No charges will be filed under Oklahomas "justifiable homicide" law.
White man kills black man trying to drown twin babies
should have waited till the kids were dead
This is true justice.
He could've had a trifecta
Good and good that he killed the nigger.
Then it wouldn't have been a "justifiable homicide" and he would have gone to jail for murder, genius.
freedom etc
Now this is the type of logic I love to see on this site
How will liberals spin it to blame the white dude?
>3-month olds are guilty for being born black
I originally read it as the man saving his own kids from his neighbor, but okay :^)
That'd probably make it second degree murder though.
Wasn't that a black man who shot the neighbor?
guy with a knife just drowned his kids
you kill him
nobody gives a fuck
Actually he killed 1 nigger to save 2 nigger lives.
So.. yeah, not good.
>he dindu nuffin! he a gud boi tryin 2 get his baby hygiene back on track
>need mo money fo dem fruit soaps
>Be Oklahoman
>Get away with murdering dindus
I love my state
>muh white people altruism
Getting real tired of this shit. Whites are a cancer.
He didn't just kill him, he killed the nigger in the niggers' house
Beat me to it
Okay then do it right when they stop kicking and pretend you tried to save them
The fact that this man was even on trial is disgusting. Liberals detest self-defense laws because it means they're actually at risk when they stick their greedy little Jew hands in other people's wallets.
Being black wouldn't be a problem if we could just round them up in to a golden cage type of a town that had all kinds of amusing things going on with lots of food and nigger pussy. Of course on the condition they'd have to be sterilized.
They won't use this because he saved the lives of two black babies. It's impossible to write the narrative as racist.
Except he wasn't you faggot
Learn to read
No charges were pressed
>kills 1 nigger to save 2, who will now end up growing up without a father figure anyway
The cycle continues.
>justifiable homicide
Gotta love rednecks once in a blue moon.
Why is Oklahoma so based?
Officer, I tried to save them but it was too late.
My bad. Where's your fucking flag? Are you a Sandeep?
>kills 1 nigger to save 2
>Kill 1 nigger that would end up in jail to save 2 nigglets.
A -2 net loss for society.
He ain't got no job to get dem babiez dey daily supply of dat cocoa butta! Dat shit be pricey, nigga. He gots to do him n he ain't gonna worry bout no babies tryna take what his.
Really makes you think
>Implying the cops magically know you intentionally waited for the kids to die before shooting the black guy