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How to stop this degeneracy?
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Fun. We hate fun here. All entertainment is degenerate. The only literature allowed is Nat Soc.
here we go
>Christianity being degenerate
I wonder who is behind this post...
>posting the wrong list
Anime is a construct created by Japanese Jews to lead the weak minded astray towards a life of infertility instead of raising a proper family by portraying attractive characters with impossible features.
anime was not invented by a white man therefore it is degenerate
People that think whites worshipping a hostile foreign tribe is akin to coalburning of the soul.
>t. nofun
I dropped everything but booze
Without that I would kill myself
Being anti-vidya, anti-games and anti-porn on Sup Forums
w e w
why the fuck are you here
there is nothing degenerate about snuggling with your jewish wife while playing bloodborne and smoking some marijuana, then going to bed after a few beers watching lesbian japs kiss each other and inviting your poly girlfriend over for some anal
meant anti-anime
> op's ideal life
> work 12h as a civil servant
> come home, play catch with timmy
> have dinner with family
> go home fuck wife for 5 min missionary position only
> watch state approved documentaries about animals
> sleep for 8 hours
no thanks, i'd kill myself.
japanese jews u say
Way to expose yourself noseberg. Maybe one day you'll grow the fuck up.
Please do
Anime wasn't invented by white people but white people influenced the invention of anime/manga therefore it is not degenerate.
>Christian anime
If you think you can win the fight against degeneracy without the Christians, then you must be delusional.
OP is probably some Pagan. Pagans are just ascended Fedoras with slightly less neck fat.
>we wuz inspirations n sheet
>Japanese Jews
Here you go!
Get COMFY everyone!!!!! It's coming!!!
>user's ideal life
>don't work at all because NEET buxs
>stay inside all day, never see the sun
>10 dinners a day
>have random unprotected sex with multiple strangers becuz "muh body muh rulez"
>contract super gonorrhea
>doesn't get enough sleep and dies an early death
same for me but at you.
>You legitimately want the shitty life outlined in the post you responded to.
>You have to make up a life nobody wants ironically in response for your ((argument))
What were you though? Poland is a meme.
i wanna put my dick in gaburiel's mouth, desu!
Bet you I can smoke weed, drink alcohol, play Vidya, and fap to porn all I want without any of you fags doing anything. I also smoke cigarettes and chew snuff occasionally.
Why is Christianity and weed on there? I mean I see how they each have their shadow side but theyre fundamentally good.
Weed stimulates the mind and imagination, but it can also make you lazy and wastes a lot of time and money so basically just dont be a degenerate addict who watches TV or plays vidya all day everyday.
And the problem with Christians is 90% of them use it as a pretext to be social with people and have never even read the bible which is obviously pathological, unless youre trying to meet other neurotic people with no interests of their own that need to use crutches and excuses to talk to anyone. So Id say have an actual interest in the bible and read it, or gtfo and find some other religion or genre or activity that you actually are interested in participating in.
Gabriel is for praying to not for lewd
Quit making excuses, fucking degenerate.
hating alcohol is literally hating European culture.
That a boy, swede.
add television and films to the list. its all controlled by jews
>If you think you can win the fight against degeneracy without the Christians, then you must be delusional.
Why settle for Christians who clearly haven't done anything to combat degeneracy when we could simply ally with based muslims who regularly kill degenerates, Christcucks included?
7/8, it is friday, beer is a must for me.
Its entertaining long as you don't swallow the Jew pill while watching them I think it's fine
Fuck you nigger, I dont even smoke weed or really study the bible at all anymore but they were important stepping stones in my personal development and I think they are inherently good. Weed is natural, cant argue with that and Biblical Christianity works for the most part even if its only 51% accurate its still a better system to live by than any other single ideology out there.
i'll pray it will happen!
>Playstation 4 is degenerate
Yeah, PC master race! Fuck consoles
Add Germans to list.
Fuck off you miserable cunt.
And, when were your crusades, Pagan?
>pretending /pol is even close to agreeing with any of these things except communism and feminism
OP's as bad as the liberals.
>You support Trump? Nazi racist.
>You watch porn and smoke weed? Degenerate.
>calls me a nigger
>smokes dope and worships a jew
>based muslims
You know where you have to go back to. Fucking civic nationalists.
>hates Christianity, but not the (((other))) two
>hates beer
Anti-European as fuck
>no video games
Yeah, no. It's the only thing that distracts me form my sorry day to day existence.
Agreed with the rest
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Where were the ones that reclaimed all of the middle east and north africa lost to the muslims, user? Oh right, there weren't any.
Not a pagan, just consequently anti-jew.
if enjoying life with optimized happiness within simpler pleasures is shitty then i guess you'll just have to deal with it.
>Christcuck shitting on civic nationalists
I'm not the one accepting niggers and spics because of their """family values""" and """work ethic""", buddy.
Implying Fascism isnt the other side of the Totalitarian coin and is the ontological equivalency of Communism.
>knife yourself
I never mentioned my faith. I criticized your "based mudslimes".
Are you denying that they regularly kill degenerates?
We're not fucking marxist retard
You do realize that bronies are on our side and we're the one thing that made Sup Forums less shit during /mlpol/ right.
No. I'm saying they aren't "based". Are you implying Muslims aren't degenerate in and of themselves? And are you suggesting we ally with them and let them live amongst us?
No wonder you don't like ponies, darling.
Just because you want to be an edgelord doesnt mean you know jack shit about the NWO. What happens once the corporate interests gain control of government policy dickhead?
On to the book burnings!!
What is wrong with beer?!
they get lined up against the wall
>I'm saying they aren't "based"
They're able to effectively deal with degenerates, which was the point of the post I was replying to >Are you implying Muslims aren't degenerate in and of themselves?
>And are you suggesting we ally with them and let them live amongst us?
The only people objecting to this would have to object to Christians as well - do you do that? Are you at least consequent, user?
>japanese jews
t. 2-digit IQ lethargic masturbator living on neetbux and watching onee-san making out with her brother (female).
>Germleaf flag
>defends Christianity
Your beloved Hitler was a mere larper, user. :^)
Fun is degenerate, didn't you know.
Reddit detected. /mlpol/ was actually an improvment because you faggots couldn't handle a few colorful horses.
>no cristianity
I'd tell you to turn that cross into a Star of David but I know you won't because you're a hook-nosed kike
Muslims fuck little boys, wrap their women in bags, and can't maintain functioning countries. Name your model Islamic country.
>The only people objecting to this would have to object to Christians as well
I don't see how this follows. Christianity has a 2000 year old history in Europe, was born in the Roman Empire, and bolstered by Platonism. Islam is a desert cult founded on half-truths, lies, and misinformation.
Thats exactly what we have right now, the citizens are just turned into mindless consumer slaves.
The whole life of those societies in which modern conditions of production prevail presents itself as
an immense accumulation of spectacles. All that once was directly lived has become mere
Images detached from every aspect of life merge into a common stream, and the former unity of life
is lost forever. Apprehended in a partial way, reality unfolds in a new generality as a pseudoworld
apart, solely as anobject ofcontemplation. Thetendency toward the specialization ofimagesoftheworld
finds its highest expression in the world of the autonomous image, where deceit deceives
itself. The spectacle in its generality is a concrete inversion of life, and, as such, the autonomous
The spectacle appears at once as society itself, as a part of society and as a means of unification. As
a part of society, it is that sector where all attention, all consciousness, converges. Being isolated
and precisely forthatreasonthissectoristhe locus ofillusionand false consciousness; the unity it
imposesismerelytheofficial language ofgeneralized separation.
The spectacle is not a collection of images; rather, it is a social relationship between people that is
The spectacle cannot be understood either as a deliberate distortion of the visual world or as a
product of the technology of the mass dissemination of images. It is far better viewed as a
weltanschauung that has been actualized, translated into the material realm a world view
transformedintoan objectiveforce.
Reminder that Equestria is the model Fascist society
>inb4 commies with their 10 paragraph disagreement
>Muslims fuck little boys
Which is faggotry, just kill the ones that do that.
>wrap their women in bags
>and can't maintain functioning countries
The standard you define "functioning" with is degenerate, user.
>I don't see how this follows.
Because it's a foreign religion initially spread by foreigners. This doesn't change just because it's been adopted by natives for whatever amount of time - because me adopting Islam would be the same thing, and you're currently whining about it.
Remove alcohol and christianity.
Add masturbation, illicit drugs, and atheism/agnosticism.
This. It's been seven years. Maybe stop being triggered by a kid's cartoon.
bronies are so bad that they shouldn't even be acknowledged
t. alcoholic brainlet
>The standard you define "functioning" with is degenerate, user.
I don't describe the West as functioning. Stop assuming things. You didn't answer because there is no Muslim majority country that isn't a hellhole.
>Because it's a foreign religion initially spread by foreigners
Depends on your belief system. There is no good reason to assume the Hebrews were Jewish. What do you suggest then? Besides allying with barbarian mudshits.
faggot theres nothing wrong with gaming
its a shill
muslim shill fuck off
your a fucking muslim taqqiya
>You didn't answer because there is no Muslim majority country that isn't a hellhole.
>There is no good reason to assume the Hebrews were Jewish.
Of course they were, user. They got circumcised, worshipped YHWH and celebrated hanukkah.
>What do you suggest then? Besides allying with barbarian mudshits.
Why do you object so much to that, considering it's the only effective solution to us available to deal with degenerates? Of course I'd prefer to kill them without Allah guiding my knife hand to their throats, just like I'd prefer to get rid of everything coming out of that desert shithole, but we're not fortunate for that.
>muslim shill fuck off
>your a fucking muslim taqqiya
No need to get triggered, jew lover.
>Worshipping a sandnigger kike isn't degenerate
UAE is a non-country. It has no roots. Next.
>Of course they were, user. They got circumcised, worshipped YHWH and celebrated hanukkah.
So? That has no bearing on the ethnicity of the Hebrews.
> considering it's the only effective solution to us available to deal with degenerates?
The only solution to dealing with degenerates is allying with a barbarian, foreign horde that has bent on our destruction since its inception that has is own issues with pedophilia, drug abuse, violence, and social ills?
Second post best post
Literally three of those things have ANY bearing on Sup Forums's general ideas.
Getting closer
>name a country
>n-no not that one
This is embarrassing, user, especially after I went out of my way to entertain your non-argument in the first place.
>So? That has no bearing on the ethnicity of the Hebrews.
They're descendants of Abraham who was a cuck and Jacob who was the textbook definition of jewy behavior, jewing his brother out of his rightful inheritance and blessing. What more do you need?
>The only solution to dealing with degenerates is allying with a barbarian, foreign horde that has bent on our destruction since its inception that has is own issues with pedophilia, drug abuse, violence, and social ills?
Name a better alternative that doesn't involve LARPing, user. Converting to Islam provides you with a billion people support structure that approves of you going out there and killing every feminist and faggot you find. There's no oher thing like that.
NO. Bronies are our secret. Their time will come. It is prophecy.
ITT: Sup Forums """conservstives""" using liberal-tier mental gymnastics for watching non-white foreign children's cartoons and not perpetuating the white race because of roasties.
ur a shill
>Video Games
Try it, ill kill you!
That sounds quite nice