Targets so far:
Kirsten Powers
(Prob tumblr)
More to come I'm assuming



Other urls found in this thread:









Jews do not have a right to be in the business of news

Fuck off reddit


Al-Jazeera too

She is right, you know. This whole idea that the internet is some special place separated from the world is one giant misconception. You have a right to say what you please but you do not have right to reserve yourself against the repercussions.

this is a random facebook post

not an argument

If no anonymity how will the jews hide their nepotism?

Fuck off jew.

this whole thing is just a great big not an argument

'Jews do not have a right to anonymously control the media and institutions'

let's reframe their entire narrative to this

I love the smell of shit posting in the morning... smells like victory.

Yeah and election votes should be held fully public with every voter and his vote published.

Are you that fucking retarded?


Not source but...
>Info-Krieg der Bilder
>meme war in german


Al-Jazeera goes to Sup Forums looking for evidence of Trump misdeeds and gets redpilled by all the antisemitism. Goes full Aloha Snackbar on CNN.

Take your shitty engrish meme back to Mexico.

Doe v. Cahill seems to disagree on a fundamental level at least.

Who said anything about elections? A better analogy would be that the people you vote for should be anonymous but that doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

See, you can have an opinion anonymously. It's simple, just shut your trap. You can also be anonymous on satirical message boards that don't matter (because they don't matter). But if you want to talk politics with the president you can't separate that from who you are.

dumping what i gots



So far, what has been coined "Mobile Strike" on another thread is successful; in Apple, there ratings have drastically plummeted. However, on the Google Store, we still have to do something; the ratings are going down, but not by enough. This is actually making a difference.


Audits on CNN when?
CNN chest cams when?
Appearently everyone has the right to complete transparency


fuck off retard

I'm serious here.
Do you guys think that all Jews were taught by birth to take over the world?


>people do not have the right to stay anonymous
But apparently all of CNN's sources do have that right.


they're all complicit in brainwashing people into the kooky Holocaust religion

so until that stops yes

Neither do anonymous sources


Tell us moar about what people do and do not have the right to do, you fucking stupid worthless cow.


quick rundown anyone?

Magapide not so tough after being confronted irl about gassing the jews and other alt-right memery.


Discords are on the go as we speak


That discord code doesn't work, friend.

Good point, they need to expose their sources just like they do redditors. Those oppose the government in China must come forward, when a genius like Ms. Powers declares it so, it must be.

Fuck CNN

ok thanks for the ethics lesson i'll stop posting anonymously on the internet because of it.

So by her own logic, CNN should never again publish an article saying "sources say...", or "sources familiar with his thinking..."? Thank fuck for that...

>stop posting anonymously on the internet
yes goy, YES!

They can do whatever the fuck they want. You not having a right to be anonymous doesn't mean you can't ever be anonymous. If this gets too complicated for you, just say so and I'll slow down.

>They can do whatever the fuck they want
and this is why they have grown too powerful and must be stopped

You have no right to post Yui when you spout such garbage.

kirstin is an uninformed dope and the supreme court agrees with me, anonymous online speech is protected under the first amendment.
.John Doe v. 2Themart.Com Inc., 140 F. Supp.2d 1088 (D.C. Wash., April 26, 2001). Court quashes subpoena served by corporation on information service provider seeking the identity of anonymous non-party posters of messages critical of the corporation. Corporation sought such information to aid it in establishing that the posting of these messages, and not the conduct of the corporation's officers, caused the stock price fluctuations complained of in a shareholders derivative class action lawsuit in which the corporation was a party.

Court holds that to obtain such information, in light of First Amendment concerns, "the party seeking the information must demonstrate, by a clear showing on the record, that four requirements are met: (1) the subpoena seeking the information was issued in good faith and not for any improper purpose, (2) the information sought relates to a core claim or defense, (3) the identifying information is directly and materially relevant to that claim or defense, and (4) information sufficient to establish or to disprove that claim or defense is unavailable from any other source." Finding that the corporation failed to satisfy this "high burden," the Court quashed the subpoena.

The Juden at Fake news Network

>CNN chest cam

Where in any american law does it say i cannot be anonymous? And if I can't be , why can cnn's sources stay anonymous?

This MEMES war! CNN is finished! SHADILAY!

>You not having a right to be anonymous doesn't mean you can't ever be anonymous.


Keions are liberal and socially progressive. I have every right.

It's the news' job to report on what is happening and that is relevant to people. Just keep your head down and no one is coming for you or your nazi frogs. But if you find yourself mixed up with the president's affair it's only right that the media shows some interest.

>uses "anonymous sources" to push "Trump Russia"
>CNN won't reveal their "anonymous sources" to protect them
>You don't have a right to remain anonymous, goyim


No anonymity means they have no right to hide their jewishness.

The issue is that if the media wanted wanted to root out “ugly behavior” like racism and misogyny, they could have just threatened to dox all of /r/dankmemes, /r/The_Donald, or people from this board. They got triggered by a harmless gif and went out on an individual.

I'm not defending his actions. As a Muslim, I didn't like the stuff he said, either, it was in poor taste. But he still has a right to say it, and corporations like CNN have no place to interfere like this if he meant the company no real harm.

.John Doe v. 2Themart.Com Inc., 140 F. Supp.2d 1088 (D.C. Wash., April 26, 2001). Court quashes subpoena served by corporation on information service provider seeking the identity of anonymous non-party posters of messages critical of the corporation.


it is done

Fair enough



Discord baws

Equating a witness or source to the object of a story is just absurd. Two completely different roles.

The guy made a gif that the President tweeted and said tweet became news. Then, using freely available information, they identified and contacted the guy to talk to him for his news value. Typical misdirection. This guy wasn't doing anything wrong larping over killing jews and what not but CNN is the bad guy for offering to tell his story.

Just trying to help you guys.

In fairness, that's a pretty enlightened attitude.

You are a special kind of retard aren't you?

The fuck do you think this is?

If you hate anonymity so much why don't you post your name and info here?

Meh bait, got me to reply.

>can't dox me me!
that's a high quality meme right there

The supreme court says otherwise. People have the right to publish things anonymously, specifically things that would cause others to bring them harm. They've very fiercely upheld this.


>citing a chan as evidence
These people really are retarded.


>Reddit sperg acts high and mighty because POTUS retweeted his shitpost
>Gets doxxed
I have no problem with this.
Burn Reddit Down

>thinks Jews ever play by their own rules
They are excluded from any rule that they believe makes it harder for their agenda

is that reddit user arsholehans or something, is he really 15 years old or 37? Heard somewhere he's actually 37 from his earlier posts.

Oy vey! 0.02 sheckels has been deposited in you're account! You're on your way to earning this month's "Good Goy" award! Now dont forget the 146 Gorrillion!

Don't you dare to touch my porn

>It's the news' job to report on what is happening and that is relevant to people. Just keep your head down and no one is coming for you or your nazi frogs. But if you find yourself mixed up with the president's affair it's only right that the media shows some interest.

And of course, if they don't have a non-story like this to run with, it's their right to make up any horseshit they want and site anonymous sources.

You must be confused. That's the kind of quality we're proud of here on Sup Forums.

What if I satirically spread propaganda and satirically vote to satirically get a satirical president into office to make satirical changes to our nation therefor satirically changing the world forever and satirically saving the white race from it's satirical doom?

He hasn't responded yet, so thank you for kicking out the dissenter.

I agree. No one has a "right" to internet anonymity. But where Kirsten Powers goes wrong is in thinking that means it's not only okay, but proper, for CNN to threaten to make your private info public.

Then I see no reason why you should be so scared of having this satirical behaviour connected to your name. I mean, the only reason I can imagine that you are so worked up over this is fear. Fear that it might happen to you. But I don't see why you're so scared of backing up your political views "in real life"? I mean, personally I think your views are laughable and indeed embarrassing but I would imagine that you stand behind them.


KP is a pig - a true slut.

Don't forget that Weiner used to throat fuck this "lady"...