain in their head is going to self mutilate because some shitposting troll said so.
If you are circumcised, you are not white, you are an ethnic Jew.
Oddly enough, the highest rates of circumcision are on the east coast and in the mid west, not the south, so your theory doesn't really hold up.
Plz no bully. It's not our fault it's the Jews fault.
Do you call your biological father your father? Paul told Timothy he was his spiritual father. The Apostle John referred to his flock as "my little children", so he's their father.
Nah, doesn´t happen here and Spain is one of the most catholic nations in Europe.
Fucking this. Catholicism does not practice cock mutilation. Thank god for that.
The pope is a perversion of the faith. He will burnin hell as will a catholics for their hijacking of christianity. There is no scriptual basis for most catholic beliefs
Nope. Enlight your self.
Stop being a Varg-shill.
I never had a choice
Yet is clearly says to call no man father.
It also states there is no need for anyone to stand between a man and God yet you go to a priest to forgive sins. Where is thst found in scripture?
That is a meme, you carry the same risk as anybody else.
You know the bible was compiled, written, translated and modified by catholics, right?