Why does Sup Forums have such a hard on for Texas?
Why does Sup Forums have such a hard on for Texas?
Texas is shit now, they're migrating from Cali because it's becoming shittier than it already was there but nobody wants to admit it
Texas captured the White man's imagination and the American spirit for over 100 years. It's just fat spicland now.
I'll admit that shit. I'm in Central TX rn and the commies are movin here because their Utopia turned out to be a facist shithole.
Now they want to enjoy what Texas is, but at the same time not integrate with the Texan culture.
Commiefornians are the essentially fuckin' the same as the wetbacks that come from across the Rio.
I meant califags won't admit it
For me it is simple, go to a smaller town like Abilene or San Angleo and it does not seem like are quite as fucked up as it seems everywhere else.
Those areas are 15-20 years "behind", so you don't see women with shaved heads, indians, or even niggers.
What you do see are lots of white families and even the spics speak English.
I see. I'm a fifth gen Texan, I have a great-great grandfather who died at battle of San Jacinto.
The liberals, niggers, and spics I see makes me want to explode.
Maybe a lot of Sup Forums is Texan
I sure as hell am and proud of it
I encounter a lot of Texans on Sup Forums.
Texas is big.
fuck pork? what are you? some kind of muslim? also what is it that you BBQ instead?
Not big enough for the constant shitstream of human diarrhea crossing over to our side of the wall
great food, great aryan women, great weather
Native Texan here. Stay the fuck out. I am very displeased with all the trash migrating here.
>Sup Forums is one person
We're the fucking best state in the country. No matter how redneck we get, we treat people with respect, so long as your not obnoxious as all hell.
This is so true, albeit there are alot of Hispanics here that are alright guys and gals.
God blessed us with glorious Beef son, it's healthier than Pork and has the most BCAAs of all the meats.
I live in Texas and it's not very good. I don't recommend coming here if you're republican and white.
Texas is pretty good but like others say, it's getting infested with refugees from other states. Rural/suburban Texas is pretty cool, most of the big cities are ugly garbage dumps that just happen to have good economies and opportunity. Especially Houston, on both counts.
So fucking sick of the Cali fags coming over here thinking they can do the same type of gang shit back in Cali. God in Houston for a while we were dealing with some really dumb retarded gangs that just committed a bunch of vandalism to make a name but now they are all in jail probably getting some nice Southern hospitality.
Stay out of Houston, the weather is garbage. Austin or anything around Austin is nice, lots of hills and land but not sure if the land is buyable.
4 u
Stonewall County here still nice and quiet.