Recently liberals have announced epep the toad as their symbol of hating Sup Forums. How will we deal with it? what should we do? Should Kekistan be afraid?
How will we defeat pepe's cuck of a cousin epep?
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You don't. For epep is like the devil. He only lives in your attention.
We rake epep into our ranks, We make him pepe the extreme
Epep fuckin losers couldn't have come up with a better name ffs
their whole ideology is based on "being backwards compared to norms" so of course they thought it was super clever to just spell Pepe backwards.
Its the perfect metaphor for their entire "movement"
If you notice how lame/stupid that is, congratulations you are sane.
The funny thing about this is that Epep, or also known as Apep, is an Egyptian god of chaos. Basically satan. Search it up.
You can't see Epep/Apep without seeing Pepe; just reinforce the connection
The left has been running on empty for a while. That's why they are dangerous, like a cornered rabid animal.
OP is a faggot, this is fake
>a meme built around hating our much danker meme
They are feeding the Kek egregore whether they like it or not.
Every normie who REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs at us is feeding our energy.
Who the fuck is epep?
Why don't we just ignore it like any adult would ignore fuckwit children trying to annoy them?
Kekistan is reddit, Kekism is Sup Forums, Esoteric Zen Kekism is /x/
Not politics.
>love trumps hate
>I'm wither
>stronger to get her
See the trend of failure?
>Should Kekistan be afraid?
epep is a reactionary meme. It's a defensive maneuver. As long as they're reacting to us and not the other way around, we're winning.
Fuck off leaf
Apparently Pepe's evil cousin.
Esoteric kekism is Sup Forums, /x/ couldn't do magic to save their lives.
All that kekistani bullshit is bringing us down though
Looks like a drunk pepe with a 5 o'clock shadow.
>Adventures of frog and toad
You're reacting to it right now by commenting on a reaction thread.
You should go to /s4s/ or /VIP/ for memes idiot
This Inst a political topic
Its just a Pepe, not even a rare one.
>How will we deal with it?
Ignore it. We run the memes. Their memes are shit. They couldn't even get Peke (the purple bird) to work out.
He even looks like the evil alternate universe version of our pepe. How are they THIS unselfaware?
What if we subvert him so we can use double chaos?
>stupid forced meme and unfunny meme
>literally copying an exsisting meme
you don't it's doomed from the start
Theres nothing to be afraid. Pepe is dangerous for the same reason Sup Forums is dangerous..
They both represent the truth, no matter how ugly or what the consequences.
Until libshits learn that the Truth is the most powerful weapon - they will never damage Sup Forums or slow it down.
Ride The Tiger..
You made me chuckle.
I will allow it.
Let's epep live long.
Pepe is a thing of the past.
Ed is the Future!
#PraiseSekhmet #AveEd
There are jewish people on Sup Forums. If you hate Sup Forums you are an antisemite.
Wow what a gay fucking concept
Lefties need to look at themselves mroe often.