Why can't you just let me be myself??
I was born this way
I identify as a dickhead and I demand that doctors graft a big black cock on my forehead
Should the government treat you guys equally? Yeah. Should a business be required to treat you equally? No. I don't support discrimination but I support the right to discriminate.
I don't really care to be honest. Stop it with the parades and keep it to your clubs/home, and it will be fine then. I just don't want to know about it.
You'll be right at the back of the queue for the gas chambers if you're a conservative fag. So chances are you'll get to live out your life with little issue because there are many more worse offenders ahead of you.
Why cant you let me be myself and call you a faggot? why are you so intolerant towards me I was born this way.
How can you prove you were born that way? Anecdotal evidence is not science. It actually is anti-scientific to assert that you were born this way based on nothing more than your own flawed personal, non-professional, observation..
it's not his fault someone molested him as a kid
if you're born that way then understand you're a genetic defect in the animal kingdom whose sole purpose is to end your family's bloodline. You are naturally predisposed to kill everything your family worked for
You have equal rights, what do you want now
Everyone could tolerate you if you would just fuck off with your gay problems and leave majority alone. Just live and fuck off with your rainbow crap propaganda, everyone has their own burden, probs, issues. Everyone.
This is pretty much about what I think as well.
No one is stopping you, you stupid fucking faggot. You pretend rational people are the opposition only so you don't have to face your real opposition -- the truth.
Be gay, Suck lots of dicks...I don't care. Just stop pushing your agenda in everyone's face.
Dude no one fucking cares anymore, polls show like 80% of dudes have masterbated to traps, and most girls have fantasized about other girls. At this point the, "most people aren't 100% straight" hypothesis has been proven.
It doesn't mean we choose an inferior lifestyle, hedonistic pleasureseeking must be denied for the same reason as other indulgences like eating. STD risk and not reproducing would make us fail from an evolutionary point of view. We must not embrace weakness.
But do I care what you do? I think it's disgusting but I don't care. You could eat shit for all I care.
The only group that wants to kill gays right now are Muslims.
>polls show like 80% of dudes have masterbated to traps, and most girls have fantasized about other girls.
I wonder who is this
Free train ride for you.
>polls show like 80% of dudes have masterbated to traps
>most girls have fantasized about other girls
This is what absolute scum and degenerates claim. I had an acquaintance who kept saying "come on, admit it, you'd like to get it on with her, wouldn't you" to a female friends of mine. She went full traditionalist and said she's not a disgusting dyke and she isn't a degenerate.
Because what you do is against GOD
t. Watches Hentai
This is cuckservative logic. You should be supporting discrimination and the right to discriminate to prevent muslims and nonwhites from taking over.
>She went full traditionalist and said she's not a disgusting dyke and she isn't a degenerate.
I can already tell that she's a total carpet muncher
This but with reasonable boundaries. A gay should be able to buy a chicken sandwich but if they want Chic-Fil-A to cater their wedding they shouldn't be offended to get a no.
No. I don't even watch anime. Plus, if anything, people who watch hentai are more likely to have masturbated to traps, not less.
How the fuck can you read my post and come up with this conclusion?
oh never mind
Go be yourself on Reddit you degenerate fucking cunt.
Everybody on this board is being themself because we are all anonymous.
Most normal people hate you dickhead.
We only pretend to tolerate you IRL because Jew media has programmed us to think it is polite behaviour to say nothing when a degenerate freak chooses to fuck his life up.
> I'm suicidal. Why can't you just let me do my thing?
Just go ahead.
What? It's not a truly free market until anybody can refuse business to anybody for any reason. It pretty much only hurts the person doing the discrimination after all.
Perversion has become the norm, dissent is racism. The Western world really deserves to burned by Islam. May be that would help bring back sanity, before way too late.