/yourguy/ is a laughingstock to the world.
/yourguy/ is a laughingstock to the world
my president there
he does not even understand english
the one with the tongue
no one cares what some cunts from germanistan or francistan thinks. When idiots that turn European countries into third world islamic shitholes criticizes you, it means you are doing it right.
Wtf I love milf hunter who are in charge of the french army now
You have there the husband of a pedo and rajoy
Just those two are enough to make this post pointless
It was nervous laughter. They know he isn't going to let them take advantage of America anymore.
How is it possible for a spanish person to not understand english? Most of the vocabulary is basically the same in root.
Macron let himself be used by an older woman at the age 15. If anyone should be laughed at it's that fucking pedo loving faggot.
A woman that looks like a disgusting old cow I should add.
It's a good thing none of us care what those cucks think.
being smug is not an argument yurocucks
europoors mean nothing to us now
They are our lapdogs and they are about to be reminded of it soon enough.
no, one is germanic the other is latin
anyway that is not the point
Based Rajoy
English is very close to spanish dude, it's closer to latin than german.
speaking of lapdogs
We don't need english when my language is spoken by millions
that is for sure
I noticed that Trump didn't do his typical thing where he violently jerks the other guy's arm towards him. What level chess are we talking here?
wtf I love globalists now
Didn't cnn have to fire some of their employees because they lied about that connection?
Oh right they did :^)
Yeah, because we really care what these cucks think.
they can't get a proper public relationship due to stupid media and acusations
Don't know man, I imagine there are not many south americans worth talking to. Everbody speaks english though. I can go to china and speak english and be understood.
>Europeans still think they matter
>Trump and Putin in the same room
french and spanish is a romanic languae, totally different structure. also they get everything dubbed on television, even germans. ever seen bradd pitt talking german? soputh park in german, every american made movie in french or german, no wonder these people are cucked.
The "don't yank on a judo blackbelt's arm, especially not when they're ex-kgb" level of chess.
Trump didn't even bother trying to pull him in. Donnie knows his place.
At least 7D, they both were friendly to each other.
If you noticed, both kind of leaned forward, all they had to do is slightly pull hands and one of them would possibly sightly trip over and look very goofy but neither did this.
Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe there is hope for peace.
Make as much fun as you want, but once Merkel is reelected they will finally fuck the USA, Poland and Russia
The point is that he is retard, unable to speak other language but spanish, i know we share many words in root but gramatically (our verbs) are so much different
Average chink doesnt speak english
They are more beta then the Shills going after Anon5.
Mad Jan is mad
Isn't one of these granny-thumping douchebags going around likening himself to God?
why did he point at trump at the end of that?
Serious question:
Do euros not understand Americans dont care what they think or does the idea becuddle them?
I cannot stress enough how little americans care about the rest of the globe.
bitter fired cnn employee is now working for shareblue. eat muslim cock you two time Democrat loser.
jokes on them, nobody respects the Arabpean Union anyways. Remember to sage shill posts guys
castillans are retarded
all catalan politicians speak english for example
Yes. There wasn't a table between them or anything. I can't wait for the civil war. Red means dead commie bitch
>The laughing stock of a bunch of effete, beta numales
What a terrible thing to be, truly.
English grammar is still Germanic, although much simpler, but after the Normans took England, the vocabulary became heavily French. It's why we often have two words for the same thing, one Germanic and another Romance.
And no one laughs at France or Germany.
>implying the rest of the world isn't a bunch of cucks who laugh at anyone not bending over for the global agenda
fuck you and those countries faggot
He's galego god damn catalufo, assuming someone is dumb for not knowing a second language is plain naive to say the least.
PLEASE go back to shilling muh Russia. Democrats are doing better since the media pivoted away from it. Please start shilling it hard again
Rajoy having problems holding his tongue inside his mouth.
he's not a fucking galego
he doesn't speak galician so he's no galego
the fact that he's born in galicia doesn't make him a galician
he's a castillan
>assuming someone is dumb for not knowing a second language is plain naive to say the least.
that's what a true castillan would say lmao
I'm so glad they finally met. They should've done so a long time ago.
>"you did the second hand under arm thing, you rascal"
why would we want to talk to the avergae chink or average south american or average spanniard to start with ?
The first time Trump actually criticizes Putin or acts like he won't let Russia walk all over the US and its interests, please, post it to Sup Forums. I want to see it.
Macron's wife might as well be his mom she's so old
who the fuck has said he does not know a second language?
the language I speak defines my nationality, you are lobotimized
show me a video of him speaking in english or galician
>the language I speak defines my nationality, you are lobotimized
no it doesn't, africans that speak french are not french
but a galician that doesn't speak galician is not galician either
Manlet Orban in the back aint laughin. Just da cucks.