I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

There's a lot of people shitposting on Sup Forums who seem to have some deep misconceptions about Islam (ex: drawing the prophet, putting bullets in pigs blood, destroying Kabbah, etc...). At least know what you are hating.

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Why was Muhammad a terrorist?

How do you define a terrorist?

If you mean that he committed war then yes. But then we would have to call all coutries terrorist states.

So, what's the best way to butthurts you muslims?

How do you feel about the jewce?

How do we convince Muslims they are Jewish pawns only being bought into the West to provoke conflict?

Why do you think you're compatible with western society?

Will you draw a picture of Muhammad for us?

Show man-tits, attention whore

Stew on it Ahmad



Are most Muslims really so ignorant as to think their beliefs are even remotely compatible with western civilization, or are they engaging in taqiya to ultimately destroy the infidels?

>How do you define a terrorist?
Well, when it says in the koran "I have been made victorious through terror," I think that means he's a terrorist.

some of both, mostly taqiya. the ones doing taqiya probably consider the infidel "muslims" as useful idiots... for now. When they rule the haram "muslims" will be executed.

Each individual culture/race of people who practice Islam are offended by different things. Most of what would offend you would also offend any Muslim. Due to Muslims being poor countries usually insulting someone by calling them an animal is pretty severe. Or insulting someone's family.

I think all religions are analogous. They contain a set of principles that help people live more fruitful lives for themselves and their communities. The underlining principles of all religions are the same as Islam, they are simply brushed with a different colored paint. That does not make them different. For example, we pray, Buddhists meditate, both achieve regularity and peace of mind.

Muslims come to the west to escape the problems in their countries. The West provides a system in which we can have much better lives.

Because I am thriving in it.

I will not draw a picture of the prophet.

The Q'ran is the message of God spoken through Mohammed. Mohammed and all other prophets are well respected, as well as all other humans. In Islam it is believed that the importance is not who or what the prophet looked like. This leads to idolatry. The importance should be centered around the message of God the prophets have brought onto us. As a consequence we avoid drawing the prophet to keep the focus on his message and not his appearance.

More like ribcage, I'm too skinny.

>Muslims come to the west to escape the problems in their countries. The West provides a system in which we can have much better lives.

Why can't you fix your own problems, it's clear you don't like the west as it is, and want to supplant your own morality. When will you go back?

>religions are analogous
That doesn't mean we should be neighbors. Almost the opposite actually

>because I am thriving in it
At our expense, do you feel any remorse for that?

Caused and inspired more terrorist attacks in one year than any other ideology

That's all you need to know. If you still defend that fraud of an ideology, I wish you the best of luck and hope you wise up in the future.

Why muslims dont like pork?

do women get 72 virgin men in paradise as well?

That info graphic comes from a study that is funded by "research institute" in America which is a subsidiary of an Israeli company. I wonder if it is biased or not?

If I only consider myself, I am thriving in Western society. Islam is not any different from Christianity. If Christianity is the ancestor of Western society then integration of Muslims is not so difficult. The only hurdles comes when Muslim immigrants must catch up to adapt to the changes in Western society after Christianity lost it's footing.

Taaqiya is a well defined concept.

Taqiya is the forgiveness of God onto an individual if he sins when his life or freedom is at risk. For example, if I am imprisoned and the only available food is pork, then it would be permitted for me to eat it. According to Taaqiya, not eating the pork and committing suicide as a result would be a sin and not forgiven by God.
Taaqiya can only be used when there is a risk. It cannot be used to spread misinformation about God or Islam. That is always a sin and is stated in the Q'ran as so. Consider this, if I lie and you start following my false teachings, then you will be following a false deity. That is a sin for you, and a sin for me to encourage the worshiping of false deities.

What happened with the USA and Japan at the end of WW2 when the nuclear bomb was used. The entire point was too scare the enemy into submission. This was stated in the victory speech. Does that make the USA a terrorist government? No, that is ridiculous.

why do supporters of your cancerous ideology try to flood the places where they arent wanted and attempt to turn those into the shitholes you fled the first place

why do you blindly follow the word of a man who thought the world was flat and thought sperm came from between backbone and ribs?

>whatabout whatabout whatabout
Nope. Moehommad was uniquely evil because his war god told him to be a terrorist. Today, muslims all attempt to inspire terror in the same way.

Tell us, slime, will you condemn islamic violence?

In my country, I was refused admission to university because I hold the last name of a peasant. So, I applied to go to the best university in Canada.

Each individual has a set of skills. I am in STEM, I build systems. I do not possess the skills to change the political landscape of my country. I am not a good politician, nor am I a guerrilla warrior.

It's ironic, that if I did fight my government, I would be called out to be a terrorist, and then the West would demonize me.

I rather use my life to better the situation for me and my family. I can make a lot of money practicing my trade, thus why not jump at the opportunity.

> our expense
I contribute more in taxes than 99% of Canadians. Please sing me songs of hardships while you drive on the roads I built, bring your kids to the institutions I built.

> Caused and inspired more terrorist attacks in one year than any other ideology
More than communism? More than Western imperialism? More than Nazism? Hmm..

Pork is forbidden in all Abrahamic religions because the animal is considered to be unclean. This is substantiated by the fact that swine cannot be safely stored in hot weather. Beef, lamb and other meats can be kept without refrigeration for short periods. However, swine and poultry cannot, they develop dangerous bacteria that can kill those who consume it. People usually buy whole live chickens in the market. This is not possible with pigs, it is too expensive. Therefore, the high risk of consuming pork caused it to be outlawed.

According to literal readings, no. According to metaphorical readings, sure.

Is this not correct?

Will you condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization?

How do you like that booty?

Why do you inbreed so much? It's hurting your gene pool.

More often than not your ilk are a burden to taxpayers. We don't owe you anything, and our children would have more opportunities if not for you. I'm in the US anyways so your point about contribution to my roads is moot.

If you fought your government and were called a terrorist you must come from a country aligned with US interests. Let's say you're from KSA, I would not be as welcome there as you have been in the west. You say christian culture has degenerated yet have no problem taking advantage of its fruits, like a a parasite

>muslim plays dumb on the definition of terrorism

why do you think imams like osama bin laden and Ibn Taymiyyah if they're so against islam? Nobody cares what your book says, they care what rules significant sized groups of people follow and how they act on them.

I know what I am hating. Mudslime culture is subhuman. Islam is a religion build on shit. Did you even read that atrocious piece of shit that is the koran. You animals do not deserve to live on the samr planet as the rest of us. I experience mudslimes. The problem is Islam. Its like tjey are brainwashed. 90% reasonable and 10% disgustingly brain washed. Islam is dangerous. It could lead to the death of civilization before it even properly started.

Why are many of you OK with suicide bombing as a political tool?

Religious ideology*

But still you defend the evils of a religion that occur right now on a day to day basis with sex slavery and oppression of both men and women alike. As well as non believers by taxing them.

Islam didn't make you a smart man, but you use your intelligence like a weapon in the defense of a viper. Which begs the question, are you really smart to begin with? Or are you just a naive Arab who follows what his father followed?

I know the nature of Islam. It's not pretty.

i learned all i need to know about you mudshits during 3 tours to afghanistan and iraq. you're all subhuman garbage and we should have glassed the entire region.

fuck off and die, slime

Why do you abuse Western girls so much?

Eat shit, you inbred sandnigger.

fuck off back to the shithole you came from and get chucked off a roof, faggot slime

i hope you die

Why do your governments kill people who don't believe as you do?

you lie almost as much as Jews do

There will always be a few people in any group who lack intelligence. These people are the ones who row backwards in the face of progress. The wants of these individuals should not be granted.

In large majority Muslim immigrants integrate successfully and contribute to the host countries.

However, it is the fringe ridiculous cases that will get all the news. For example, the people who want schools to remove crosses, etc.. Normal, or successful immigrants never get any media attention because it doesn't sell. No one has ever interviewed me, but they do interview the crazy Imam who was arrested in my city.

The Q'ran specifically states that it is not final in it's worldly description. It is the interpretation of the word of God which the prophet set into words. The Q'ran, Bible, Torah encourages scientific discovery. God wants us to discover the world he has built for us to wonder, this is told onto Moses when he speaks to the burning bush. It is the religious institutions which have perverted this notion and has closed itself off against science.

> Moehommad was uniquely evil because his war god told him to be a terrorist.

Unlike all the evil acts which were done on behalf of any other religion right? The least you can do is stay consistent in your logic, partisanship is pathetic.

I am ashamed for any atrocity committed by any human. But, I am no more ashamed for the actions of other Muslims. I do not associate with them. I am my own person, I can only be truly ashamed of my actions or lack of actions. I wish that people would be able to live harmoniously, and help each other grow and get through life. It's hard enough as it is. Why do we need to make it harder by working against each other?

sorry I know all i need to about your pagan moon death cult. thanks anyway!

Why did mohamad rape little girls

Why do you raise your children to be terrorists?

I know what I hate. You. Scum sucking do nothing layabout that preaches hate to anyone that is not you because your precious toilet paper book says so. Eat shit and die like the dog you are muslim. Your god is the devil himself and you willingly worship him. Subhuman filth. You and the kikes go together into the pit.

fuck off slime

your false prophet was an inbred childfucker.

>putting bullets in pigs blood
we dipped the tips of the bullets in the bacon/pork grease from the chow hall. not in pig blood. get it right

i would gladly do the same to you

So how long until we read about you on the news for beheading and raping a five year old for eating a ham sandwich in your presence?

why do you worship a pedophile?

is it because you WANT to be conquered again and again?

there is no rape within marriage if your follow Islam

Can you imagine being such a giant pussy you have to immigrate to Canada to indoctrinate people?

Aren't shrimps haram?

you're getting your retarded religions confused

fuck you, you disingenuous cunt. We've been trying for over 40 years to integrate muslims and it has completely and utterly failed. It's completely ruined lower education, the wellfare system, the ethnic and political landscape in major cities. They are a cancer that infest our society and contribute NOTHING to our society.
the VAST MAJORITY of muslims migrating out of the middle east to the west are more like animals than men.

And im not some burger reading about this shit in some tabloid, im forced to live among them. If your claims are actually truthful you are one of the 0.00001% of people coming in that arent a massive burden to our people.

The only way we'll ever live harmoniously is if your cancerous religion ceases to exist. Don't get me wrong, other ideologies like communism are just as bad. But that doesnt make islam any less part of the problem.

>Unlike all the evil acts which were done on behalf of any other religion right?
Typical muslim non-argument. They say islam is the one true religion, but point out how evil it is and they revert to moral relativism. Tell me, which other religion bombs airports, runs people over with trucks, and flies planes into buildings?

>I am no more ashamed for the actions of other Muslims.
I hope everyone else sees this. This is the easiest way to trap a muslim in front of other people. They pretend they're peaceful, but they WILL NOT condemn the violence of other muslims. This is because they agree with muslim violence. They won't admit that to non-muslims, but you can catch them on it by demanding they condemn muslim violence. They won't.

>It's hard enough as it is. Why do we need to make it harder
Why do you barbarians work to destroy civilization? You know, thirty years ago people were relatively accepting of you slimes. Then you reverted to your barbarian status and started killing everyone you could. You started this. If you won't end it, you'll force us to. And you don't want us to end it. Start by admitting islamic evil.

>In large majority Muslim immigrants integrate successfully and contribute to the host countries.

Liar. Your people don't even contribute shit for your own countries:

>There are roughly 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, but only two scientists from Muslim countries have won Nobel Prizes in science (one for physics in 1979, the other for chemistry in 1999). Forty-six Muslim countries combined contribute just 1 percent of the world’s scientific literature; Spain and India each contribute more of the world’s scientific literature than those countries taken together. In fact, although Spain is hardly an intellectual superpower, it translates more books in a single year than the entire Arab world has in the past thousand years. “Though there are talented scientists of Muslim origin working productively in the West,” Nobel laureate physicist Steven Weinberg has observed, “for forty years I have not seen a single paper by a physicist or astronomer working in a Muslim country that was worth reading.”

Source: thenewatlantis.com/publications/why-the-arabic-world-turned-away-from-science


underrated post

nah it's jews that can't eat shellfish, far as I know dune coons just don't eat pork

Religions that encourage healthy norms also include persecution of the outgroup as one of those norms.

That is why I want Muslims gone. For my health.

May I please have your mother's recipe for chicken and rice

why are muslims cousin fuckers?

Do you fuck donkey's regularly or just occasionally? Also how does it feel to be subhuman filth? Your people are a fucking parasite.

Shia or sunni?

Was Muhammad a kiddy fiddler?


>What happened with the USA and Japan at the end of WW2 when the nuclear bomb was used. The entire point was too scare the enemy into submission. This was stated in the victory speech. Does that make the USA a terrorist government? No, that is ridiculous.

No. It was to literally BOMB the shit out of a declared military combatant. It is however funny that you attempt to create an allegory to that act and the act of terrorism, showing you and your religion for what it really is. A religious conquest that uses any and all means including terrorism. What you fail to understand is the US attempted to warn the areas before bombing. Ineffective maybe, but the intent was to minimize causalities, your non-sense however, blows up little girls at concerts, burns pilots in cages, cuts peoples heads off in public to create a fear effect and a show of force. The reality is your a weakling. A pussy. Your religion is for the weak minded and the foolish.

I can go into the details of this Surrah if you really care. But in short, most of the passages from the Q'ran come from the Bible and the Torah. Very little was added. Yes, God believes that non-believers are not innocent.

I condemn all acts of violence against innocent people. It is not a proper way of solving any issue. It just makes the situation worse.

No thanks.

> inbreed meme
This meme was started largely by Gavin McInnes, not the most credible source.

> incest
Incest with direct family members is outlawed by Q'ranic law and in all Muslim countries. Its occurrence is quite similar to that in the West.

The plot is discussing incest as in between cousins. It is true that their is a higher percentage of cousin marriages in Muslim countries. But, that is a result of under developed nations, not religion. This practice is well documented historically in the West. Before WW2 most of Europe's villages inter-married between cousins, their just wasn't enough familial variety. Furthermore, countries like Iceland have apps to determine if a girl you are thinking of dating may be related due to the low familial variety in Nordic countries.

There is very little evidence of the dangers associated with cousins reproducing. Biologically, the genetic bottleneck it creates is not much more dangerous than the bottleneck created by homogeneous racial groups who do not race-mix.

> hurting your gene pool
The gene pool would only be affected after many generations. Thus, the genetic deterioration caused by high rates of cousin incest would be equivalent.

Your smoke alarm needs a new battery

>Yes, God believes that non-believers are not innocent.
>I condemn all acts of violence against innocent people.

Fuck you. Die.

>What happened with the USA and Japan at the end of WW2 when the nuclear bomb was used. The entire point was too scare the enemy into submission.
after seeing you sandniggers "fight" in afghanistan and iraq--i wonder why i'm not scared

the only things you cowards ever did was plant IEDs and detonate them remotely because if you tried to actually fight you got fucked up every time

why do muslims try to defend every muslim. rape child fucking killing rape victims chopping the hand off a shoplifter. these are not ok and you as a muslim must speak out against this otherwise you are a part of the problem. also heres a muhammad for ya

>I condemn all acts of violence against innocent people
non-mudshits aren't innocent to mudshite

fucking die, slime

fucking die

>This meme was started largely by Gavin McInnes, not the most credible source.
It's not a meme, you idiot. Consanguinity rates in the muslim world are sky high. Stop attacking the source and answer the question. You are seriously the most disingenuous cunt, typical muslim BS.


>A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called "consanguinity") and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants"

>Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen (Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs.).

>The research, conducted by the BBC and broadcast to a shocked nation on Tuesday, found that at least 55% of the community was married to a first cousin. This is thought to be linked to the probability that a British Pakistani family is at least 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with recessive genetic disorders.” (Times of India, 17/11 2005 Ban UK Pakistanis from marrying cousins).

>whataboutism and whataboutchristianity

Average tier Islamic apologist. I am underwhelmed by your arguments. I have yet to see anyone do a better job defending your culture. Perhaps that is a sign you should never come to the west.

Why are you still Muslim despite the religion like all Abrahamic religions making no sense. Have you ever even looked at any arguments against Islam?As long as you're Muslim you're potentially subversive to western society because it's both a religion and political doctrine.

Do you not see Muslims taking over western countries if they had the demographics?

>non-believers are not innocent
>I condemn all acts of violence against innocent people
so, violence against muslims.

Suicide bombing is also outlawed, that doesnt stop ISIS from employing literally thousands of SVBIEDs.
going by supporters Ibn Taymiyyah has more legitimacy over what the right version of this story is.

no there have been studies on muslim cousin fucking by the national institute of health. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2765422/

what arguments?

mudshits are so inbred they're retarded

What is the most effective way to completely eradicate this satanic death cult called "Islam" from the face of the planet, because at this point, only this will do. No more compromises, we want you to stop existing and all traces of your history be purged from the books as if you never existed.

Can you answer me this question?

why so much inbreeding?

You could do better than to project your jealousy towards such a well-constructed elaborate reaction. You know you would think of him as a good man, if only he weren't Muslim. It does not matter, because one day you'll find out you wouldn't act much different in a similar situation.

>non-believers are not innocent
>i condemn acts of violence against innocent people


>comes to west to escape problems in their home country

>I condemn all acts of violence against innocent people.
Note he did not say he condemns hamas or muslims. He thinks that nonmuslims deserve violence because they are not innocent. He agrees with hamas.

why do you stay muslim? the whole point of religion is to have some sort of purpose in life, so why not be a christian?
it also provides you with purpose but it isn't as shitty and is actually compatible with the civilised world

fuck off turk

>> inbreed meme
>This meme was started largely by Gavin McInnes, not the most credible source.
You are a liar. Dozens of peer-reviewed research articles have been published over the last couple of decades showing the inbreeding rates across the Arab world. Pic related.

>> incest
>Incest with direct family members is outlawed by Q'ranic law and in all Muslim countries. Its occurrence is quite similar to that in the West.
You are a liar. The rate of cousin marriage across the Arab world averages 45%, according to Dr. Nadia Sakati, a pediatrician and senior consultant for the genetics research center at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh.
(Source: nytimes.com/2003/05/01/world/saudi-arabia-awakes-to-the-perils-of-inbreeding.html)
In some Muslim regions of nations it's as high as 80%.

Deleted your b.s.
>There is very little evidence of the dangers associated with cousins reproducing. Biologically, the genetic bottleneck it creates is not much more dangerous than the bottleneck created by homogeneous racial groups who do not race-mix.
You are a liar. The damage that inbreeding causes is well-known and well-documented in the medical world.

Deleted more of your b.s.

If immigration was detrimental to the economy it would have ceased. The fact is that the net benefit from immigration is a net income to the economy through taxation.

> and our children would have more opportunities if not for you
Then learn to better raise your children. It's pathetic that people who speak English poorly, don't have a social network in the nation, have limited resources are able to take your place in society. Pick yourself up by the bootstrap and raise your kids.

>I'm in the US anyways so your point about contribution to my roads is moot.
The analogous example exists in the USA as well. There are many Muslim immigrant millionaires in the USA.

> from a country aligned with US interests
That does not mean that US interests means respecting and treating the populace fairly. I am from Morocco a country that is very friendly with the USA. We are the first nation to ally themselves and recognize the USA as a country. Since then their is a bilateral treaty between the countries. However, the Moroccan government is highly corrupt and the laws are unjust. Not much I can do to change that with my skill set.

> You say christian culture has degenerated yet have no problem taking advantage of its fruits, like a a parasite
On the contrary. Western society is the society in which you live. Western society is a progression from duty ethics (Christianity) to Utilitarian ethics based legal systems. This is not a degeneration, on the contrary it has made the West even better.

Again how can I be the parasite when I pay more than the local populace in taxes.

Osama was not an Imam, he was self-declared. That's not how it works.

> hey care what rules significant sized groups of people follow and how they act on them
That's not Islam. That's people in warring nations trying to take control of resources.


What do you think of the satanic verses?
How could Mohammed confuse the word of Satan and the word of Allah?
Don't you think a real prophet should be able to distinguish between the voice of the devil and the voice of god?


>no true scotsman fallacy
every time

Do Muslims know what they are hating?

I see a lot of apologists for certain parts of the quran that I have read. I have yet to read the hadith, but I will soon.

One of the biggest issues I have come across in terms of modern, moderate Islam people is their insistence of metaphors when it explicitly says in the Quran that this is the word of Allah given directly to Muhammad. Things like Surah 9, or the (now) completely converted Bedouin tribes show that it's stuck (mostly) in the 600s instead of the modern era.

The predictions I've seen on Sup Forums from the hadith/quran also are kind of nostrodamous/revalationy, where they offer nothing concrete in prediction, rather just giving vague things that can happen at any given generation.

How would you resolve the modern insistence of metaphorical understanding of quran passages in contradiction of the infallibility of the quran?

How are the Salafists incorrect about their "purification" of Islam? I honestly don't know where their doctrine breeches the actual implementation of the early quran. I'm assuming you'd know better than I.

Do you think an Islamic reformation will occur, potentially in Europe, due to enlightenment and western culture influences?

I'm genuinely curious about these questions.

>good man
fuck off, cuck. go destroy your own country by abologizing for the slimes that are ruining it. I went over to the sandbox and fought slimes. what have you done? watched your wife fuck them? kill yourself.

>The fact is that the net benefit from immigration is a net income to the economy through taxation.
but you mudshits don't work

kill yourself. fucking DIE MUZZIE

>Yo I'm an ex muslim
suicide bomb your local mosque

Like the jews, the only good Muslim is a dead one

your lands will be overrun by pakis, and you will personally watch as dirty sandkike semen flows into your family drop by drop

cry yourself to ASH, for all the good it does you

>The fact is that the net benefit from immigration is a net income to the economy through taxation.
our state has offered jobs to these cunts on a silver platter and they still aren't working. They dont WANT to work, they just want to collect welfare. Why do you think they all migrate to the countries with the more generous welfare policies?

>Then learn to better raise your children.
what is affirmative action?
what is media manipulation?
what is social policy?

I dont care how much you say you contribute, you just being there is a detriment to western civilisation and culture. Money does not measure the worth of a person.

>ISIS is warring over control of resources
They literally want to bring about the apocalypse you cunt.