What is his strategy here? Was he feigning weakness?
Putin's Body Language
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being around his lover leaves him weak in mind and loins
nah,, he is wondering how crazy it is that not a month from now, he will be nuking the shit out of this guy's country.
We've broken every treaty we made with them. We have our military surrounding their boarders and we're constantly provoking them in their airspace. He doesn't trust us, rightly so. Looks more like Apathy to me.
"Time to fuck with America and their lies"
Would you be excited about talking to someone for 3 hours for no reason?
I mean, it's either that or a Trap. he's inflating Trump's ego by letting him be the "Alpha", will butter him up to some deal and if the US doesn't honor the deal he'll have the upper hand.
Trump told him about the Aliens
He's former KGB. This is part of secret service training
Putin looks tired since he left the plane. Guess he pulled one or two allnighters to prepare...
>USA untrustrowthy
>Have to talk to someone for 3 hours
I think an experienced world-leader like Putin wouldn't be phased by these two facts.
>Inflating Trump's ego to generate good will
I think your last hypothesis makes the most sense. A rope-a-dope type strategy.
That's pretty interesting.
His body language is alpha, except for his face which is, "You've caught me principal."
Perhaps he's trying to dupe the fools in the media to keep pushing the "Muh Russia" narrative, causing further destabilization in the US?
>"just so fucking tired of this dog and pony show"
>"didn't we just have the full conversation privately"
>"strong pose man, strong body language, keep it together"
nah, gotta be some kgb secret thing
he knows the same as mike pence, the best way to get trump to do what you want is play up to his fragile ego. i cringe everytime pence talks about trump so fawningly sucking his asshole.
Think those are just really awkwardly designed chairs. The only way to not look like a bitch in them would be to lean all the way back,but that would be too over the top.
I love how americans always love to underestimate Putin.
You keep doing that, buckaroos.
holy shit, it all makes sense now
seems the donald is concerned about vlad also:
“We look forward to a lot of very positive things happening for Russia, and for the United States and for everybody concerned. And it’s an honor to be with you.”
what happened to:
America First
Yeah just like i thought
kek the fuck out
He's going to let America make the first mistake
He's just comfy.
>Both are manspreading.
Feminists hate them.
"there is no such thing as a former kgb agent"
v putin
So he's currently KGB?
>So he's currently KGB?
once a kgb agent
always a kgb agent
>Putin wants the D
Putin has the D
he thinks the lefty media is cancer and he would like to have a working relationship with Trump but the libtards are making russiagate because these two can probably do great things together and it does not fit with the globalist agenda
What KGB? The KGB was disbanded after a failed coup attempt in 91.