Women have periods during Wimbledon and the white dress is pretty bad for them. Having darker clothes would be much safer.
Is it sexist for Wimbledon to require white dresses by women?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't go when it's your time of the month? How hard is that
Here I solved the problem, if you've got bloomers and a under skirt you shouldn't show any blood.
Where is the tennis racket?
In her ass.
Oh it's for tennis players? I thought it was for the attendees
You can still dress with modesty when you play a sport
The women now look like they're naked they should be arrested for indecent exposure
Also it's spelled racquet I know you're a dumb Aryan and don't understand English so don't worry
Do the men wear white?
If they do then wouldn't it be sexist to not view them equally and treat them equally?
>arrested for indecent exposure
Given extra points, rather. But then, I'm an offically dirty old man.
You watch racing to see the crashes. You watch icehockey to see the fights. You watch women's tennis to see nice ass. You follow politics and hope the worst idiots wins the elections so you can laugh at them the better. Everything in this world is about the surrealism of it, and sarkasm.
Lust is a sin, if you have lust you've committed adultery in your heart
I don't just watch hockey for the fights, don't fucking tell me why I watch my hockey for faggot.
Old boy in the red's been sneaking some cheeseburgers.
Leaf comes into thread, makes 2 posts without even grasping exactly what the article is about.
Gets pissy that someone uses the Anglicized spelling of a word, instead of the French spelling, while ironically criticizing their grasp of English.
Once and for all proves that every Leaf must be raked.
Wimbledon is a private club and competitors are there by invitation. If competitors dont like the rules, they can decline the invitation.
Wimbledon can make whatever rules it wants for their private club
No. Lust is a virtue. Cruelty is also a virtue:
Professional athlete girls don't have periods user.
Their bodies are too stressed from all the physical exertion and probably the PEDs too.
Female athletes all take hormones and other performance enhancing substances that prevent them from having periods.
Or they get pregnant and abort the baby for the performance boost pregnancy hormones give them.
You'll never see a female tennis player suddenly get her period on the court.
Most female athlets dont have periods because they are pumped with drugs (legal and illegal)
Full body suits the colour of the ball would be ideal.
They already let that cheating by 120dB grunting shit slide.
jesus christ
we also have birth controls that can reduce it to about 3 a year
Why does Canada suck so much?
or in "Canadian Inleesh"
Por qoui Le Leaf Blowz dikz for zee money?
Racquet is how it's spelled in English
If you wanna get heat stroke go for it.
You watch it for the fights. Just admit it.
Don't play tennis when your vagina is bleeding.
I wouldnt play if my cock was bleeding.
If they had to wear white micro-bikinis, perhaps you could make the case.
But no.. it just annoying cunts being annoying cunts.
its degenerate and cheapens the sport
women should just fuck off and do porn if they want to be seen like that and let sports stay for men
Racquet is how some spell it in English.
Racket is just fine and has been used in a sporting context for an extremely long time.
I'd like them to wear nothing but fish nets. Who cares about the superficial game anyway. That's just prolefeed.
So that you don't come back with a "no u" argument. Here's data comparing the usage of 'racket' vs. 'racquet' in English writing from 1650 to 2000.
The Americans ruined English
The graph doesn't include American writings, it's strictly British
Ladies' tennis at Wimbledon is objectively better than all tennis (including men's tennis) anywhere else because there is no niggertier african colored clothing