I found this shifty comic that's going all viral on Twitter.
I think it's nothing more than bitching about some non-issue in vidya.
I want to hear your thoughts on this and see if you guys can edit this to be... better.
I found this shifty comic that's going all viral on Twitter.
I think it's nothing more than bitching about some non-issue in vidya.
I want to hear your thoughts on this and see if you guys can edit this to be... better.
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont get it.
I agree with them for different reasons.
It'll be like a lizard race: The males are like humanoid dinosaurs, and the females will be like green scaly super models with lizard eyes. This is an often noted problem in RPGs. Not even a feminism thing.
Lesbians want agendered characters because they don't understand heterosexual female sexuality and how it's based around identity rather than appearance, they don't understand male sexuality either obviously.
Its just fucking annoying. The females would evolve to be sexually pleasing to their males, not ours. I get why they do it but its still retarded.
>normies find a jap game
good thing the gooks don't care about anything other than their audience back at home and won't ever listen to these retards
this has nothing to do with politics you puerile moron. fuck off.
Isn't it mostly jap games tho? Japs don't give a shit about feminists. They like their tits big and bouncy.
Freya was from Final fantasy a jap game you dumbfuck pole nigger
That mouse is a cutie. I'd buy that game. But people who complain about this shit often don't even play the game.
SJW's like to play the 'vote with your money' card, until they remember that they're a minority without much comparative purchasing power, then it's back to crying about being oppressed by mainstream taste. And I think the industry is also starting to catch on to the fact that people don't buy games because it placates their agenda.
>letting "realism" getting in the way of hot monster women
r u gay?
Why edit it? Isn't this against race mixing?
I made a mod that did this for Skyrim, khajits were cat girls too
>Having furry races at all
This is a problem unless their only purpose is to be exterminated
Actually I agree, the first image is a non sense, a too obvious bait for virgins in the basement playing MMO, an interesting narrative world can't be so obvious.
Damn i missed out on the best mod.
To be precise, I don't want to say "no fermale dimorphism", but only that I prefer a more believable one.
I didn't release it, I did a lot of shit like that, I made the imperial army 40K because I could, I remember someone sperging out about it because I don't even like or know about Warhammer
It's pretty dumb if I am being honest with you, but I don't really care that much. Haven't played too many games where this happens, so that might be why.
I'd totally fuck that mouse girl though.
you should release those, people are always going to complain
>I will now buy your game
You literally won't, that's the reason Blizzard had to redesign the races in World of Warcraft.
Please post 1 example
Garnet was my vidya crush growing up
>Log into WoW
>My character is in the Horde
>Every girl ever plays Blood Elf because that's the only sexy character
>Zero Female Tauren
>Zero Female Undead
Play Guild Wars 2
Pic related, its female
mai ratfu
World of Warcraft is more or less the only game I've seen such drastic differences between males and females of a species, but because it's still got a major foothold in the MMO market everyone acts like it's an industry-wide "problem".
I don't mind when designers make females of a species more attractive than males, though I admit I appreciate it more aesthetically when both males and females are closer to a middle ground equilibrium between "full beast" and "full human".
>play GW2
>gay flag
Checks out. That game is made for and by faggots.
>Log in to Tera
>Every girl everplays Elin because its the only pedo character
>Zero female Amani
>Zero male characters
>My character selection screen.
>Depends on the setting
I'm not gay tho
World of warcraft
This is what trolls look like during the alpha version.
Feminists claim they aren't represented in video games but I thought this character represented them.
Those aren't current at all though.
No one cares about your transexual plants, homo. Please don't shill your awful game here.
and now
I like sexual dimorphism with females of different species looking more cute or sexy. It will increase the chances I buy the game.
stop doing this shit
At least post the original
Sexual dismorphism
That image is shit even if u made both of them realistic in the image they are the fucking same and in reality mouses and rats are dimorphic species
>trolls least played Race in WoW
>Blizzard makes changes based on market demands to try to improve racial balance and universe immersion.
WOOOOAHHHH, how crazy. This is detrimental to female body image, despite the fact every female in WoW was rolling Human, Night Elf or Blood Elf (because they are hot and no sane human wants to LARP as a disgusting monster when they already are one in real life)
Here you go lad.
yeah I am kinda tired of the complete transformation. Guild wars 2 was cool about that, I think. I just want monsters not an attempt to be a feminine race.
Somebody show these femtards Touhou. They would explode.
They don't want anthropomorphic female animals, they want the real thing. You know, like Canadians.
I agree with it though, if I want to fuck an orc, I want to fuck a tough gritty strong bitch, not a fucking pornstar with green bodypaint
Is that based on Anita Sarkeesian?
>"I will now buy your game"
no you won't, you landwhale
I could count the number of female that actually enjoy playing videogames on the fingers of one hand, and they all had a husband or fiancee that played videogames AS A JOB
I literally never saw a single female play Warcraft III, and I still need to find evidence of the contrary
>marxism hates beauty personified
No they don't, keep my waifu away from normies!
I can agree with this
Anything non human should be ugly or at least weird
Fucking hate how elf scum are always pretty humans with pointy years. I like how Skyrim handled elf scum precisely because of that
Female Draenei are played by irl chicks, too
Is it supposed to be a wolf and a mouse?
Get out
>A super minority of fat women want a thing
They should move to a communist nation, because under capitalism people produce things that sell.
>280 pounds
>futa landwhales
This is just wrong.
mouse 100%
can i still fuck the wolf in-game?
>he doesn't like amazon dick girls
Feminists are better than nerds at telling the beta ass gaming industry what to do
So World of Warcraft did it right?
>Head obviously more wolf then human
>Both genders have humanoid bodies
I immediately installed the mod that turned dark elf chicks into supermodels (the other elves too - they looked like fucking aliens)
>Game must have two distinct genders instead of a slider
>Female characters must look a certain way for me to consider them female
Holy fuck I am triggered, can we get this kids personal info and alert his workplace that he's a transphobic shitlord?
>Have solid horns which adds weight
>Have tails which adds weight
>7' tall
280 seems right
Don't think I even have them anymore, also I stole the assets so I couldn't upload to most sites like nexus or moddb
I mod mount and blade now and do upload it so now I ruin a good game with waifu mods
get out
>anthropomorphic mouse girl
I personally wouldn't mind more anthropomorphic characters in fantasy games
It's almost like girls only want to play exotic girl versions of themselves and not a monstrous looking fantasy race.
>7 feet tall
I thought faggots didn't exist in Russia?
If these cunts want realism or even basic logic in video games, they'd remove women as a playable gender to begin with.
>Implying this thing plays games
>Implying it even moves from this spot as it's feeder no doubt brings it all the food and disability welfare checks it needs to survive
>Implying it does anything but sit there, relentlessly pounding out attacks upon any depictions of attractive female characters in any media while masquerading as the majority
Know your enemy. When you see a tweet like that, it is being pushed by this.
>Don't mate with women that don't look like you
Sound anti-racemixing logic
Well, me too, but only because I also installed the sex mods and ugly girls make my dick soft
But from a lore perspective, they did great
>An elf is a mythical creature of Germanic Mythology/Paganism which still survives in northern European folklore. In Norse mythology they were originally a race of minor gods of nature and fertility. Elves are often pictured as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty living in forests and other natural places, underground or in wells and springs. They have been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and they have magical powers attributed to them.
Probably because the European mythology most fantasy elves in games are based on describes them as beautiful minor gods
I always thought the elves in their games looked like British women.
Wonderful. If they get the ball rolling of getting the standard changed, that might be the only good thing that comes out of SJWs and feminists.
This bullshit has to end.
Pic related.
>Female of the species.
>Male of the species.
>Romance option.
The standard of making the female of the species look like a human with bodypaint, when the males look like actual monsters, is total horse shit and pisses me off.
It's a massive immersion killer.
This is the best... I love games where all the characters are cute or beautiful. Art used to celebrate beauty (before postmodernism) and games are one of the last safe-spaces for artistic beauty.
Polar bears have pretty much same measurments. Female body type even at that height can't weight that much unless its a some horrible bodybuilder on roids or a landwhale.
Fuck off Spurdo. That shit is awesome.
That'd be the orcs
What i don't get is why do liberals always do the its the current year thing? It's 2005 it's 2010, it's 2017. I mean what does that even mean ok it's the current year. Has anyone else ever wondered this? They keep saying the current year the current year. They've been saying it since 2005 up till now im only 20 but feels like they've always been saying that shit.
>I want to fuck animals
We have a word for your kind, furfag
Draenei women get all the extra weight from the sex-magic they carry in their bodies. :^)
Female worgen look derpy as fuck
It's a perfect example of what OP is looking for
>put more equality and diversity in your comics and ill surely buy them, i swear!
>all of them look underage
Yeah, a real supermodel.