Is this shit real?
Woah who's the slut
some slut, dont know sauce
>id is heil
>Remember the 11 gorillian goy
>Soviet famines can be explained away by British famines in India
>The soviets helped in ww2 (they did all of the work)
>Nazis were systematically killing, there were no deaths from starvation or disease
Did I miss any bullshit?
Man I remember when there were only 700k victims in the holohoax back in the 60's
Even Patton agreeed the German people were saints compared to the subhuman soviets. It must have been difficult living his life knowing he fought the good guys for the bad guys.
It's too bad (((they))) killed him.
You'd think with everyone burned up they'd stop finding millions of "victims" after more than 50 years
wtf i love communism now
>But after over two decades of access to formerly top secret Soviet archives, we now know the facts
This reeks of fake news. No source no nothing.
literal commie propaganda
>horrific statistics
>not crimes
kek the jews are at it again
He didnt think the germans were good he just wanted to keep the tanks rolling.
This faggot deserves a bullet
>Invaded and occupied half of Europe for 6-7 years
>Genocided 6 million people
>Political ideology has forever been shut down ever since
>Invaded and occupied half of Europe for nearly 50 years
>Genocided 35 million people
>Political ideology is alive and well, sucking the life out of all who follow it
I'm curious how people can look at the stats and still think the Nazi's were the worst
>stalin killed 23 million
You have to be really dumb to believe this, or intellectually dishonest by attributing all deaths (such as famine) to him directly.
He killed a few million maximum.
Who is this girl, and is it safe to save this pic?
He thought the German people were very good. Maybe not so much the Nazis. But he hated the soviets and was pretty redpilled about the Jews.
Oy vey how dare you goyim
>Invaded and occupied half of Europe for nearly 450 years
>Genocided 35 trillion people
>Political ideology is alive and well, sucking the life, soul, money out of all who follow it
even if you assume EVERYTHING bad about Nazis was true(which most of us don't) it still doesn't compare to the Soviets let alone communism as a whole.
Communist ideology created that famine
That or they try to say hitler was a socialist. It's revisionist bullshit but what do you expect from people who trust shit infographic jpegs over history books.
THE JEWS DIDN'T KILL PATTON. HE got clipped by a drunk grunt driving a jeep then died in the hospital Jesus Christ
And the irony is fascism was a direct reaction to communism. Without communism you had no fascism
It's literally the age old case of "the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"
i wonder why
WHICH fucking soviets?
Fuck me I hate the kikes for making you all think history is boring and pointless, it's made people retarded
>but it want REAL communism!
>You have to be really dumb to believe this, or intellectually dishonest by attributing all deaths (such as famine) to him directly.
>He killed a few million maximum.
Nah. He was a Communist. Feeding people was his responsibility according to his political philosophy, as well as healthcare, therefor, ALL deaths via starvation and disease can be blamed on Stalin and his commie regime.
He is a supporter of the Ukrainian rebels. Just discard him and his opinino it is obviously propaganda.
>It's a Jew in the video
Every fucking time
Someone please link 200 years together.
Most of hitlers kills were starvation too, still the number grows every decade
Everything is also black/white to leftists.
Actually, the only thing leftists care about would be the black, not the white.
>Soviets only documented about 4 million killed
>so that's the total
And the Nazis only recorded
But the soviets were worse then Hitler. I fucking hate these people.
Of that's right these retards support communism.
Why are leftists sucking commie dick so hard?
>Reaching this hard
Good goy leaf good goy
Oh spare me you reddit pieces of shit aren't the least bit better, you just happen to have a slightly better aligned ideology with most of us here.
That's what they say, but there are people who say it didn't quite go down like that.
He was apparently planning on quitting the military and doing a speaking tour of the US to bring attention to his thinking on the war and the soviets/jews.
He was actually thinking of reactivating the remnants of the German military to help invade the USSR.
He felt they were the threat not Germany.
I keked from the history of Boris Steckler
This made me incoherently angry. What a fag. I need to punch his face.
>Jews are Stalin apologists
You are ignorant and know nothing of the antisemitism and purges of Jewish bolsheviks under his rule. Even children know about Trotsky's icepick murder. The jews hated Stalin.
The actions of the US government were responsible for the deaths of around 7 million during the cold war. Yet, that is conveniently not talked about because who controls the curriculum in America?
Famine was a persistent occurance in Russia given that it was an unedeveloped country when the communists took power. Convenient how we look at Holodomor and blame it on the communists, but the countless famines under the Czars are ignored. That said, Stalin was a great success in terms of upping the literacy rate above that of the USA's, and housing everyone. 1950s Soviet union was a far better place to live than ever before in Russia.
he talks like a fag and looks like paul joseph watson
*11 million, but your point still stands
Pim Fortuyn wasn't killed by Mossad either, it's all coincidences, many many coincidences.
Because they are pathetic losers who want to steal your money so they can lay about getting high. It's hilarious because if a commie party ever actually got into power, they'd be lined up and shot in the face.
Up to 40 million
They're getting butthurt that people don't buy "Hitler was the worst thing ever" narrative, so they've engaged damage control. Stalin and Mao both have higher body counts than Hitler, even including the (((alleged atrocities))).
Read the description on the video
This has to be a joke right?
Tell us about it gramps.
In fact such fake as "holodomor" was born in CIA in 1980 as anti-Soviet propaganda campaign
>Osama bin Laden portrayed as fascist leader
Sure Islam can be construed as fascist but it's theocratic with its own baggage
>Getting numbers from soviet government documents
NKVD, KGB, lots of people died without being recorded
>Soviets tampered the Nazi concentration camps to make them out to be extermination camps
They built a random chimney that didn't connect to anything just to push the ovens story
>intellectually dishonest by attributing all deaths (such as famine)
You have to be intelectualy dead if you dont know that great famine was planed.
This is some ace insight into the mind of the subverted.
Please, continue. Are you USA or Canada by any chance?
Oy vey but gods chosen are worth more goy
thank you for your input, feel free to return to reddit or /leftypol/ any time
>Invaded and occupied half of Europe for nearly 1488 years
>Genocided 446 pentillion people
>Prob much more
>Fascistic tendencies are taking root again!
>At the same time communistic tendencies are taking root too
Its kinda like when Commies act like retards people try and stop them.
.t commie
Well the nazis didn't sacrifice their own kind.
Both are equally shitty, though chinks on this board acting protecting NatSoc are utterly pathetic.
The Soviets had direct control over food distribution. Not the farmers, and not the market. Therefore when they took the food from one location, and gave to those loyal to the Communist cause, they were directly responsible for those deaths.... Not God and not nature.
it wasn't even 6 gorillion. Modern souces states it was around 100k
so very much this.
Communism as has killed more people than any other socio-geo-political-religious-kitchen sink movement.
>Famine was a persistent occurance in Russia given that it was an unedeveloped country when the communists took power.
And The Communists said their system would take care of that, which is one of the reasons their was consent to rule, they made it worse instead, and that failure rests squarly on their shoulders
>Convenient how we look at Holodomor and blame it on the communists, but the countless famines under the Czars are ignored.
When we're talking about The Czar, we'll discuss their shortcommings, but for now lets stay on the point you brought up
>That said, Stalin was a great success in terms of upping the literacy rate above that of the USA's, and housing everyone. 1950s Soviet union was a far better place to live than ever before in Russia.
Misdirection, again.
But yeah, a great place I guess if you're not one of, or related too, the 60 some million that died of disease, starvation, or the 10s of millions from war, or the millions from subjugation, or the 10s of millions of others that just barely survived and lived in fear their whole lives, but yeah, he sure got that literacy rate up after he burned most of the worlds great books.
Remember, during 1933-39 Hitler had no one starving(USA can't even say that) nor did he have to use military force on his own people.
>their own kind
there is only one kind, the human kind
You commit genocide, you're a crazy piece of shit, period.
Stop being cringy edgy natsoc kids
Leftists love URSS, always, and all the time.
When society has more sane people, they keep this in a box, away from their own consciences.
But when the stars are right, articles start to pop up, gradually moving towards "Stalin did nothing wrong".
4k views who cares
That's how assasinatons work you moron. It's not like a video game where you shoot a guy with a rifle from 10 miles away. Real assasins make it look like an accident. or they use a patzi to blame it on.
>t. french born algerian
>jews tell us that jews didn't really commit that many crimes
>even in the opening they diminish the amount of people that Stalin killed
Hitler was literally elected to fight off the coming Soviet invasion.
You may be the intellectually dishonest one here, you are implying famine was not a cause of the communist regime.
Then stop blowing people up Achmed
Nobody believes you.
Whoa, whoa, how could you cruel goyim forget the 50 million? How dare you insult the 60 million Jews massacred.
next time, you might want to select a custom flag before making assumptions, beaner
You just don't sound very convincing as is
You're still a nigger, faggot.
I can understand Russians hollering for Soviet Union because at the end of the day it was their Empire.
But Westerner Soviet apologists are the lowest scum there is.
What he literally said they were the finest race in Europe and their treatment unquestionably shitty
Stalin fabricated the holocaust for Rothschild funds, remember how Auschwitz had 4 million jews killed at first? But after the fall of the USSR, it was suddenly corrected to 1.1, another bullshit number, as people would now be able to access the evidence.
Here's the kicker: The TOTAL of 6 million never went down. 6 - 2.9 = 20 million jews killed in the holocaust, that's some serious jew math there.
Don't take my word for it either, here's an ex-KGB member talking about the USSR:
Nope, 20 million people in death camps at ANY GIVEN TIME during his regime.
Have you read Patton's Diaries? Fascinating stuff, they outline clearly why he would be killed.
>6 million