Have you taken the gaypill yet Sup Forums?
If you think about it it's the true superior lifestyle. You never have to put up with women.
Have you taken the gaypill yet Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
anal is degenerate
What's the life expectancy of a gay male?
With or without the hiv? In order to be accurate I'll need more info.
>69 get
its a sign
>dont have to deal with the mindless chatter of a woman
>men age well, the very opposite of the vaginal jew
>easy to redpill
>workout buddy and blowjobs
>men improve themselves over time, have hobbies and want to work, unlike women who want you to be a slave
>adoption and testube babies now viable options to continue lineage
How can women compete?
>pic related
The gay pill is formulised as trauma from the mum over the long term. Not going to happen.
I tried gay sex a couple times. Not a fan desu.
about 10 years shorter than heterosexual males
t. CDC statistics
>Doesn't have to put up with vapid women chattering about the Kardashians
>Does have to put up with faggy queens lisping about the Kardashians
I'm happy with where I am.
>You never have to put up with women
just screeching men
Yeah. That's what being a fag is all about. Running from life. Fuck off cum guzzler.
>You never have to put up with women.
You will have to put up with a gender confused narcissistic, disease ridden, lisping depressive faggot. I don't know which worse.
I wonder what route of administration one takes the gaypill...
Just like a woman but with more bullshit, baggage, and riddled with disease! I mean, what's not to love here???
No, instead you put up with women with no vagina and no tits.
It's topically applied through a snuggling session on the sofa.
Shorter than heteros because they're always having dangerous drug fueled poz parties.
Men who act like women are worse than women
> gay male
> without HIV
pick one
I'll never put my dick inside some guy's ass. Fck you and your pill.
What if I already identify As an Apache attack helicopter
kill yourself you faggot shill
stop trying to spread degeneracy
Yeah, but you have to deal with shit on your dick and a gaping asshole.
gay parades do more harm than good for gays
You don't know? The government pays for our preventive HIV treatment (about 6k USD per year per person) here. No condoms just free sex and love!
Imagine being so butthurt about being a virgin that actually manage to convince yourself that forcing yourself to become a faggot is the real redpill.
Thats the thing.
Gay men tend to become whores like OP and his buddies in the pic.
You're not getting away from women.
You're stuck with women-like men and with a dick up your ass.
Why do they even call themselves homosexuals?
Dykes immediately try to become more manly with short cuts, male clothing and angry even artificially uglified faces and men, even the big hairy testosterone ridden ones, suddenly think its okay to put on pink thongs and rub eachother with oil while straddling a pink neon cross.
Both sexes seem to morph into their counterparts when they become "gay". I don't actually see manly normal looking men fagging it up or cute womenly women lessing.
Homos are in denial.
this is something often overlooked with this "but no putting up with womens bullshit lol!" argument. Ever been in a gay bar? You will see men who take on the absolute worst traits of women and make it part of their identity. It's very common.
So not only are you dealing with the worst aspects of women(outside of anything having to do with the courts) you are dealing with these things from a mentally ill man.
I don't even give a fuck if people are gay or whatever but....
Get some pussy faggot