Thoughts on the coming debate between Chelsea Handler VS Tomi Lahren?
Thoughts on the coming debate between Chelsea Handler VS Tomi Lahren?
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one's hot, the other looks and behaves like a gross troll. Will not watch
Hopefully they can find common ground over how much they love killing babies.
Tomi Lahren is a dumb bitch and a fraud.
She isn't conservative and she loves abortion.
>1, Handler asks a question
>2, Tomi begins to answ-
>3, Handler cuts her off making assumptions about how Tomi will answer
>4, Repeat 2 & 3 until Tomi gets frustrated
>5, MSM shows clip of Tomi being frustrated while saying things a misogynist would blush at while hailing Handler as the winner.
I know they're both on the trashy end of the spectrum, I get it. As far as them debating against each other though....who do you think will do a better job?
I don't even care who's right or wrong, who's got the better debate chops?
Handler is a "proud" slut that has seen more cock than a Thai prostitute. Of course alcoholic, coke head, coal burner comes with that package, what's not to like?
I'd rather watch a WNBA game
Two retarded blonde bimbos are going to squawk at each other for an hour or two.
It grows in all the fields
Probably Chelsea, simply because Tomi Lahren doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as ideology/philosophy goes. She's just a dumb blonde capitalizing on her looks to get ahead in politics. The abortion question just proves it.
She's """"""""""""conservative"""""""""""""" but refuses to take conservative positions when it goes against her dumb female sensibilities.
This. The only good debaters are Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Jordan Peterson.
Her show always gave me the idea she's what would happen if you took that main chick from the show Absolutely Fabulous, and made her a real character. White trash that mistakes itself for class.
Nice picture, faggot.
Both are digusting degenerate kikes. Yes Lahren too:
>caring about the opinions of women
Who are these people?
Where can one watch this?
Chelsea is a miserable spinster cunt. But Tomi seems to be a little thin-skinned and not great at defending herself, for all the shit she talks. And Chelsea is mean, so I don't know how well Tomi will hold up.
When there is debate of this caliber, We all win.
They should mudwrestle instead though.
2 woman talking, no man to calm them to their senses or make funny remarks...
why would I be watching this?
Are they doing it over Skype? Didn't Handler say she would move to Spain if Trump got elected?