Hurricane Katrina

I know the nigs didn't handle the Hurricane Katrina very well with the rapes, murders, and endemic looting they did but were the white victims any better. Can I have some articles or Anecdotes I need this as a talking point?

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Katrina didn't change the behavior of anyone in NOLA - it just made the media pay attention.

The people claiming that whites acted like niggers after Katrina are the ones that need to present evidence.
I've not seen any claims like that. What I've seen is just people making excuses talking about how they dindu nuffin and it's normal for people to rape and loot during crisis.

Whites that lived in New Orleans had the money, means and intelligence to leave when they got the chance. Just watch a couple random documentaries on it and look at the people that are stranded or killed. The only white ones were the morbidly obese or very elderly. Whites spent most of the hurricane shooting niggers that were looting.

This. Very similar to Chicago now. Hundreds of people are murdered there every month due to gang violence, but you only heard about it once the cops shot that dindu.


I'm going to post some Hurricane Katrina Jaypegs

***Just for the record... the man in OPs pic made a full recovery, and he is doing great.



Contrasting Hurricane Katrina with the 2016 floods in Louisiana (one mostly affected blacks, one mostly affected whites) you can see that Niggers can't into natural disasters.

Sup Forums is not your personal homework source, faggot

I remember there was an electrician user who was getting shot at by niggers when he was trying to help get the power back on.

Eventually he and the guys who he was working with got sick of it. Eventually his boss said "Fuck it," and they went on to the white areas instead.

cbf rn to fish through my folder for the screencap

That's relieving!

Most white people saw the hurricane coming weeks ahead of time and got the fuck out of there because they have the mental capacity to plan ahead. The niggers mostly were too ghetto broke to have transportation or lodging outside the area and even the niggers that had the means to escape didn't bother because they relied on the government to provide for them at every other stage of their lives.

Most black people didn't participate in the looting but a lot that did were like feral animals. NOLA has the most corrupt fucking cops in the country and they were part of the looting, even attacking civilians at some points. Whites that stayed behind generally banded together and formed small communities. For example I remember finding a bunch of campers pulled around Tad Gormley stadium. I'd say that overall the whites acted much better and actually formed better survivor communities afterward but the way blacks were portrayed was way overblown. They really did get fucked over in the Lower 9th.


Dumping some pics, whenever you see the "X" with numbers and letters spraypainted on the sides of houses and buildings it's a code used by FEMA to tell people if the house was cleared and what they found.

There were so many fucking abandoned cars everywhere. They were towed and stored under overpasses.


katrina is the ultimate redpill about niggers. instead of evacuating, many stayed put and waited for the big daddy gubmint to save them.



The levees broke, it would have been fine otherwise. Lots of people stayed behind. NOLA gets hurricanes very frequently.

Found this in an abandoned warehouse


Best part is when they surely howled about how whitey gots dem e-leck-tricity and the blackies got ignores.

Here's an example of how people banded together. They would create makeshift plumbing between the campers.

If the blacks stopped "finding" them some TVs and new shoes during catastrophes they wouldn't be called looters

I wish they'd all stayed instead of some of their worst trash getting bused over to nearby cities and then never fucking leaving.


Nolafag here, it did provide a wakeup call that we are ALL on our own and you cannot rely on the city, state or human decency. When the powrr goes out for 3 days, human scum will look to victimize anyone for no fucking reason.

Get armed

Here is a personal pic gallery

Too broke would be valid if it wasn't for the tons of buses driving down there to transit them to safe havens, more than enough simply refused to GTFO(to an extend understandable when you are concerned about looters)


Hadn't the Mayor been diverting all levee funds to slush funds?

Someone post the NIggers of US vs Japanese during an disaster.


When people get hungry/thirsty, a lot of ethics will fly out the window, but if people stick together and retain a sense of community and participation survival doesn't have to be about victimizing one another. Sort of a microcosm of the "war of all against all" and "social contract" ideas at play.

Is that a before or after, I literally can't tell when it comes to hoods.

>Hurricane Katrina
>lol no I's be stayin

Yeah but instead of everyone getting mad at Nagin they blamed Bush for some reason

Probably an early example of "environmental racism" or something




Funny thing that, I looked into the whole Flint thing, where alot of the issues were known back in 2005 while they were already floundering in debt ...Dems all the way to 2014(?), 2016 critical failure occurs "REPUBS HATE BLACKIES! THEY DID THIS!" ... in a city that was Dem run, Dem controlled, in a state that's fairly pro-Dem. I simply laugh when it gets brought up.

Nice bit of IRL shitposting.

one of my fondest memories of Katrina is when Outpost Crystal told the National Guard they couldn't come in the building (by the armed guards of said building) but they'd be happy to help them get some precious internet access--watched via web cam live on the internet.

Daily reminder that many black New Orleans police officers abandoned their posts during the aftermath of the storm, while white cops did their duty.

It isn't about Dem or Republican in Flint. Flint is 80% African. An African city with African problems and an African water supply system. There is no fixing it.

>learn this through a wakeup call, and not as a fact of life
Welcome to Louisiana., stranger.

Dems are children

or when we (from the outside, working with the people on the inside) arranged transport of diesel fuel in (for the generators), going around fema and the national guard and then they thanked us for it

A lot of corpses washed out of the cemeteries. There were palettes of bricks with names everywhere as well.

>Most black people didn't participate in the looting but a lot that did were like feral animals. NOLA has the most corrupt fucking cops in the country and they were part of the looting, even attacking civilians at some points. Whites that stayed behind generally banded together and formed small communities.

Bro, niggers loot and niggers are cops.

also google that one nigger cop in NO that murdered some vietnamese then came back to investigate the murder lol

where's the rest of the pic?


Money meant to maintain the levees was siphoned into personal funds, as per tradition in LA.
Everyone knew the levees were poorly maintained, but so long as the city officials are getting their cutbacks they don't care.

Compare this to Baton Rouge, wh we re despite all of their nastiness, the levees are kept in good condition. They are also like twice the size as the New Orleans levees.


before Katrina I was ignorant to how many fucking wonderful patriots have helicopters and were willing to illegally make supply drops just to keep the internet up and running.



While we know that, the Dems sure don't seem to know that.

the whites all fucking left when asked to, and the nigs that got the worst of it all lived in a ghetto that got hit by a seawall breakaway

I thought this was ironic

Dems know it too. They also know if they pat them on the head and explain to them how it's everyone else's fault and not their own, they just scored some more votes.

Genius idea to build a city under the sea level.

>still believing in the katrina hoax

That is why we must ensure us whites maintain our majority status in this country.


Nothing wrong with that. But if your water defence is shit you are fucked.

Fuck off EU

>rapes, murders, and endemic looting


If you truly cared about getting to the truth, a quick google search would reveal that none of those things actually happened during Hurricane Katrina. In fact, after a thorough police investigation, the police said they couldn't find any rape victims, no rape victims came forward, and that they could find no evidence of murders (no bodies or victim names).

An investigation however, did uncover it was all made up by white racists like the ones who inhabit this board (the equivalent of the ass-crack of the Internet).

So continue spreading your lies and blindly believing in every unfounded statistic, study, and conspiracy theory that's inline with your racist and ignorant view in the world. It's a big red sign that says "I'm a dumbass!" and instantly signals to the more enlightened and intelligent people of the world that they shouldn't associate with you.

Troops went to white neighborhoods, confiscating guns while hordes of nogs followed behind to rape, murder and steal. In Florida, we passed a law preventing gun confiscation after natural disaster.

Those fuckers were evil though. White cops were just as bad. The general rule of thumb was to avoid the police at all costs. They were predatory. They would just scream at you, point their guns at you, take your shit, and haul you off to jail for two weeks because they could. After order was restored by the National Guard and citizenry the police department was basically cleared out and reformed.

Based florida. During our hurricane Matthew state of emergency, The governor made it legal for every citizen (with a permit or not) to conceal carry a firearm.

The rapes maybe. Maybe. But I remember reading the bodies full of bullet holes being found all over post katrina and investigations on them being dropped. Stop spreading disinformation

I remember reading a few years back someone that was a part of the relief deployment from the National Guard talk about it. He claimed that there were some police officers that raped, too. He also talked about how you could hear gunshots all the time.

A group of churches sponsored Katrina Niggers to relocate to our town. The Apartment complex where they were relocated to is now completely destroyed. The Churches have had to hire full time Security to protect the members, cars and property.

>An investigation however, did uncover it was all made up by white racists like the ones who inhabit this board
>You're a dumbass!

Bullshit faggot.
I heard these stories while Katrina was going on and during the recovery. I worked in the Texas state emergency operations center

Main platform that got Jindal elected

that probably didn't look much better before the storm

This was very well thought out bait. Congratulations, 7/10 for making me reply.

Please God I hope this is bait.

>none of those things actually happened during Hurricane Katrina the Superdome

I saw plenty of house-to-house looting to know your assertion is false, faggot

>money, means
The blacks were told and offered busing to shelters north of I12 the day before it hit.

Cops were just as dangerous as the thugs and looters in New Orleans during Katrina. Living through it was a fucking nightmare but I learned a lesson: The only person that you can depend on to take care of you and your family is yourself.

There is video of looting in two different parts of New Orleans during Katrina.
>black neighborhood
>white neighborhood

In the black neighborhood the blacks were looting things like nike's and stereo equipment. In the white neighborhoods the white were looting things like bread and diapers.

I'm sure you've seen the videos, everyone has. Just look it up. Blacks are simple creatures, not inherently evil or bad, just simple. It's doesn't help that we've treated them like shit just like everyone else, because they can't, as a race, handle the same level of abuse that's every other race has endured and still manage to create something out of it. Look at Africa. They have to be treated like zoo animals. Not with hate, but with patience and an understanding of their potential wild behavior. Sometimes you get a really good one like Amy from the book/movie Congo. But most of the time you just end up with the evil gorillas from the book/movie Congo.


you keept it?

That policy has been federal law since 2006.

The difference is when whites and asians have a catastrophe they band together to help the afflicted and then rebuild.

We had niggers come into my state for charity only to learn they weren't even victims of Katrina. Fuckers were from Florida


criminally underrated

You dont even need to look to Japan to show how unshitty non niggers are. You dont see mass looting when places like Oklahoma get raped by tornadoes

Florida did that on purpose. You got played

They drown in kiddie pools. Any disaster involving water means they're boned.

Hurricane Katrina was based
A lot of burgers died there horrifically
dead burger = fucking based

more dead groid pics for fapping, I mean, uh, research please.

this. i live in Indiana and when we get the town destroyed by a tornado or sometimes a flood we send the national guard, they take care of the people, donations pile up from indianapolis, and the town gets rebuilt within a year

Whew. Great to hear. I was worried about the feet being turned around.