You religious illiterate people need to APOLOGISE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!
You religious illiterate people need to APOLOGISE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!
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>the right freaked out
I'm pretty everyone gets a little uneasy when a fucking Muzzie starts talking about "jihad."
Literally means "Struggling"
Fuckoff Nigger.
>a man referenced the final solution for the jewish problem and the left freaked out because they don't know what it means
Leftist illiteracy is still a thing.
allahu akbar means "god is great" but i still don't want to hear someone yell it on an airplane
>religious illiterate
The struggle against the unbelievers. One cannot mention jihad and fighting totalitarianism in the same sentence with a straight face.
One day, just you watch. Christians will rise and eradicate all Islam and any apologists.
your proxy is showing
Dog whistle
>flee country
>struggle against non-believers who took you in
They can struggle at home.
I was actually upset about how she said Muslims have no reason to assimilate or whatever that comment was. I didn't care about the jihad comment
I can understand non "fundamentalist" muslims not meaning anything violent by the word jihad. What the left fails to understand is that the millions of muslim refugees they want to import ARE "fundamentalist".
No "true" muslim can deny the koran, and the koran teaches violence.
This woman hates jews and has connections with higherups in hamas BTW
She should preach the benefits of Sharia law more
wait then why do they hate Mein Kampf so much
Jihad is to Muslims as smurf is to smurfs.
>sharia law
koranic law is better. no muslim can deny the koran.
I know these results can be edited but I'll post it here anyways because I've read a lot of the Quran and this is what it means even when you include context.
>a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam.
There can also be internal spiritual struggles against non clean feelings etc but the Quran focuses more on the external IMO. It even goes as far as saying physically disabled people who can't wage jihad must support those who can in any way, even monetarily.
hopefully she alluha akbars some jews so people start hating muslims already
what was the name of that girl?
Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home).Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward "
This passage criticizes "peaceful" Muslims who do not join in the violence, letting them know that they are less worthy in Allah's eyes. It also demolishes the modern myth that "Jihad" doesn't mean holy war in the Quran, but rather a spiritual struggle. Not only is this Arabic word (mujahiduna) used in this passage, but it is clearly not referring to anything spiritual, since the physically disabled are given exemption. (The Hadith reveals the context of the passage to be in response to a blind man's protest that he is unable to engage in Jihad, which would not make sense if it meant an internal struggle).
They dont. Mein Kampf directly led to the development of baathist ideology. The book was widely popular in the arab world. Hitler glowingly praised Islam militaristic structure, and Jung often described the atmosphere of Nazi Germany as being Islamic.
>oy vey is just a holy war goy
I would freak out if someone mentioned what terrorists are calling their attacks on the western world, too. Especially since she's part of that religion.
Amani Al-Khatahtbeh :^)
Pretty much. You can't use the word "Jihad" to describe a struggle without adding in the context of the Islamic struggle against unbelievers. If you do not intend upon this meaning, you use another word.
I don't know what anything means when a Muslim speaks, it's all gibberish
It's very curious that National Socialists would latch onto Islam considering that Islam was directly instigated by Jews in Arabia
>It was Islam which saved the Jewish people. This
fact was fully recognized by the Jews themselves, as we may learn
from a section of the Nistaroth de-Rabbi Shim'on ben Yohai, which
was composed in early Islamic times. There, the angel Metatron
shows Rabbi Shim'on ben Yohai the Malkhuth Yishma'el, the empire
of the Arabs, and explains to him that " God would raise up for them
a prophet according to His Will," and that they would conquer
Palestine and resettle the Jews there in great honour. As is well known
it was the Muslims who brought the Jews back to Jerusalem, after
they had been forbidden access to it for 500 years.
Thus, both from the point of view of world history and that of
Jewish history, those simple, pious men whose missionary zeal and
activities we have been able to discern in the Qor'an, have indirectly
achieved far more than they perhaps ever dreamed of.
the dead girl?
True. Also this was the reason Persia became Iran, to signify their relation with true Aryans. Iran=Aryan
no dude I'm fucking with you. I have no idea. Amani Al-Khatahtbeh is that horrible muslim feminist that supports all things haram.
>Greater jihad
means to mentally prepare to mass murder, rape and sexually enslave women and children.
Could you Imagine if a prominent Christian Leader called for a Crusade in the same manner?
>religious illiterate
These are the type of people who smugly quote the Leviticus on pork and shellfish without realizing those laws were temporary.
This. She is openly calling Muslims to reject American values and laws by refusing to assimilate in the damn country they are living in.
Yeah, but, I mean, well, okay, here's the thing, that definition was like, totally written by a straight, white male, so technically it isn't correct. Checkmate drumpfkin
jihad means jihad you stupid nitwit.
The definition was written by the same people who wrote this definition. If anything they're biased to the left.
I told you faggots they were going to go HURR DURR IT MEANS STRUGGLE. Leftists and their allies can get away with anything through mental gymnastics and vocabulary pedanticness.
When you find out your getting exactly what you asked for, but you should have been more careful.
he's being facetious, but good point
Look at how cucked that guy is.
It was sarcasm, user.
kek underrated 2bh
Ye I know
Did you just assume my gender
(You)re right btw
No shit
Just wanted to add that point and you gave me the opportunity for it
That explains the Hard on we have for eradicating Baathism in Iraq and Syria
Pasta from another forum about this
>No it doesn't. I speak Arabic. Anyone who claims "jihad" simply means "struggle" either doesn't fully understand Arabic, doesn't fully understand English, or is intentionally trying to take advantage of the fact that whomever they're saying this to doesn't understand Arabic. Yes, it is based on a root word that means "struggle." To an English speaker, that may seem like it means something, but Arabic has a much, much, much smaller vocabulary than English. Every word in Arabic, with very few exceptions, is based on a very small number of three-letter root words. In place of a large number of root words, it has a large number of possible suffixes, prefixes, and interfixes to alter a root word to mean what you want. So any word with a meaning even remotely related to any kind of "struggle" is going have the jhd three-letter root in it somewhere, but the word you make after applying the necessary morphology is NOT the same as the root word. And "jihad" does NOT mean the same as its root word "jahada.
>REEEE it literally translates to struggle!
>forget the context of how muslims have used Jihad for centuries that is not important
Journalists still thinking that anyone with an iq above 30 falls for their play on words bullshit
she knows what she meant
we know what she meant
he knows what she meant
kikes trying to muddy the waters some more, as it becomes more and more politically correct to be anti-jihad
Islam is very good at being two faced with their definition
For example, take this literal quote from the Quran: "[...] that if someone kills another person - unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth - it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind."
The bluepilled normies take this as "oh yea, Islam is peaceful".
Note how it says "unless it is [..] for causing corruption in the earth". This is how the Islam defines "innocence".
Now, let's look under innocence: Innocence in Islam is defined as "people who believe in Allah the one true god and his prophet Muhammad". Or at the VERY VERY best, it has an alternate definition in which Allah is the only one who knows who is Innocent and who isn't. Uh oh, we have a problem.
According to Islam, you are either not Innocent by definition (making it perfectly acceptable to kill you), or the magical sky wizard knows if you are Innocent or not, which essentially gives all the control to some random Iman who can judge you on whatever Mohammed whispered in his ear that night.
This is also why Jihad gets the "but it's pure by itself" treatment. It's defined as the duty of every Muslim to spread Islam in the world, the struggle against people who don't believe in Islam yet".
Nonbeliever in this sense is defined as "those who have not yet seen the truth of Allah yet". Note the imperative in the statement, implying that it's in inevitability that the entire world will be converted. And guess how that is achieved? According to Islam, you're supposed to convince them with words and deeds, but GUESS WHAT, THIS ONLY APPLIES TO INNOCENTS AGAIN. So basically, for non-innocent people (aka, everyone) it's perfectly acceptable to kill them.
The entire belief system has these innocent sounding terms but they are pure evil designed to excuse religious genocide.
t. religious literate person
Fundamentalist muslim wants to behead you, moderate muslim wants the fundamendalist to do it for him.
>That Pic
>Player of harmonica and ukulele
Can a person be anymore of a numale?
>the MEANING not the CONTEXT is what matters!
I mean "brother" every time I call my friends a Nigger but these people wouldn't care. Their arguments are absurd and they only ever apply these lessons when it helps them, they have no moral foundation that applies to everything.
also that quote from the quran was actually a quote of the jewish scripture, a rule for jews
I mean, all Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) are practically the same thing with minor differences.
The big difference is that the New Testament acts like "retcon" for a lot of the Old Testament which has more of the barbaric elements in Christianity.
Here's the Twitter of this lying leftist clown
>"We need to stop treating poor people like niggers"
>Implied definition: abjectly subhuman and below concern
>Interretation : BOO, RACIST LANGUAGE
>Headline : "A right wing activist referenced n***ers and the left freaked out because they don't know what it means"
Almost like the widely accepted connotations for the word matter more than the specialized definition you were supposedly referring to
Boring. Jews, white cucks and mooslims, gtfo.
Start using the term "Crusade" when you're practicing Christianity, such when you go to the church
When confronted, say that Crusade mans "to struggle for the cross", to give one's self for something that transcends one's individuality.
this woman is a black widow jihadi, very very dangerous character to be allowed to live in the US and spew her vile hate speech encouraging the deaths of innocent Americans. I hope some vigilante takes her out.
Jihad is referred to war against non Muslim. The "original" meaning doesn't matter, because Jihad means only war against infidels.
It's the same as saying HEIL TRUMP for example. HEIL is just a roman word like hello, but it is now only understood as a bad word.
>these retarded right wingers don't realize that Jihad means "struggle for religion" XDDDD
Okay, funny how shit like swastika was leftist kwetching point. I should be able to fly a flag with a swastika and claim it has nothing to do with gassing Jews (it absolutely does, but ignore my Nazi taqiya :D)
Democrats confirmed for jihadis
liberals are fucking retards
We can't read just fine:
Fuck your third world religion. Go back to fucking your uncle. But don't tell anyone or they'll stone you to death.
Why do the leftist's of today sound more and more like the one's without a real education and incapable of critical thinking ?
sure are
a jihad of peace
Jihad means interior personal struggle (according to the Koran) AND
AND, exterior battle by the sword.
Doesn't change the fact she said "Don't assimilate."
>It's very curious that National Socialists would latch onto Islam
Especially since there were imams imprisoned at Dachau.
>religious illiteracy is still a thing
I thought religion was bad and for retards, why does the brown religion need to be understood and respected?
Someone please bring death upon her.
so, uh, what did she mean by this then
>A white guy said nationalism
>and the left said literally hitler
The time for debate is past. we shall silence our enemies forever, but first, we must prepare for battle.
>Jihad means struggle.
>Islam means submit.
THIS is the end result of jihad. This is what the dirt apes WANT.
blackest eyes ive ever seen
Nah, no proxy
that's disingenous, it's like refering to crusading as pious travelling. Jihad has allways meant holy war in conventional terms
And I thought schooling was retarded when I was a kid. How are we going to survive in a world like this?
user wins the internets for rest of day
I hate these people. They deserve to suffer the effects of "diversity" firsthand, not the innocents that never wanted any of this.
FP, always BP.
Shut the fuck up and gib shekel
Yeah my somali friend is a muz and he said there is a jihad but there is no need for it now
I don't believe it one bit but he's only a skinny pirate so i'm not too concerned
Religious literacy is the latest push by the left, crazy
yeah, and I'm sure muzzies freak out when we mention the word crusade?
I kek'd
So is this guy gonna be fair and slam the left when they're religiously illiterate about Christianity?
She should honestly just die in a fire and get it over with. She needs to be disappeared in a black house and never be seen again. A goddamn muslim just told all of her low iq immigrants and islamic followers to forget assimilation and embrace Jihad. That is nothing short than a declaration of war against all people who have anything against the Islamic community. She should die.
It doesn't matter how many nice categories you pile atop of "struggle", the immediate and most effective and current nomenclature refers to direct action of physical and spiritual terror against those who are believed to be repressing said currents. It's nonsensical to cover it up with holier than thou claims, when the reality is that she is angry at an administration that she views as hostile to Islam and so she tells all Islam to begin waging a struggle (fight/war/deconstruction/redistribution -the names are many which we can call it but the impression and intent is very clear) and to refuse to get along with other cultures. She is knowingly and intentionally creating more conflict because her political views do not align with everyone else, all the while churning a concoction of potentially extreme violence by incredibly stupid and uneducated immigrants.