How do we make Sup Forums great again?
remove /x/
we eliminate the admins
Gas the kikes
more gibs
Make it a blue board.
"polG" is the only way to save pol.
So many threads are spammed before they are anywhere near dead.
Bumping a thread on its way to page 10 isn't a big deal when threads slide so fast but still people insist on not using the catalog, sliding other topics of discussion
Get rid of Nazis
Ban Trumpcucks.
Remove /qa/
Put cookies on anyone who's posted on /qa/ for the past 9 months and ban them when they post here
Install literal nazi mods
Delete Sup Forums
Gas all communists.
We need another Sup Forums harbor. The board is too bloated and under constant scrutiny. It needs to be purged again.
www.freechan.org could be its domain, where freedom of speech rules above all else
Mandatory nazism
post as much gore as possible to chase out the normies
merge Sup Forums with /lgbt/
>make Merkel hand gesture threads
>make lots of Merkel hand gesture posts
>reply to Merkel hand gesture posters
Merge Sup Forums with /mlp/
Autoban anyone who makes more than three consecutive posts under the Democrat, Republican, Kekistani, and Tree Hugger flags.
frank must fuck off
embrace islam
mods who do their job and aren't shills
Go be a faggot somewhere else
Delete /ptg/.
Prior to Trump nobody gave a fuck about /sg/. Now it is /ptg/'s boogieman when /ptg/ is the problem
ban discussion of politics
Gas the bikes!
Race course now!
Mandatory lurking of 3 to 5 months before posting.
>remove shit flags
take away the option for geographical flags
Ban everyone who visits reddit.
Rangeban the leafs.
At this point i think the board would be better off without mods. Threads that dont belong here stay, while interesting threads get deleted.
Additionally we could auto delete every thread where the OP fits into the title field eliminating all the low effort bait thread like "Sup Forums btfo" "really makes you think" etc and forces the OP to actually provide some real content
ban everyone who disagrees with me
go to Sup Forums, there are no rules there
not this
Also, ban kekistan posters.
I want the mods to allow people to post threads that the OP can choose which flags can post in them
then get out
merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums
This is spicy
yep, that would be awesome
the mods and janis have been permacucked for years and most likely spend more time on reddit than here. They will look at any criticism with detached bemusement, unable to see their own fucking idiocy. Every chat leak has confirmed that their supremely cucked ways are no accident.
I'ts what Sup Forums is all about. We don't want shit skins, niggers etc in our countries why do we want them in our threads
Kick out all the Trumplets. Sup Forums was never "us" or "we". There was never a consensus or a thought police. Now all I hear is that I don't belong because I'm not a larping magapide.
wow, that's strikingly similar.
How many hours did you spend in the tripcode trial thread on /qa/?
make country flags mandatory. ideology flags should be besides them. really makes you think there aren't third world shitposters since the switch
t. 3rd world shithole
Need more black people on Sup Forums
I don't even know what the fuck this magapede shit is and I've been here for years. Also this Kekistan shit has become so cringe it isn't even funny
we oust the jewish enabler mods. Sup Forums has clear rules on the rules page and in the sticky and the mods don't give a shit about enforcing them. I'm pretty sure they just delete whatever goes against their personal agenda and ignore the rest
one of the best things you can do right now
Yeah Sup Forums wasn't 99.999% pro trump prior to the election right?
All you anti-Trump faggots were here all along right?
You're not all paid shills, antifa, faggots and spencer/TRS queers
every time you use that flag to post the jews inject more Melanin into you while you sleep
>what is tripcodegenerator?
>what is superior quad core architecture?
>what is intel?
>what is 10 minutes of your life
>what is getting the best closest match in the 10 minutes allotted?
>where's your eagle, faggot?
maybe someone can explain why I got banned from Sup Forums for a couple days for "porn" when posting a gif of a white dude playing ping pong with his dick that isn't even really visible
By moderating it
only BLACKED porn allowed
I used to get banned all the time but for the last few months I haven't. Guessing mods have changed and some just don't like the way you post. Shit sucks
>no mods
How new are you ?
Never heard "the mods are asleep"?
This board would go to hell without moderation
Remove IDs and geoflags
probably because he was white
spam naked negresses instead next time
Remove shitty flags, expose the Eternal Leaf once more
Trump is a joke that's not funny anymore. There's a difference between
>I hope this doofus becomes president because that would be hilarious
>Actually, Grand Eternal President Trump is the greatest being that ever lived and as a proud Kekistani I believe he will MAGA and build the wall and kill CNN!
Trump is a joke, and a good one, but you ruined it when you tried to make it serious.
Shadowban anyone who comes here directly from Plebbit
so, you first then
Remove the new flags, only 3rd worlders and cuck countries hide behind them
>How do we make Sup Forums great again?
Ban everyone who has ever posted here, then delete the board.
Remove larp flags
he hasn't even done anything bad, his done some of what he said he would while string the shit out of the left and MSM
>>what is tripcodegenerator?
I honestly don't know. Please do tell
ban Australia then
ban all canadians
Ban PTG and Trumpcucks.
btw, aren't tripcodes board-specific? A tripcode password used on a board wouldn't yield the same result on another one
All this reditfags want only geoflags because they can't formulate argument without attacking the adversary flag. Even commies are better at this point
you first.
kys just because no one said it yet
They are the same on all boards. A tripcode generator is a program that generates thousand of tripcodes per second looking for specific ones that you have asked it to save.
You didn't understand a single thing did you?
are you new or a shill or colossal faggot?
>checks flag
hmmm I am guessing faggot
this. get rid of the larp flags. they're fucking lame and only retards and jews use them.
Get rid of IDs so I can shill without having to change my IP so often
>calling others redditfags
But still, isn't it at least chan-specific? It would have to run the password through the same filter used on Sup Forums in order to get a tripcode usable on Sup Forums
I think you have autism
Get rid of captcha and invite other boards to join us
I can be anyone I want and you can't do shit about it reditfag
The tripcode system is mostly shared but there are some variations. But usually if a site looks sorta like Sup Forums at has tripcodes they resolve the same way as here.
>Get rid of captcha and invite other boards to join us
Yes please. THat was fun
With cookies that's actually possible
Can we shill it to chongmoot?
No Sup Forums is a porn ridden pathetic mess. They we're beaten by a bunch of Spanish teens.
Bring back Sup Forums Parliament
>tfw Hiromoot will never do something like this
Because you can't just edit your cookies
make a new board for news, world events, geopolitics, and political/economic theory
Sup Forums CANNOT be fixed, no matter what you do
Permanently fuse /mlp/ and Sup Forums
This so fucking much
Make a Political Science (/psci/) board that is well-moderated and is for serious discussion regarding politics, ideologies and so on. Sup Forums remains for le ebin memes XD and news