Hello /pol I'm a Black Fem and I just wanted to know why do you hate or dislike black people. I grew up in Kansas and I've always been treated horribly by white people. In grade school I was called a nigger but I got in trouble when I told the teacher. Then I went to a mainly white school and was called ape and nigger a lot. I still don't understand why am I treated like this. It's not like I'm doing anything wrong I'm just trying to live. It's just very annoying to be mistreated for no reason. Can you give me a valid reason why you dislike black people without the use of pesudo science.
Why are blacks disliked
Niggers need to go back to africa
fuck off nigger
Fuck off subhuman nigger
Niggers and the like need to go back to Africa.
Here you go, stupid whore!
Pick one
I wanna mix with that nubian goddess
Wew lad, you're either one hell of a masochist. or you've got some fat b a i t
Hey that sounds like bullshit
black people literally ruin everything at any city they gather
Race mixing = destruction of history and genetics. And i'm not even racist.
Anyways sounds like you're mad you never had white dick. It's ok i dick down black lil teen girls like you.
for starters, take a look at nigger crime rates.
>all of these comments
stay classy faggots
Nope I'm just honestly wondering why. It's not bait it's a genuine question.
Because the differences in appearance and behavior lead to endless cultural and social friction.
Post that Thicc ass booboo
> nigger titties or fuck off
but your ppl are legit animals... commit crime at the highest rate... high rates of stds... lowest iq... highest welfare usage
> general coonery
public schools
Idont hate you as an individual but as a collective I despise you
No thank you
go make Africa great for the first time.
stay mad Bobo
nice source
Nah I don't feel like being hacked to death I like America.
my experience with blacks
>Go to good school
>Hurricane katrina hits
>Blacks come in, the real ghetto blacks i mean.
>Stabbings happen once or twice a month, K9 unit is always at our school, police come in and arrest people out of class. ALL happen to be the blacks
Once Graduated
>Blacks act hard
>if stood up to they get in your face
>If still stood up to / beat the shit out of, they claim it was racism
>Didnt get a job? Racism stopped you!
>Didnt get into the class you wanted? IT WAS RACISM!
>Didnt get a raise? yep... they be racis!
>People dont like you because you're a moron and arrogant as fuck? They be racis too!
Literally had an conversation with a naturalized European last night at my job (co-worker). He said that he and his family went through an ethnic cleansing but he never uses it as a tool to be used to get his way. He says the ((((((((JEWS)))))))) never use the holocaust to justify their different acts, UNLESS they are asked about it.
He said blacks in america are different to the jews since the blacks use racism to explain away anything bad that ever happens to them.
so you admit your race is a bunch of violent savages?
Log out then. Pol hates niggers the most.
It is because of their frequent unprovoked violence.
>black fem
>no tits or gtfo
FFS. Pic related n sheeeit
Your culture is as substantive as your weave(s)
I went to a good high school in Florida but after my freshman year they changed the zoning districts for it because there wasn't enough diversity.
My school went from being one of the best public schools in the state to borderline shit because of the ghetto coons they bused in and every year it got worse.
We had more drugs, stabbings, fights, etc, and every year it would get worse. The year after I left had a gang-rape in the woods behind my school
BrowN tits or GTFO!
Ah I understand. I also don't like when people throw the race card around because it makes it harder for when it's actually needed.
Nope I just know they don't like African Americans.
That's terrible I'm sorry that happend at your school. One thing I will emit is that some black teens don't take school seriously since it makes them look 'soft' idek how being a idiot is cool.
I knew a black girl once who told me she doesn't date black guys in front of a black guy, and proceeded to argue about it.
I wish I had fucked her like she obviously wanted me to. God how much pussy I missed by being a retarded teenager.
>me 5 yrs old
>Christian white upper class
>nigga stole my bike
>Nope I just know they don't like African Americans.
So, whites hate you
And Africans hate you
Is there anyone who doesn't hate you?
Your kind can be amusing, though.
ehhh, i think it depends on what kind of blacks are we talking about
african blacks are disliked because pretty much every african nation (except for a few lucky ones) is a horrible shithole, with widespear crime, corruption, barbarism, wars etc. However, I don't really hate them, their failures are the natural result of colonialism, atleast they're trying to fix themselves
american blacks are disliked for their obnoxiousness mixed with savagery behavior.
basically, black america contributes nothing, but still requires giant amounts of welfare to maintain. African blacks always scream about opression and racism, while at the same time being hyper-tribalistic and prone to criminal behavior on their own
european blacks are mostly economic migrants, who just want to exploit the current refugee crysis, while not being legitimate refugees. They are also completely useless, eitheir not working and living off a welfare, or joining african street gangs
>I grew up in Kansas and I've always been treated horribly by white people. In grade school I was called a nigger but I got in trouble when I told the teacher.
Aren't those enough signals that you would consider going back to your own country? If everyone treats you like shit maybe you are not welcome?
Liberia has been created for people like you. Go back to there.
Yea but idk whats up with that shit. I knew of a few kids that were black and did VERY well with school. They were smart and popular. And then there is the other 99.9999999999999999999901% which threw heavy text books at teachers heads, stabbed eachother, sold drugs, stole shit, beat up whites, etc... I dont get it.
>Studying makes you weak
>Being nice makes you weak
>Sharing makes you weak
>Not raping the people you live with makes you weak
>Not doing drugs makes you weak
>Not owning a gun and waving it everywhere makes you weak
>Working for / with the police makes you weak.
So pretty much being civilization makes you weak? Being able to live among the rest of the human race makes it so you're lesser? Fuck that, if you dont join us then either leave or we'll (should) exterminate you. Im not racist at ALL. I just hate niggers.
Theres a difference between blacks that we can all agree on I believe. Black people can be productive caring members of society, niggers on the other hand are destructive horrible monkeys of society.
One or more of the following applies to the majority of blacks
it's just a bunch of sexually threatened bitch cowards who don't want to have to compete with other races for the opposite gendered member of their own race.
the VAST majority of racism is just not wanting to compete because they know that deep down, THEY are every shitty thing that they project onto others.
Show me your purple nurple
The worst part is there was a high school right in the middle of the ghetto these kids were coming from. A lot of my friends whose mothers were stay at home or could afford cars as soon as they turned 16 transferred out as soon as they could. I've got another story
>in band
>come back to school after a parade
>somebody kicked in one of the doors to our room
>8 concert tubas completely smashed
>pretty much salvageable
>lockers in the back broken into with wallets and phones stolen
>police track the kids who did it because they kept the cell phones on
>all black
I used to see a lot of white kids get jumped for no reason too. I was pretty small, but I wrestled so I'd always have people watching my back.
It sounds like prison looking back lol
stupid ape
Post some tits and we can get talking.
Do you really need a fucking source for a well known fact? jesus fucking christ some of you niggers are way beyond retarded.
Okay not all Africans just Nigerians that I've been around vocalized their dislike. Mainly because we are American.
Well said Ivan
You are a liar.
Also imagine yourself as the only white at a black school, and ask yourself which would be treated worse; the black at a white school, or a white at a black school.
I know the actual answer btw....if you are curious.
I can't imagine being this stupid and delusional. It must be tough being a nigger
They are alright, just don't racemix and don't influence kids to gangsta shit.
It's because foreigners observe your behavior from a-far and see how you treat the white americans, so it makes them despise you. It has nothing to do with their behavior, africans are known for being retarded and savage. But as a foreigner I can comfortably say that all foreigners hate american blacks.
You talk like you are retarded "preciate it, sall good, preciate it, yo, sall good, preciate it." It's like you have down syndrome, you talk like our natives.
Although it's probably not your fault, you probably have a bunch of mental illness holding you back, that's why our natives are stupid. So yea, stop making retarded babies and you will be fine, in 100 years or so.
You legitimately look like apes to many people and your community is, as a whole, violent and anti-social. It's not your fault that your community is filled with obnoxious imbeciles that sully your reputation. Also, kids can be really cruel.
>implying this list doesn't apply to 99% of the unwashed, kissless NEETS on Sup Forums
I dont hate black people
I hate niggers-big difference
Tried going down on a black chick, almost threw up.
I think it's pretty equal. I've have people circle around me with a pickup truck holding the confederate flag. I've had my braids cut off by girls in my class because it was weird. It got so bad I had to move schools but I still lived in the neighborhood so it didn't stop. You don't know everything.
>Can you give me a valid reason why you dislike black people without the use of pesudo science.
As an outside observer of the USA I would say: for old people, plain racism; for young people, seeing too many black thugs playing the "racism card" instead of addressing their problems; and for pol, a mix of that and trolling.
USUALLY sub-par planning and abstract thinking ability.
Their women look like hairless men with tits 90% of the time (including pic related, but I admit some mulattoes and quadroons are attractive in a feminine way).
Tits or gtfo
>Identifies as a black female
Outside of SJW circles it's called "larping", fat manlet.
If you don't want to be judged by western standards, don't live in the west.
loud and rude
Fuck off nigger ape
>too stupid to refute the point
>projects his insecurities in an impotent attempt to run damage control
it's SO easy to point out these sexually emasculated, insecure morons.
Don't believe this shit...Kansas is awesome. Our whites and our blacks are both better than everywhere else.....This is a dumb bitch who has never been anywhere else, or a white liberal larper.
Especially in the country...In the cities there are both lazy black/white niggers.
The blacks around here kick total ass. Welders, bricklayers, pillars of the Community...work for their shit, and would shoot a motherfucker to protect their neighbors' shit before most whites would.
shit we got black dudes running around wearing the cowboy shit, dressed like a Mexican from Colorado (hahahahaah), the real cowboy shit...not the fruity shit. Dirty and all...loooks like they did some shit...
Don't believe this bitch. Kansas is the least racist place on earth....until you get to those cities that love voting Dem.
Going to those places is like going to another nation; and every thing is coated with liberal slime...
have you listened to why they dislike you?
Matter of good faith, I dont discount some people out there hate you unjustly, but if people who share your skin color hate you, there may be something more at work than what I will bluntly assert is a vain presupposition of racism.
The trend may still be racial, but what fuels the fire?
Blacks in Africa see African Americans as 'tribeless mongrels', that is why they hate them. And I'm sure it doesn't help that when Liberia was founded by ex-slaves from the US, one of the first things they did was enslave the natives.
Also tits of gtfo, standard female rule.
>Hello /pol I'm a Black Fem and I just wanted to know why do you hate or dislike black people.
>Can you give me a valid reason why you dislike black people without the use of pesudo science.
Yes. Yes I can. I have gone my entire life treating black people as equals, only to be told by those same people, to my face, that "when the shit hits the fan" they are going to "kill white people and take their property".
I've had multiple black people tell me this, as well as people from other races. It only took hearing this three times to realize what the future will look like if white Europeans do not maintain their status as the decisive majority.
Without white supremacy black people will never allow me and my family to live in peace. I am sorry you have been mistreated but it's naive to believe we can live together as equal citizens. Blacks will simply not allow it. The more freedom we give you in this society the more hostile you become.
I don't dislike black people.
not only black, but asians and indians.
becaus their is to many of you and like diamants, which are rare, this is why they are more valuable. so whites are the minority in the planet and seen more valuable.
the more of something, the less attraction
if it is to much, people will avoid it.
thats human nature.
if their would be 5 billion whites, everybody would chase black people if they wer 1 billion.
I love blacks, especially black women.
That is easy to say when the economy has been boosted by bringing them from
Where in Kansas are you from? You must be from Topeka.
>cutting off people's braids
What a bunch of white trash. Also, why'd you come to Sup Forums?
Lol ok. I don't have any desire to refute your argument because I've gotten into this same argument with kike shills like you multiple times before. I have no desire to have a discussion with you. I only want to call you names like the dumb nigger you are.
>picking cotton
In retrospect bringing in retarded slaves was a net financial loss by a large margin.
>some black teens don't take school seriously since it makes them look 'soft' idek how being a idiot is cool
I have a story. I used to teach music to people for free online. I had a female black internet friend who I was teaching music to (for free) and she would CONSTANTLY fight me, constantly get angry whenever I'd use a "white" persons music as an example to explain something. Any time I would point out any of her "mistakes" she would get upset that a "white person was telling her what to do".
Her dream was to make a living as a musician and she's working at Wal-Mart ten years later. This was my first wake up call about the black community. You people HATE us with such an envious passion that you will literally throw free information in the garbage because it's coming from a "white" person.
only because you dont see them in the streets everyday, nice satan di gits
>tfw I'm in Omaha, the most segregated city, and to my south is the least racist state.
Is it easy to get a job down there?
Damn I would smash... I mean... Eeee... Get lost you non-catholic devil!
>please respond to me, sir
imagine being THIS desperate for a response from your superior. these sexually threatened little bitch boy racists are all the same.
Ofc that's why. I don't want them in Poland, they would ruin my fetish probably.
i am as racist as they come. but will never be mean or disrespectful to a person based on skin color. i will treat you according to how you act. my experience with black people here are that the mayority of them are good friendly people, but not very honest. they have a tendancy to steal you blind when you give them the slightest gap. they are like naughty children, you must be very firm with them and not give them a chance to misbehave. lots of black people i know are hardworking and successful guys, but the fact remains you must be forever on your guard when ever dealing with a black you dont know.
>projecting this much
At least I'm not a nigger hahahahahaha
Look, you seem like a nice intelligent person. Many of us here are not nice and many of us are not intelligent. And this thread is just begging for a basket of nigger hate. But I'll tell you the bottom line reason blacks are generally disliked by all the other races:
They don't create or maintain anything of practical value. They don't innovate or improve their communities, in fact just the opposite. They aren't civil to each other or to others or even to their own pets. They loot and steal at every opportunity. They murder at monstrously high rates. And then what really boils the blood is that the entire left wing news media convers it all up and then pushes stories that place the blame at the white mans feet.
Now I get it that not all black people are like this. I have black people in my life who are harder working, and more intelligent than your average white guy. But generally speaking, everything I said is 100% true
Maybe people just don't want to substantially lower the average IQ of their country, Dr.Freud.
Ever heard of Bleeding Kansas? We're the Christian Republican Abolitionists who while everyone else was all talk, we started killing MF's to stop slavery. Jayhawkers and shit.
No respect. Kansas blacks during the election stormed the Kansas University Republicans...and informed them they were not welcome there.
That's right, the ancestors of those who fought and died to free them, not welcome.
The party who enslaved them though, yes.
Ungrateful cocksuckers. Then they wonder why say Fuck Yourselves.
The mascot of KU...the Jayhawks (abolitionists/republicans)
Now this bitch has the gall to shit on our state.
Ewww. Fuck no. That would be like living in Canada.
COUNTRY. I live in the COUNTRY.
You know that what field they always show on the news when talking about Kansas? I live RIGHT THERE.