Anyone else getting tired of all the ancaps trying to subvert this board? They're clearly the pawns of the Jews.
Anyone else getting tired of all the ancaps trying to subvert this board? They're clearly the pawns of the Jews
By decentralising business?
By not understanding that ancap=somalia. Anyone subscribing to any form of anarchism is a complete and utter moron. Before some smartass decides to create a false dichotomy, not supporting ancap doesn't mean that someone supports 1984.
>By not understanding that ancap=somalia.
A lot of Friedman fanboys are ancaps, so they'll accept a bare minimum of state being a judicial system, to enforce contracts. Somalia is chaotic anarchy.
>Anyone subscribing to any form of anarchism is a complete and utter moron.
We like thinking orderly anarchy is more than just an obvious oxymoron and might actually work.
>Before some smartass decides to create a false dichotomy, not supporting ancap doesn't mean that someone supports 1984.
It does make it more likely I'll resist and you'll give in and whore your rectum as the only thing you're fit for society.
Sup Forums is originally libertarian board, you larping stormfags need to gtfo
Times change, faggot.
>muh likes
>muh feels
>ad hominem
Shitpost par excellence. Australian confirmed.
No - anti statism is undoing the jew-pawnery.
Somalia = communism after it fails once more
Those fucking libertarians, mane.
Don't thy know I LIKE tasting daddy government's dick?
Are Guy Fawkes Masks Libertarians? Pretty much?
Anyone notices how there's more criticism of Ancap than of communism lately?
Fucking storm larpers know their actual enemies, and it's not the jews, it's having to take responsibility for their failure.
Completely free market, no gummint to interfere with anything yet it isn't anacap?
>not real communism
>not real ancap
I see Libertarians as the natural organic process after removal of parasitic Jew.. Libertarians with UBI should be the future. Prove me wrong
Police, law courts, public servants, Mi5, Mi6, Soldiers, Army, Doctors, Nurses NHS staff, street sweepers, Civil servants, etc etc. ar ALL on the public payroll.....................but they pay income tax, right?
So unless they are making a loss and paying to "work" they are leeching off the public purse. They are on the same payroll as welfare recipients.
They are net tax negative.
Their salaries are simply printed into existence and this devalues all the currency in circulation. You can't print capital.
They are new-age commies.
They need to get in the helicopter.
Ancaps are not ans nor caps. They are just deeply confused individuals, usually autistic, who are attracted to their "philosophy" because its childishly simplistic outlook can be easily hidden behind a bunch of big words and pseudoscience, creating the appearance of intelligence for people who know themselves to be basically retarded.
Pic related. Fuck off ancaps.
They're annoying yes.
But not as much as all the uneducated Stormfags who think Nazism that killed the West by destroying its immunity system is the remedy to save it, and keep scaring normies away from race realism and a rebellious mindset.
You can't print capital.
Somalia is a sub 70IQ shithole under permanent state of war financed by Soviet weapons given before they tried to invate Ethiopia.
Sort of like Croatia but with more melanin.
Hi newfag, Sup Forums had always an anarcho-libertarian feels, since the beginning. Its only until a couple of years we got nazied, before that there were only a bunch of stormfaggots we used to mock all the time.
>sub 70IQ
>is ancap aka autistic
>doesn't see irony because ancap aka autistic
It's foaming at the mouth Communists pretending to be ancap. Flags are the opposite 8/10 times. Welcome to Sup Forums now get out!
>Wanting to destroy global finance, and central banks.
>Wanting to hang the current neo capitalist bougosise.
Yup I love Jews. At least my meme flag didn't help create isreal
National debt is not capital.
Ancap is retarded meme-ideology
Minarchism is acceptable
>let me tell you about how my exact branch of communism won't end with millions of death people and starvation
Fuck off to leftypol
Look up /new/ for me will you? Fuckin newfags.
Hahahaha hilarious coming from an "anarchist" that aligns themselves with Communists.
>In order to abolish the state we need to give the state supreme authority
Fucking genius bro!
Gun ownership is a right and a method to cull those who don't understand private property.
Thence society improves greatly.
Gun confiscation leads to retards spawning retards.
>wanting desperately to look smart
>cannot comprehend real political ideology
>finds a stupid but easy to understand ideology that can easily be attached to big words to try to appear smart
>is autistic
>therefore embraces said ideology
Just go color or write 10,000 page books about dragons or something. Politics isn't for you spergs.
Libertarians are sometimes okay unlike turbofaggot ancaps
>is autistic
>sees a philosophy that claims to be smarter than everybody else and therefore the best by default
>understands nothing but wants to look smart cuz autistic
>embraces philosophy
>remains autistic
>wants safe space for ancap autism
ancaps are just misguided souls, who will someday realize their identity as minarchist libertarians.
I'm more concerned about the unironic national socialists
>doesn't understand Communism because Marx is too hard
>Mises Institute talking points are easy
>autist becomes ancap
>is still autist
I always think a libertarian state will be full of AnCap individuals, but you can't have an AnCap state by definition.
ITT: butthurt stormkikes trying to subvert this board.
What's correct about naming yourself after a system that was anti-capitalist from the beginning?
What's incorrect about Somalia=ancap?
What's incorrect about all ancaps are autists?
>not autistic and self-contradictory
pick one
You're a product of jewish brainwashing, you filthy statist.
You're a good goy, my dude.
Pirate is best political affiliation. Prove me wrong.
Somalia has completely unregulated free market capitalism.
Somalia has no gummint to interfere with anything.
Ergo, Somalia is ANCAP promised land.
>safe space
Yeah safe from brainlets who do nothing but screech "AUTISM" at anything beyond their comprehension level. Make an argument or go starve somewhere else, pinko faggot.
Want to see an argument, how about you explain how people whose ideology is literally abstract thinking and hypothesis can be autists, when autists have no capability of abstract thinking?
Fucking mong, day of the helicopter can't come soon enough.
Why can't we all just get along.
National Socialists - Ancaps/Libertarians
Christians - Atheists/Pagans
Catholics - Orthodox
Canada - Sup Forums
Whats incorrect about "unbridled plunge into unlimited debt is bad"?
Sorry - I added "is bad" and a pic for clarification.
Why? - cuz autistic, apparently.
Haven't bothered reading marx as history has shown that Marxism/leninism is a complete failure so much so that even Marxist gave up on it besides some struggling to breathe Momo's such as yourself.
>thinks anarchism as the term was used for over a century prior to Lolthbard was "self-contradictory"
>names self after this allegedly "self-contradictory" term
>insists he is not autistic
>by making most autistic rage post ever
>is autistic
None of them have even heard of Proudhon.
Sorry but ancap really is mentally retarded. It requires such a level of mental retardation I can't even explain why to you because your measly brain is completely incapable of grasping what simple logical conclusions are required to understand why it's retarded. So I would just be wasting my time.
Screen cap this
Watch Antifa will merge with Ancap
>Somalia has completely unregulated free market capitalism.
No it doesn't. Somalia is in war, a war of multiple states trying to take control over its territory. Depending on where your house fell you will be taxed by one or another.
Was Spain ancap during the civil war? Was the US ancap during the civil war?
If your standards of defining what ancap is is just a failed state in a situation of war then of couse it's going to look shit, but no ideology would fix Somalia, Socialism didn't, national socialism wouldn't, only filling Somalia with whites and people above 90 IQ would.
Yeah - thats basically AnCap.
Pirate boats were basically an anarchic society (An) and they were on the hunt for booty and plunder (Cap).
Its the lack of understanding private property is where pirates fuck up, but hey, its close enough
>thinks Marxism-Leninism=all of Marxism
>admits he has read nothing about Marx
>but knows he hates it
Good arguments.
We're taking over Sup Forums because you guys aren't even putting a fight.
Of course not. That would require actual reading that takes more than 5 minutes and a degree of concentration. Autists are not capable of this, which is why only they are fooled by ancap shite.
They already have. If you payed attention most of the lolbertairian party only cares about buttsecks and dude weed. Oh, and open borders.
Should humans interact
If you pick voluntarily, you are an ancap.
If you pick coersively, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I just don't get why the new flags were added in the first place.
Definition of ancap=no state + unregulated market capitalism.
>Somalia has no state
>Somalia has unregulated markets
>Your theory is shit
>Burger posting this hard
>burger education
>burger flag observed, disregarding entire post
>being this burger.
Because of burgers burger-posting burger.
>Can only greentext
>makes no actual arguments
>just calls everyone autistic retards
>Is actually an autistic retard
>dosn't realise cuz autistic retard
ermagerd personal property, mutualism, etc.
You keep using autism like it's some sort of insult. Autism is the next step in human evolution and, it's going to lead to the demise of Communists.
>Continues to behave as all autists do trying to look smart
>Can't comprehend why everyone just laughs after all the hard work he's put in trying
>if you have enough shekels you can buy a tank
>not real free market capitalism
Son, you are reaching Bernie Sanders levels of delusion
>but it wasn't real communism
>Thinks having the fruits of your labor stolen in order to have food and shelter is "voluntary"
A suspiciously large amount of them ARE Jews.
while imho the creation of money for the ppl shoud not be put into the power of private banks, ancap at least depowers banks. while right now banks are allowed to create money out of thin air, while its only trustworthy because the state and its ppl provide its trust.
in free banking banks are stripped of that power and i like that.
i still prefer a strong state that prints its own money via a fourth power, the monetative, that only follows inflation laws
I'm not an ancap but the Somalia argument is invalid. All parts of Somalia are administered by various warlords, which is a form of government.
The opposite of anarchism is statism.
I'm against statism and the only time Communism "worked" was Soviet Russia that had quite a large state.
Also, I see Gold and Silver as money. Which is literally capital.
Mises and Rothbard were Jews BTW
>14 posts by this ID on a thread that's not even about his ideology
Keep the rage flowing son.
roads would be more effective if private contractors competed with one another to make them more effective
At least you embrace your retardation and recognize that as a retard, you believe your retardation is actually way smart, and that it is this particular type of retardation that leads all of you to be the only people on earth who are ancoms.
Israel is not ancap. Maybe jews don't like it as much as you think.
Mises, Rothbard, Friedman
kike city.
We don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
I'd have a monarchist flag if the mods weren't fags.
Just report the commie fag, nothing but insults, obviously is on a rage trip
>Im fat and need to lose some weight
>I think I'll start regular jogging sessions for about 20 minutes everyday
>Naah, I just gonna run till I faint from dehydration
>Chicago School
>form of government
No. Gummint implies some sort of rule of law. Warlords = decisions based on whether someones dick is currently leaning to the left or to the right a.k.a. anarchism
>country completely run by warlords
>free market with no government
are you retarded? Serious question
>newfaggot ancap niggers actually believe this
Get off my fucking board
>Implying a stateless capitalist system wouldn't always result in exactly that
Yeah bud, that's the whole point. Get rid of the state while keeping capitalism in place tomorrow, and the next day you'd have the Confederation of Wal-Mart over here, the Republic of Microsoft over there, the United States of Comcast up north... Etc. etc. All of them armed to the teeth with private paramilitary organizations.
ancap-jewish alliance when?
Are you?
There is no literal capital.
You can't literally have something that doesn't physically exist. This is where ancap's picture of reality breaks down and makes them look like drooling fucking retards.
Property laws require a state. Without realistically enforceable property laws you get pirates. And shiver me timbers you retard. Without being bound by your closed economic loop pirates are able to rove around, unmolested pillaging their way to economic success by harvesting the fruits of other people's labour.
Merchants had to travel in literal fucking naval armadas back in the golden age of piracy, that's how powerful pirates were able to become under such conditions.
>lol thinks Soviets "worked" cuz they were a state-capitalist country
Nobody cares what you "see" as money, anymore than they care about all of the bizarre things you autists "see". Money is a legal fiction, a social construction to represent value, which it does with incredible inconsistency under capitalism. Money isn't real. Value is real. And value is created by labor.
the problem is somalians dont know what the nap is