Cucking is an 'intellectual' fetish now, and responsible swinging has been practiced by happy couples openly since the 60s.
"Love" and "loyalty" are hollywood memes designed to trick the population into forming patriarchal family units that help uphold the oppressive structure of capitalism. Break the family, and you may just break your chains.
Decadence = Liberation
nice shitpost, now fuck off
no u
>"Love" and "loyalty" are hollywood memes designed to trick the population into forming patriarchal family units that help uphold the oppressive structure of capitalism. Break the family, and you may just break your chains.
Hollywood has been making movies for about 100 years.
Nuclear families based around a monogamous mother-father pair committed to one another and to cooperatively raising their children has been a thing since at least the start of modern, agrarian civilization. That was over 10,000 years ago.
Break the family, and you may just break the ongoing functioning and future continuation of human civilization.
Now take off that Antifa flag so we can see where you're really from, you colossal shitposter.
The nuclear family was a creation of capitalism. Prior to the 19th century, most "families" consisted of multiple generations living communally
The nuclear family is the origin of fascism. It demands a hierarchy with the male father at the top. It discourages homosexuality, gender fluidity, and other sexual expressions that threaten the superiority of the cishet patriarch. Communism cannot occur if the "family" is not destroyed first.
>Cucking is an 'intellectual' fetish now,
No shit, that's the rhetorical gimmick that led to it becoming our insult of choice in the first place.
t. brainlet
Who are you to demand sexual ownership over a woman? Allowing a partner to engage in intercourse with another individual while you watch can be a freeing, enlightening experience.
You cannot have a truly loving relationship when one partner is laying with another person. What we consider love is partially based off of lust, and when one partner can lust for and carry out their lustful adultery with other people is jeopardises the relationship, insecurity and dissatisfaction will be sown and families will fall apart.
Families are good because they offer something for everyone;
Women get a man to provide for them (something most women naturally want.)
Men get to provide (which most like doing) for the family and have sex with someone they love
Children are raised in a balanced environment taking the good sides and bad sides of parenting from both of the only two sides to the gender spectrum.
No, the nuclear family is one generation in a house, mother father children, no grandparents.
The monogamous family unit has been around for at least 2,500 years. Before that men would have multiple wives and/or mistresses.
you keep using that word...etc
patriarchy wasn't really a thing until the byzantine empire
>"Love" and "loyalty" are hollywood memes designed to trick the population into forming patriarchal family units that help uphold the oppressive structure of capitalism. Break the family, and you may just break your chains.
lol not
>The nuclear family is the origin of fascism. It demands a hierarchy with the male father at the top. It discourages homosexuality, gender fluidity, and other sexual expressions that threaten the superiority of the cishet patriarch. Communism cannot occur if the "family" is not destroyed first.
Homosex was illegal in the USSR. What now, roleplayer?
lol not loyalty or faithfulness or devotion right cuck?
It's degenerate and for people who can't control their emotions and lack any sense of pride or desire to maintain a healthy state of life.
Woman's natural role is mother. Man's natural role is father. It's sad that some people end up at odds with their nature, and it's sad that those people make normal people uncomfortable to the point where they lash out. That being said, the agenda you're pushing is retarded, and I'm having a difficult time maintaining sympathy for those who advocate it.
USSR was a state capitalist, quasi-fascist regime. Not real communism. >pride
Sure is getting spooky in here
There are no such thing as "natural" roles. Some women desire to have multiple partners at once, some desire never to have children, some desire to abort their children. Stop being a fascist and trying to control the lives of all those you deem "unnatural." Remember, cishet white males are the minority. If anything, it's YOU who are unnatural.
On second thoughts, there's no way this isn't bait. All the buzzwords are there.
>Communism cannot occur
you got that right
Ok. Enjoy your fleeting happiness.
Only you have the power to make yourself happy, not extraneous circumstances, nor conforming to the expectations put upon you by the capitalist media
>Sup Forums can't refute me
/leftypol/ wins again ;)
Swinging sixties here we come baby yeeaahhhh!
Nice proxy sweden...
Kill yourself
swedeshit or a leaf detected, kys
Waited too long to start a family I shoulda stayed single and bought some toys