Reminder that Left > Right

Why are right wing retards such weak sissies?

Why is it that only the left wing has the balls to take on police?
Are left wingers just genetically stronger?

Left-wingers are sponsored with big money.
Right-wingers sit and whine on the internets.
Here's your differrence, larping faggot

Go take them on rn please mr big man on the internet show us how its done

You are now breathing manually.
You are aware of your tongue.
You are aware of the floaters in your eyes.
You are balancing your head manually.
You just lost the game.

The police are the good guys. Therefore i dont attack them

Congrats, you sound like a true nigger.

lol w/e faggot

I hate you sir. I wasnt even going in this thread too. Fuck you

Why do you take money from a globalist Jew and go set fire to poor peoples things?

Left with greater Reich?


Your right!!! the alt left is more terroristic.

Walk softly, and carry a big stick.

>Why is it that only the left wing has the balls to take on police?
The right-wing IS the police you retard, and whenever you go into combat against them you get your asses kicked.

Holy shit it's effective

Larp flags need to be removed, quality of the board has gone down significantly since they were brought back. Fucking losers who think they're clever with muh commie flag.

>communist strong
they are not. communists never work because they are literally punished for it. if you have a pussy job like sewing, then you'll get paid the same as a hard working fireman. and if that's the case, which retard would choose a hard work? if no one chooses to work hard, then they will never be strong. communists attack the police because they are stupid enough to fight for a system like that in the first place. libtards are just retarded. they literally have an army in America and the whole army rout when they are attacked by some teenagers that like memes. have you seen those teens? they are either thin as fuck, short as fuck or fat as fuck. Antifa is literally armed with knives, homemade bombs and trained in combat. still, they route every time some angry meme lord 16-year-olds run at them with a pepe flags. that policeman in the pic probably just tripped and isn't really feeling anything from the retard hitting him with that thin ass stick. the policeman is armoured. he can't feel shit anyways. it's made to withstand stuff like that.

What a pleasant picture to see porky guardian dog beaten hard

I'm right wing and I'd destroy you in seconds your larping faggot

>Meanwhile in reality


They get all those Jew bux


But leftist cuckies dont realize that police & army already are from the right.
Why should we attack people that share the same thought

I know right! How about you go out and try it with your local police department. You're a warrior of the people, you should be able to kick any fascist pig's ass.

Most cops are right wing. That's just a consequence of knowing what the fuck is going on, and having to deal with subhumans every day.
On the back of that, why would I take on police?

Just wait fucker. When street fighting starts the right always wins.

OP. You have that part mixed up. G E N E T I C A L L Y M O R E R E T A R D E D

To be fair, John Wilkes Booth was Confederate symphatizer and not a democrat.

The last real strong left winger were USSR.
We all know how it ended.

The left wingers always get beaten by right wingers. That just how it is.
You are weak, whatever the time, the period u appear, there's always going to be some right winger who will be ready to kick ur fat ass

>throwing trash and fireworks
>"taking the police"

Friendly reminder to type "sage" (without quotations) in the options bar when posting to slide threads.

We need to start giving captured Antifa guys wedgies. Can you imagine how embarrassing that pic would be? Having a pic of you getting your ass beat, but getting a wedgie shows that it's not a battle, it's not a fight of anger.... we're just laughing at you.

>why is it that only left wingers have the balls to take on the police?
when the tide turns against you commie faggots and you've isolated the one immediate branch who could have saved your life will turn a blind eye as your drug screaming to your death before youre strung up from a tree with a rope around your neck

This faggot posts this same shit multiple times a day and what's worse I think he actually believes that his circlejerk of lefties saying they would "Bash the Fasch!" are being genuine with him.

Lefty memes, everyone.

Haha! We all know the left can't meme for shit.