This is huge

There is hope we can be ally.

Guys this video is so fucking awesome


Other urls found in this thread:

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=gdp per capita russia vs uk
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=france vs russia
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=GDP per capita russia vs singapore

just fucking kiss me already

Why is this thread being slid?

It's happening

Prepare yourselves lads

>two emperors

Based putin and semi-based trump hope he delivers on his promises

>falling for the russia meme

commies influencing our society by implementing marxist ideologies t-thanks ruskies

>USA cucks brainwashed by Putin propaganda to believe that Russia is actually a successful country and a nice place to live

>t-thanks ruskies

You are welcome :^)

>commies influencing our society by implementing marxist ideologies

>be retarded
>blame Russians for ideology that was invented by Jew in Germany and was promoted in Russia by the West

i wonder if all the sanctions against russia have anything to do with their success?
rully muks me thunk

Everyone else knows the actual truth

We are under heavy sanctions now dude and we try to improve our country after collapse of the Soviet Union.


Does Putin not speak english?

>be you and retarded into thinking russia want to be allies with the usa.

Do you really think putin just wants to be buddies with the usa and forget the past?

It seems he does but everything should be told on your native language to avoid misinterpretations.

It's all over. Russia owns America now.

Fuck Russia.

>He thinks its the US fault
You do realise Russian economy has been always fucked? The corruption is insane over there, some estimates put Putin as the one of the richest men in the world.

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=gdp per capita russia vs uk
(Look at history with linear scale, not log scale)
Russia is a shitty place to live.

Nice argument.

We seek opportunities to cooperate because we are too weak currently in economy to effectively oppose the US and its vassals(UK, Germany, France, Japan).

Anyway the US is going to decline and we consider historically and geographically grounded alliance with Germany in long terms.



There some actual facts once more from people who aren't PC.

He does, but his accent is cringy af, so he prefer to say everything in Russian or German.
Honestly, it's really hard for russian speak english, because english is too "soft".

Cultural marxism comes from the Frankfurt school in Germany

Maybe only big cities such as Moscow, St.Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan and other shit with +1mil population.


But ruskies were the second after eastern europe who beat marxism. You should learn from their experience.

also the handshake tells everything
whoever opens the hand up is the bitch

trump is the bitch LMAO

Pajeet, prices went maybe 30% high after your sanctions but I just had started to work hard and triple my wage.

Corruption is just a meme. This thing is legalized in many countries but called "candidate support"

>some estimates put Putin as the one of the richest men in the world

some estimates put you as the biggest faggot on this vietnamese autistic friend simulator

imagine the 2 countries with most nukes ruling the world together.

>some actual facts
>two news reports
>chinese travel agency
>no statistics or figures just opinions
You are so dumb it hurts.

Furthermore how is going on holiday to a country in anyway analogous to living there you retard?

Here's how you do some actual facts:
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=france vs russia
France vs Russia
Life expectancy of 81.8 years vs 68 years.
GDP per capita of $36k vs $9k
Health 10th vs 124th
Education 27th vs 49th
Living standards 20th vs 66th

Don't reply.

>Pajeet, prices went maybe 30% high after your sanctions but I just had started to work hard and triple my wage.
You didn't look at the graph. The Russian economy has always been fucked.

brurufutrufmFPYTT BTFO

Some things are just overpriced in the West so your GDP in US dollars is higher, you better consider GDP PPP to be more accurate.

I know that economy in my country is worse than in Western countries, but you should admit that our country so suffered after collapse of the Soviet Union and we need just some time to get well.

By the way we are great power and we are the Russians is great European nation since the Northern war and never was rich. Maybe it isn't so important?


>Putin & Trump talks ongoing for almost 2 hours



>mfw Sup Forums takes the bait because their feelings get too hurt


You mean GDP PPP per capita?
Oh dear. Down there with Greece.

>Soviet Union and we need just some time to get well.
Your growth is getting rekt by every other country because of oligarchs and corruption raping your country. Look:
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=GDP per capita russia vs singapore
The sanctions put on your country were entirely the fault of your leaders dumb KGB mindset and is the reason you have such poor standing in the Western world.

>great power
You have a reasonable military but your country is still fucked. Similar to North Korea.

There's only one leader in this picture. SAD!

Was Putin feigning weakness for some reason?

trump took putin's hand like one of a lady

Path of light incoming


хopoшo здeлoли

>Oh dear. Down there with Greece.

We are slowly improving, 20 years ago it was much worse.

>The sanctions put on your country were entirely the fault of your leaders dumb KGB mindset and is the reason you have such poor standing in the Western world.

Our nation is almost fully support annexation of Crimea and ready to be under sactions for this, We know that ascent is always hard. I really apreciate how almost all of our nation support this operation and ready to lose money for the Motherland. The only thing that disapoint me is that it was only Crimea we annexed.

>You have a reasonable military but your country is still fucked. Similar to North Korea.

The thing you don't see is that we produce our own state of the edge weapon

Unexpected kek

Typically the longer the better. Trumps meeting with Saudi Arabia was only supposed to be 15 minutes initially, but they loved him.

Russia is in a downward dog position.

Like a brow beaten bitch.

Trump is trying to give him confidence. Putin is insecure.

I'm really hopeful about this. Despite the idiocy of the MSM, there's no reason for us to be fighting.

Here's to good times in the future.

tell me more about how soft I am....*blushes*

Please. The things Russia and the US could accomplish together. I really hope this goes well.

Viktor our countries are flaky friends now and forever.

>Typically the longer the better.

It is. At least they talk. We really should wait when they come out of the room and see how they will behave.

Media: hey white guys, go kill a bunch of white guys. You are also racist.

That was trumps big daddy play.
>I'm so confident in what I am doing that I will offer you submissiveness as a show of my stance while retaining all power

Trump confirmed for femdom by Melania mmm

How is this huge and how is this video "fucking awesome" you retarded cultist

It's just them sitting and shaking hands in front of a camera like every politician has done for the past few decades


That show does have it moments. They do some things reall well imo

Great quote. There are literally millions of leftist in the west that absolutely hate that quote. Let that sink in.

>state of the edge weapon
>We are slowly improving, 20 years ago it was much worse.
Yeah slowly, much slower than countries which were in a similar economic position 20 years ago. You've been watching too much RT.

>I know nothing about Putin and will walk blindly into his manipulation.

As we saw Trump had problems with hand shaking so how Putin and Trump did this is showing so much about how they will cooperate in the future.

We are just much bigger and difficult empire to change things fast. Small countries are more mobile.

ok dude. Keep sucking your corrupt leaders dick and swallowing his propaganda cum.

Decent assessment.

It's a diplomatic issue, only cucks speak in foreign lang on public meetings. You want understand me hire a translator fags! they do speak in english when behind closed doors though.

You just don't know how we were poor before.

Fuck Trump
Literally jewish puppet

Are you from /sg/?

>Come'on, implying it was not a gesture of a good will(if just for public) from Trump.
Well, at the very least their teams defined their positions to each other. Better than nothing.

Putin took an interesting route..

Fuck off jew

Well, It seems you are. I scroll sometimes your thread but /wm/ thread on Russian imageboard is better. Isn't it?

I can see it from the graphs I linked you...which you refuse to open.


>tell me about my country

Trump is pretty alpha for starting the speech, but I like Putin for not responding to anything in English even when he could. With French I always see that arrogance, but with Russia I see that as obligatory.

>being a nice place to live
Living conditions have nothing to do with geopolitics.

I was expecting Trump to bully Putin somehow with handshake like he does with many people. That's one point for Putin for not falling for it.

If Obama didn't alienate Putin so much they'd be an ally already.


If Trump didn't follow Obama's Syria policy they'd be an ally. All he had to do was let the legit Syrian government win hard, but it's too difficult because reasons.

>implying you need to be in a country to read its economic data and compare it to other countries

The metrics in which we rate a countries success have a huge amount to do with geopolitics you mong.

Russia is a shithole in nearly every respect and Putin should be treated like the sly corrupt oligarch of a faux democracy. Putin is largest swamp creature there is and yet ignorant Trumptards suck his dick because "muh strength".

Russia is basically Italy, but with more aids and a bigger paper tiger.

Why does Putin look so dismayed?

>have nothing to do with geopolitics.

Implying the USSR did not collapse because it was utter shit

what happen the news networks are not saying anything.

>Russian Empire
>Most of the population poor compared to the west
Guess they weren't relevant in geopolitics.
Same thing for the USSR.
You are delusional if you think ignoring Russia will have a positive effect on the world.
And yet you were so afraid of muh gommunism and muh ebil empire

trump gave our country to a manlet.

Why would they give them that awful ikea furniture? I'm trying not to be a faggot here but this is worse than Poland

Peace in the Middle East, go Don go!

>And yet you were so afraid

And yet we are still a country


>Thinks we were afraid of communism because it was so powerful
It's more like avoiding someone with the bubonic plague, and killing them when they try to force themselves in your house.

Stupid leaf.

KGB>tv host

>ignoring Russia will have a positive effect on the world
When did I say that? I said people should stop sucking Putin's dick like he's some sort of hero because he's retarded his country.

USSR went bankrupt because they wasted so much money chasing terrorists.

I believe he is feigning weakness, in the belief that Trump will let his guard down, and be more well disposed to him.

As a bonus, our stupid media will take it as evidence that Putin is "guilty." This will cause more disruption in the US.

So is Russia.
>Putin should be treated like the sly corrupt oligarch of a faux democracy
But yes he's not a hero to most of Sup Forums, he's not working for them.
All he's doing is protecting Russian interests.

USSR didn't collapse until people got enough liberty to think they can challenge the government. When people were climbing tanks the army no longer dared to opress them because they didn't know what would happen, maybe they got killed by the mob?

Before Putin Russia was a goatse level shithole, now it is just a your little sister level shithole. Small improvement but at least he is improving things.

At least Russia inst ruled by pig fuckers like your dumb cunt failed empire ass.