Protestant union when?
Seriously white protestant males are the most superior organisms in this world
Protestant union when?
Seriously white protestant males are the most superior organisms in this world
Oh look, a subhuman!
Deep down you know you're inferior to us in every singlee possible way. Your natural order is beneath us, filth.
What about degeneracy and islam in those countries?
Not due to Protestant White Males but jews
Autism union
It is the people who make religions great, not the other way around. We will never side with those with whom our only thing in common is a religious denomination. It's basically soft globalism.
I am a protestant white male and historically we have been the biggest Zionist worshippers of them all. Catholics have always despised Jews while we protected them.
You have to acknowledge these weaknesses if you are ever going to do anything about it. Plus stop trying to shill and divide natural allies.
not a problem here... yet
Outdated asf
I heard its 2% nowadays in spurdoland
Somewhere between 1-2% yeah
According to Wikijew, there are 50k-65k Muslims in Finland, so 1%-1.2%
>blaming your own problems on a random group of people so you don't appear as inferior betas who lust for refugee cock
Typical numale behavior. Real men admit their mistakes
True words.
Wouldn't even need a nuke to destroy your country, could just light a fire at some polar cap
Kick bongs and Estonians + Lithuanians out first. Then we will talk
Protestants are the reason why Europe is now being flooded with Muslims
Protestants are retarded
Protestants are the ones who let the Jews into Europe
Protestants are the reason why America is ruled by Jews
Protestants think that nothing is wrong with usury and let Jews take control of fiancee
Protestants are Jewish pawns
Shut the fuck up you shitnigger amerimutt subhuman jew negroid filth
It's the jews and no one else subhuman nigger shit
Go away and take your inferior genes with you nigger mutt spic subhuman filth jew
F*** off you Baptist retard go drown yourself in the holy water
>another northamericam subhuman nigger shit fuck mutt filth replies to me
Redeem yourself subhuman, and apologize to your Master, filthy despicable nigger.
Not so fast Reformed-Lutheran biconfessional scum.
Only the Anglican/Episcopalian is smarter than the Jew and capable of dominating and ruling the entire earth for century after century.
The rest of you are barely better than the Catholics who compete with teenage children and niggers for odd jobs.
>Protestants are the ones who let the Jews into Europe
As much as I dislike Christians this is plain wrong. It was Roman Pagans who let Jews en masse into Europe after exiling them from Judea.
>tfw no protestant churches in my city
ok ahmed