2 hours talk already!!!
Holy shit what are they discussing???
Other urls found in this thread:
which part of Poland will take usa/russia
Syria cease fire
>hey dude stop hacking us please
How hard they fucked yo momma
How they will dismantle the EU
Putin and Trump are squatting over hookers and taking a nice steamy shit in their mouths.
Right now. Let that sink in...
they're probably laughing at how triggered the media will be upon hearing that they spent so long talking
How to defeat the eu
this EU biggest threat
He's giving back Alaska
If this isn't proof I don't know what is.
Methods for trolling the EU into self-destruction even faster.
and come on, if you were in there positions, wouldn't you want to have at least a 2 hour discussion?
Syria and Ukraine, hot topics.
redpilling each other
hopefully putin lets trump know about soros
I can imagine the discussions ultimately revolve around preventing nuclear war between the USA and Russia. Long talks are a good sign!
They're probably partying and the lugenpresse is butthurt that they weren't invited
I'd bring in some beers and enjoy the media melting down as you take six hours to bullshit and talk about grabbing pussy.
Order of business:
>How to fuck over China?
>How to break up the EU?
>How to sell NK to SK?
>How to outjew the Jew and get them all back to their containment country?
Putin to announce ceasefire in Syria.
Trump getting shit done as usual.
I'm surprised they don't have a millisecond precision timer running on CNN like it's some olympic event
Maybe they're gonna release a hit single together that will spawn an age of peace.
That's a music video I'd really wanna see. "Keep your (((nose))) outta my bidne$$!"
How is this in anybody's best interest except for the kikes?
I fucking wish. USA + Russia vs the EU would be the greatest wonder of the millenia.
4th reich
vasya broke out the пoллитp he had with him that's why they're stuck in the room for two hours
They are double teaming Ivanka.
great youtube channel analyzing body language.
This. They need to find a solution in Syria that satisfies both nation's interests because otherwise world war 3 is inevitable.
Here's the real answer:
They are talking about how to get the oil money out of the hands of the arabs and into USA and Russia instead.
Get ready for the ride.
>hopefully putin lets trump know about soros
Trump mentioned Soros himself during the debate with Hillary. He used it against her because she is associated with Soros.
It just southwestern part.
And talking about kikes.
>Israel Tells U.S. It Doesn’t Want Russia Policing Safe Zones in Southern Syria
Neither drinks. Probably plotting the final destruction of the deep state and the liberation of humanity.
They are sowing him footage of the him getting a golden shower from a Russian slut. Drumpf is done it's over for him now.
No, but they are going to split up Ukraine, this is guaranteed to happen.
To be specific splitting it up between Poland who will be a strategic ally of the US and Russia.
The situation in Ukraine is not tenable, no matter what kind of government they have, the jews jew too hard over there and some adults are required to get this decade long catastrophe under control.
they are going to spend over 8 hours in there just to fuck with people and then Don will walk out giving a shirtless Vlad a piggyback ride
>Replace Assad with someone less problematic, USA will pull out of Syria and let Russia deal with it
>Mutual agreement about Ukraine
>Put Merkel in her place
>Put China in their place
>Back away from the war stuff and loosen sanctions
>Joint anti-terror work (one of Bush's biggest mistake was blowing off Putin after 9/11)
Oh, and I imagine a lot of shit talking Obama and talking about beautiful women.
*comes out the office*
"good news, Mr Putin has agreed to get me re-elected*
dumbass drumpf probably has to be explained things like 3 times before he understand
Assad isn't problematic you dumb shit. This is for a natgas pipeline. Maybe you should stick your head a little further up your ass there.
Crimea did authentically vote to join Russia. The crisis in the Ukraine was engineered by the Obama state department.
They are not even talking. They are taking 6 hour beauty nap to freak out everyone.
Massively underrated
There's literally nothing problematic with Assad for he is a secular ruler.
Those Arabs in the East of Syria can't be controlled without force unless you let them have their Caliphate.
Fuck them.
Some may argue Assad MUH THREATENS ISRAEL, but he's been in power a long time without making any big moves against Israel.
If the war didn't happen they would probably work on their economy just like they did before that.
>How is this in anybody's best interest except for the kikes?
Actually the state of civil war is most appealing because it reduces any chance that the Golan Heights are claimed for example. Divide and conquer.
The regular Syrian army is not strong enough to defeat the well armed non ISIS rebels IMHO.
How to make America White again?
Lol you can't be serious
I would join the US army in a heartbeat
Would love killing me some EU "army" cuckolds
Is she even legal
>CNN didn't say anything about world war 3. This is all about Darth Assad .
>attack of the summerfags.
Back in June I'd try to help you find the info . But it's July now. Just kys.
the best i could hope for is putin convincing him that we literally have no reason to be meddling in syria and assad's regime would bring back any semblance of order
This is true, but the weakness of the Ukraine is a festering wound for Europe.
They need some strongman who gets all this corruption and the oligarchs with their private armies under control, like Putin was for Russia.
It's not a good situation for the EU and it's not a good situation for Russia to have this experiment continue.
And of course it's not that great for Ukrainians themselves to live like animals.
Nobody can know what kind of extremist government they might have tomorrow and what they might do.
past the 2 hour mark now
They've probably only talked about 30 minutes considering they have to run it all through translators
Pls explain for someone who doesn't watch the electric jew
You know Ukraine means 'border'. Meaning the border of Russia...
If that's who I think it is then yes, she is
Chose to get breast implants though and no longer have that loli body
The newiest of newfags.
This, I don't own (((Netflix)))
Ukraine Super Power by 2030 confirmed.
That's House of Cards, basically a show about political backstabbing and shit
like i give a fuck
Putin speaks english well
checked and your mother fucked niggers and loved it
He always talks with translator though.
Her stage name is Monroe, she hasn't done hardcore porn yet, but I think she got breast implants recently :(
Border of Europe
he speaks Russian because national pride n stuff
>Holy shit what are they discussing???
The nuclear codes.
Considering the medias constant worries about Putin and our tensions on the world stage, why this implied as bad
I know, I'm Slavic myself and we generally also called our border regions that way.
The Western part has been contested though for a very long time and has been under control of various non-Russian countries for centuries.
People there feel less Russian than Western and that's where this internal conflict comes from that certain people exploit very well.
Can't see how a united Ukraine could work if the Western Ukrainians wanted to ban the use of Russian language and culture.
Nothing wrong with that though.
Is Putin left handed?
The nuke codes are really long.
because hes the leader of russia, not america. he speaks to where his people can understand him, others can listen through a translator
Interesting, thanks
hahaha nice
Run them through an archive
Even if Assad manages to finally defeat/pull in every opposition party in Syria, there will still be random Jihadis and opposition groups ready to have a go. Even if he wins, he'll still be sitting on a powder keg. Not to mention all the foreign parties who still want him out. It's not a good position to be in.
Now, if Assad, say, decides to pass on leadership or retire then that at least pleases a lot of people. Hell, it can even be someone or a council while he still calls the shots from the rear. Otherwise you'd limit change as much as possible to prevent any instability, with Russia ensuring things go smoothly.
It's just about getting him out of the picture for awhile to draw attention elsewhere like Yemen/Saudi Arabia/Qatar. Image is everything.
Or maybe he will stay in the forefront and I will be totally wrong. I'm not so arrogant to say I can predict the future.
oh i agree i'd feel embarrassed if my president learned a language just to suck the dick of a diplomat
Yeah and Russia is super paranoid about invasions and stuff like that. What the polish, napoleon, the kaiser and hitler all invaded russia in the span of a few hundred years.
It's almost like world leaders shake hands all the time...
I think he means something like the 2012 Russian proposal
IIRC, Assad was to peacefully step down and probably go to a peaceful retirement in Russia while the Assad government stays in power with a new face