Daily reminder that there is nothing wrong with race mixing

Daily reminder that there is nothing wrong with race mixing.

This is a natural process that has happened always, since the beginning of mankind. It brings new, healthy blood in the new generations.

What USA is doing it's the same as the romans did, getting a more homogeneous population to unify people, reduce stigma, and better the race. Americans of any apparent race, are actually the most mixed race in the world, which makes them the race of the future, ready for an interplanetary civilization.

By mixing, you are helping the advance of humanity and a new stage on evolution, and also combating racism.

Th mixed race is the race of the future. You aren't a caveman stuck in the past, aren't you?

im not white since i dont have blue eyes or blonde hair so its not really racemixing desu


But if i put them all in the gas chamber at the same time, how am I supposed to keep track of the body count of each? This isn't the days when estimation of counts will be tolerated. I'll have to have true counts of each or I'll be called a shill. Race mixing is bad. Keep the gas chambers segregated.

>mixed race is better than homogeneous society
>Roman empire is proof
>Romans don't exist anymore
>Countries with continuous race mixing, like China and Turkey are horrible places to live in
>All these people are fleeing to live in homogeneous countries.
>Said countries are objectively declining because of said migration/ miscegenation

Just. Fucking. Stop.

Literally black and white, the youtube channel


Those are some fine high yellow negresses. They'll be a fine reward for the winner of the toughest Mandingo.

Fuck off kike fuck with your shill thread. Race mixing is cancer and all should be gassed.

OP is jewish fag

daily reminder to hide slide threads

Always the same propaganda of the jexs on Sup Forums...

Aren't you tired ?

I've had it with these jexs. Remember to SEGA in all fields.

Those girls are cute.


>Pissing your genes away

When something is not wrong you don't need a daily reminder.

Fuck off kike


More like "daily reminder that I get paid good shekels if I write about race mixing. So. Race mixing. Really good. Also foto of sexy inbred, just for you horny guys."

I'm sure the people in that picture would not appreciate you making low quality "memes" from their pictures.


You're terrible trash.

>A fucking leaf

Of fucking course.

>Race mixing is okay
Found the shill.