Why do feminists support Islam?
Why do feminists support Islam?
Because they are mentally ill.
Retardedness is a real problem
there is probably some perverse and opportunistic calculation there but i care nothing about it
the only thing this really shows is how fucked up and disingenuous feminism is, and was from day 1
Because feminism is a shit test against white men.
For 50 years, they failed it, so it became more outrageous with every cycle.
mental illness
Feminism exists to fuck over their brothers. All that empowering women bullshit is just marketing flair.
Because regressive leftism is an especially busted bastardization of Marxism completely focused on tearing down the society we live in and all of our norms. To them, any way is better than our way. That's as far as they've thought it through.
First: there are differet islam
>inb4: no they are all bad
It's just a book bro. Different people give different meanings
Because now that they have everything, they secretly long to be dominated by males again
Only the ugly ones who have low SMV. The hot ones won't.
Why can't liberals and conservatists unite to repel the islam threat or try to convert the indoctrinated into more peacefull religion or atheism?
stupidity, bigotry and moral relativism
Because it spites the white man.
ja it has that element to it
the desire to one up yourself with more outrageous nonsense in order to offend
>just two months after 9/11
Virtue signaling cunt needs to get shipped off to a real middle eastern shithole. She'd probably be raped to death within the month.
Because both groups hate the "oppressive" western world.
It highlights the problem with thinking the enemy of your enemy is surely your friend; if the west is overthrown, the feminists will be purged by their former allies.
Every single thing a feminist says is the diametric opposite of the truth.
They argue false rape claims are all but non-existent, when the actual number is around half of all rape claims.
They argue the wage gap is 33% when in reality women often out-earn men for the same job and experience.
And they argue that the patriarchy is evil and oppressive...when they fucking well long for a strong male presence to put them in their place.
And what is Islam if nothing else than a strong male presence.
A violently psychotic one, sure - but that part doesn't matter to women. Just that a strong male has his hand on the rudder of social issues and not weak men or women.
Because they don't have to be sexy under their burka.
Because all women want to be dominated by powerful men.
That caption should say
"I am the stupidest bitch to ever walk the earth"
Because Democrats will always vote against the status quo even in blatant evidence proves they are wrong.
Islam is about as far from feminism as any religion could be, it's currently in its dark age history.
Thats fucking retarded, like the fucking sandniggers would give a fuck. They're white, muslims are hateful fucks that hate everyone. As if they'd give a white woman a chance just because their morals align.
Complete loser beta fucking snowflakes who don't have anything going for them decide to take two of the most contradictory stances possible simultaneously in order to draw attention to themselves. Deep down, they're actually quite aware of this, but will use the most baffling doublethink and circular logic possible to justify their ridiculous "beliefs".
Free gibs
Same reason why Eastern Europeans convert to Catholicism and change their names to fit the Western ones
maybe they are trying to force divide and conquer tactics?
because they are dumb, and when they are on their periods they make moronic decisions
Also, they label themselves and other like-minded losers "progressive" which they believe allows them to act completely above it all without having to worry about being called out on their garbage by anyone who isn't a xenophobic, Islamophobic, homophobic, LBGTBBQphobic racist.
Because they're self hating racists which is the worst kind of racists.
Mutual assumed victimhood
Common goal of destroying western values and the traditional family. I'm excited for Islam, when they succeed in burning down America, they are gonna have such a well deserved rape party. The Feminist will object I'm sure but come on Allahu Ahkbar amirite?
Hmm flag checks out.
Fake news
Because women want to be dominated by men. This whole "women's liberation" is just reverse psychology.
Because they aren't people. They are human animals, yes. But they don't have self-awareness. Bitch in the photo converted to Islam because the attack by the conquering hoards got her loins wet. She wanted to be conquered because that's alpha AF. She would give up everything western civilization has worked so hard to give her just to get hate-raped by Ackmed once. Women simply do not have self control, because the idea of depriving yourself of something you want requires a soul.
Feminism is a shit-test, and the Muslim men are passing it.
virtual signaling
Because the Muslim brotherhood infiltrated the third wave feminist movement and has been playing a long-game of brainwashing the most whiny bunch of cunts into thinking everything is muh islamaphobia
Not really. Women want feminism because they heard some other woman talking about feminism so it must be great.
What feminism gives them is the freedom to impulsively spread their legs whenever a man passes an outdated test of how good his genes are. Women still want a tall brute over an intellectual any day despite our society having changed that paradigm. When women say they want a smart man what they are really saying is.
>I'm saying I want a smart man because it is social expectation to say it.
>I want to reap the benefits of everything smart men have given society but without giving anything back in return.
>I also want to get raped by a tall gang of spear chucking monkey men.
Because being rational is difficult for women and irrationality is the core component of feminism
Because liberals have become terrorism apologists for the sake of political correctness at the expense of national security.
Because feminists are self-indulgent and eager to latch on to any cause to compensate for their lack of self-esteem.
Fucking kek
Because they are all in on antiamerica antiwhiteman etc
Being a female makes you a victim and oppressed according to feminists anyway. Being a female/feminist/muslim gives them that extra edge of oppression. Its about garnering as much sympathy as possible from the left. Fortunately mostnpwople don't buy into this nonsense.
>they secretly want to be dominated
>they're feminists because there was no strong man to stop them so when they started acting out it kept going and muslims will slap their shit
>their lives are boring and empty once they become feminists, this is something interesting and exciting
>they are all unattractive so hiding themselves with a hijab/burqa is perfect
That's about it.
We have failed as white men. It's our fault. Blaming it on the women is like blaming your dog for biting someone, it's your fucking fault for not training it better.
>implying they won't enjoy getting rammed by all these muslim alphas
The Ahmadiyya Muslim are evolving rapidly. Some Mosque already allow LBGT members. Their membership is growing rapidly. My beliefs are membership will grow from all groups but white males being the slowest. Therefore, the white male b becomes hunted.
There is no such thing. By definition.
The definition of being a Muslim is being beta to your faith and having only imams/warlords/kings/sheikhs/sultans as the alphas. And they don't actually believe all that gibberish.
Mostly because they really crave being dominated, simple as that.
Other reasons apply to a smaller degree as well: "rebellion" against the current system (no particular reason, though, just because), attention seeking, motherly instincts to protect the poor oppressed islam animals from the evil western patriarchy, self loathing, etc.
The enemy of my enemy
Feminism was never pro-woman, it was always anti-white man. A shit test taken to the absolute extreme level of female emotional insanity.
This. If feminists actually cared about the wellbeing of women, they'd be out marching in the streets against Islam.
Feminism, at its core, is about destroying white families and white civilization. Is it any cohencidence that the most prominent feminists throughout history have names like Steinem, Friedan, Dworkin, and Sandberg?