Oh fug he's right. It says right here in the rules that you can't be racist on Sup Forums.
Oh fug he's right. It says right here in the rules that you can't be racist on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Begun the autism wars have
Does he realize that the only people who advertise on Sup Forums are weird sex toy sites?
>American poetry
>you can't be racist on Sup Forums
Calling a wog a coon isn't a nigger.
Niggers, Jews, Homosexuals, Spics, Arabs, all kinds of slope goblin chinks, and OP need to be gassed.
>an american poet
ohhh fuggg
is it available online?
>companies making loli body pillows
>giving a fuck
Wew lad
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of faggots suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something amazing has happened.
>i want to shut down the only containment board on the internet for my opposition
real smart is this guy
You can't pressure respectable advertisers when there aren't any
>companies selling onaholes and "companionship" dolls care about social justice
fuck how am i supposed to call OP a retarded nigger faggot if its against the rules?
An excerpt from September 2016....
Clinton's army
Elephants and donkeys
fighting it out in the trenches
My blue coat stained with the entrails
of orange trolls iv slain
in fierce hand to hand combat
fighting to keep us safe from the
filthy madman with no soul
Here in our trench
we bluecoats share a meal
and laugh among ourselves
strong hearts of brave
men and women
good people with a righteous cause
we tell tales of our exploits
slaying the never ending
lies that spew from the
despicable orange horde
>He seems really into oranges
He's on to us.
exactly what i was thinking. companies that advertise here must be shady as fuck
I have yet to see a single racist comment on Sup Forums.
People really need to offer proof for their claims or stop their unlawful slander.
theres no racism on here 52%
>CTR poetry
Do we still have J List?
Didn't think this through very well
Watch out Yeats
Holy shit these losers are living memes
I would stop being such a racist if there weren't so many niggers around. True story.
user, I..
Oh no! Not the good reputation of Sup Forums!
This nigger can't even rhyme.
Free form poetry was invented because people like this are too retarded to understand rhyme and meter. We wouldn't have this problem had Hitler won.
racism is power + privilege, since we have no power it is impossible for us to be racist
I think he got the sads after the election
An excerpt from Dec 2016
this mortal dirt soul
a desolate bargain
all my dead days with a
crown of thorns
for a single gesture of warmth
all my days
as her silent saint of persecuted tears
my fireside midnight in the comforting
company of what appeared to be angles
their dead languages ring true to
my long deceased heart
WTF, i hate greatful dead now.
>can't be racist on Sup Forums.
Its allowed in Sup Forums and pol has the following:
1 Debate and discussion related to politics and current events is welcome.
2 You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!
3 Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board.
see rule 2. OP confirmed faggot.
I've thought about making meme shirts to sell to you faggots but honestly how many people would even see the ad? I'd imagine most of us are running an ad blocker at the very least.
Is this real? I remember seeing J-List ads on Sup Forums not long ago. I don't see them now.
If real, feels bad desu senpai
I did not notice that. I thought they were just being pissy with Hiroshimoot for a bit.
these people better find new hobbies
What if the world would be more civil with less blacks?
Every Grateful Dead fan I know is borderline braindead from too much acid and an Oz a day pot habit. Some of their shit is literally a dude pounding on random instruments for a solid hour or more.
Comparing his struggle to jeebus
>Sup Forums
Oh you
Are you retarded? He isn't a good poet but thinking all poems have to rhyme is just idiotic.
Fucking weak ass bitch with shitty poems and a Kristen Stewart holding cats fetish. Typical little Antifag faggot fuck. Pic related, leader of the "swole" left.
>boycotting Sup Forums advertisers
>implying Sup Forums makes any money off advertising weeb shit, dragon dildos, and body pillows
>what if
This faggot needs to learn to speak English.
It almost sounds like he is saying that Sup Forums needs to shut down something.
>lets get Sup Forums to kick em off send e-mail
What the fuck?
Honestly how hilarious would it be if our image boards were shut down and we spilled out into the normiesphere? Facebook and twitter wouldn't be able to handle and ban all of the gore, CP and nazi flags. Fuck it, I hope they do it.
>tfw have had adblock for countless years
>tfw didn't get the goodbye ad because of it
goodbye J-List
Too bad Sup Forums is funded by alt right nazis buying Sup Forums passes now haha
>Implying 90% of the rules matter
literally who?
Rule 2
>2 You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!
everybody knows the real money comes from data mining and I'm happy to do my part
my favorite color is orange
>not knowing the difference between your and you're
forever magical love together
i just want to tell you
because your all i ever wanted...
all our night on the dancefloor
under the lights so magical....
all our beaches in moonlight romantic
embrace so enticing.....
i just want you to know
Toxoplasmosis is a real threat.
wait, what? 4chinz has advertisers?
Oh no how will the makers of flesh lites and hentai ever recover?
Quintessentially numale
i have same feeling about this person. maybe if i had bough blacked pass and didnt pirate their shit she would not end up looking like this
>Sup Forums plans terrorism / violent attacks
Top fucking lel, it's impossible to make a damn thread where we count to 10.
The closest thing we have gotten to any "violent attack" is removing Shia's flag and running away with it.
Let me try this out.
Mark John Junor is a fag.
His pottery sucks.
>trying to crack the dam holding back a sea of piss
Wew lad. On top of that CIA niggers/FBI need this place up as a testing ground/honeypot.
companies that sell dildos and stuff yeah
I'm sure they'll be outraged at our language
Horizontally conjoined zeroes chan claimed credit for that.
Open your haguaga
Logic & empathy as definition
of mutually exclusivity
One division to rule them all
I’d break character if had dignity enough
I’ll be on time if I decided to go
As it is I’m sitting on the left side
Beside the bookcase my father made
It wears the non-drip gloss pitifully & I drop
three feet long chestnut or grey hairs into
the little gap that render most of it useless
I have enough for a voodoo doll 10 lies wide
even with the ongoing sacrifice, going to waste
Logic dictates a pretense of hopelessness
In the real, for the now
Artificially here, I twist my hair like a third rate villain
Pretend clowning the circus on the approaching horizon
Without giving too much away though, coz
Conviction seems ugly to the forlorn
So, just shut the fuck up & listen
We’ve reached the elastic limit of an iteration
An operation underway before the French Revolution.
My own Grandmother was dancing skyclad in the hills
of Holm Firth back in ‘42 yet
still I wear the black cloak & rebbit like I mean it
for everyone a reason to vizard
animus forfeiting energy against resistors
I say
'Atomisation was always the objective and hate is just fertiliser’
for the fruit the other desires most is f e a r
Both sides will
Forget everything and remember laughter comes easy
when you’re wicked to a loved one but where will that end
Once the Prime Directive arrives?
They told her
'Wind & rain makes us immortal.’
Though truth be told
I quit giving weight to empaths years ago
They have their light & heat burning
consuming between shining
domesticating wilderness wherever they go
Blind to the cold darkness aversion
I see a grinning killer wearing a purple suit
I see the end of all his meticulous dreams
I see stories told across a firelight crackling
I see darkness giving way to the dawn
How is it that everyone who wants to (((shut down))) Sup Forums has no idea how it works?
I seriously doubt the clickbait cell phone app games and Czechoslovakian CP websites that advertise here give a fuck about anything.
>white supremacist terrorists
>antifa legally declared terrorist organization
>Your advice is an attack on me! please stob XDDD
Really activates my almonds
> No more Tentacle Grape ads
"And the days are not long enough
And the nights are not long enough
And life passes us by
Like mice through tall grass"
We have those shitty malware ads with click bait titles and photoshooped pictures.
this, as well as anything calling for organization is either reddit or an fbi honey pot
We're not racist.
t..t..thats damn good user
Sup Forums is a board of peace
we're all simple meme farmers
tending to our me me's
all that talk about violence makes me sad
Just tell we aren't all nazi here, there are a lot of communists, anarchists and such.
We are not alt right ffs. We're Nazis of peace
What did the Deadhead say when they ran out of pot?
Shit this music sucks.
So they're gone for good?
>Forget everything and remember laughter comes easy
>when you’re wicked to a loved one but where will that end
>Once the Prime Directive arrives?
That really sounds like a bot wrote it.
/sg/ got ISIS bombed back in the day. I guess they have a point. Let's rethink what we are doing here, senpai. We got Isis dindus killed! We're the real monsters here.
>ad boycott campaign against Sup Forums
>sends e-mails @Sup Forums
>Presumably somewhere close to an anarchist politicaly.
>Wants state intellectual property protection for his shitty poetry.
>Sup Forums shuts down
>we rain down on the normies like hot ash
i didnt know "kill yourself" counts as encouragement to commit violent attacks
I'd be a fucking african warlord if that was the case
How fucking awful. How can people submit trash like this? I've written some cringeworthy shit in the past but it goes straight in the shredder or recycle bin never to be seen by anyone else.
>alt right
>far right
>right wing extremist (despite no crimes)
>never just "right wing"
These people think it's a crime to disagree with them.
So ban facebook since niggers always livestream their group rapes then..
Why the fuck do niggers even do that? I mean, i'm a pretty traditional guy, if i'm raping a bitch, i like to do it in privacy.. And to put it on the internet where people can anonymously critique my cock?! Fuck that.
>back in the day
Wasn't that less than a year ago?
Back on the day, some user tracked down Mitchell Henderson's grave and gave his iPod back.