>low-IQ rural and suburban retards will defend this
Low-IQ rural and suburban retards will defend this
Kinda funny except it's more confusing that the rural people are sitting in urban traffic..
>public transport
i too had to get to my first summer job without a car back when i was 15
well duh they have to drive to the city because all the jobs are created by ultra high IQ city people
>thinking all city people are Hillary supporters
You are gay.
We need to account for private mobility in cities (I don't care about your cities, you could die, I don't care; I'm talking about the civilised world, not america or canada). To not allow people to drive into cities and, specially park cheap, we are killing cities.
They are.
I won't defend it. It's a fucken dumb meme.
How dare you insult the people who raise your food?
Class hatred comes from inferior minds.
Nobility is derived from race, talent, and morality.
The problem is that the right side stole the money needed to build their "high iq" transportation system from the left side.
Leftist libfucks can build their (((infrastructure))) only because they rob everyone else.
Prolly because neither of those pictures are rural or suburban...
>American city subways
>Full of aggressive panhandlers, perverts, hoodrats, and rats
>Decaying transit system is completely unreliable in some major cities
>Confusing routes often with shutdowns
>Have to walk through dangerous areas to change stops
>Go home to police scene from a murder outside and a guy smoking crack outside dumpster
>Drive in private vehicle
>Commute is only 15-30 minutes
>quiet, clean, and plush
>Private space, home away from home
>Can drive back to home in safe friendly neighborhood
I'm from the city and I'm a Trump supporter
Daily reminder that the subhuman making all the rural/suburban threads is a somalian leaf.
(city people voted for hillary)
>literal bus riders are high iq
>being this insecure about the power you exert over your own life, or lack thereof, due to your lack of self-worth
>trying to politicize fucking traffic which is far more complex than just hurr durr left vs. right
You are the cancer of Sup Forums. The more interesting political question here is, how can we reform the urban/suburban architecture and infrastructure to accommodate the unavoidable growth of a city? Is the current snails pace of highway and city transportation infrastructure due to rampant cronyism and tangled bureaucracy? If so, what might be a good way to fix that?
>the irony
Also Hillary supporters
best fucking answer right there
But you posted a picture of Canadian citizens over the Chinese flag.
>a leaf will continue to shill because he is not really a leaf but a butthurt democraft using a proxy
Boy howdy that really activates my almonds boyo
>Thinks city people have high IQ
>Claims city dwellers support Clinton
>Forgets about niggers
>Picture on the left is Atlanta
>Government officials almost totally black, Hilary supporters
Get rekt fgt
>How small is too small? Inside the 28 sq ft, $500-month 'pod' an illustrator built into his friend's San Francisco apartment
>Peter Berkowitz, 25, constructed a tiny bedroom pod in the living room of his friend's San Francisco apartment
>One bedroom apartments in the city rent for $3,500 per month compared to his $508 per month to live in a pod
>The pod is equipped with a fold-down desk, cushioned backboard that's slanted and LED lights for reading
>He believes pods can provide a 'needed fix' for people who want to add a bedroom to apartments without rent rising
>His eight-foot-long pod is also equipped with a sliding door and has room to store his books and clothing
>people who live in the city don't pay taxes
Muh public transportation.
Yeah, it doesn't work in the US, where the population centers are spread out so far from each other, where there's far less population density.
And you're posting a picture of some LA freeway, a Democrat-run city overpopulated by hordes of illegal aliens and border hoppers, with an infrastructure created and maintained by Democrats. California is a one-party state.
>Durr Drumpth's fault. Democrats would have Scandinavian/German level public transportation in the inner cities overnight if we gave them control. They can't do it at the state levels, so let's just get our hands on the federal gov't treasury. The entire state budget is already being spent on gibs for anchor babies.
OP is a colossal faggot. Neither picture is in America. The one on the left is from some ching-chong country and the one on the right is from a cucked eurofag cuntry. Public transport in America is full of nignogs and homeless fuckers drenched in their own piss so OP is right about Hillcunt's supporters fitting right in on the train.
What city is that on the right?
Some cucked place in Sweden
>mfw that's what i pay for what is for most of the day my own house
>mfw i could afford my own large 4 bed house easily as a 23 year old if i decided to settle here
>mfw people actually CHOOSE to live like this instead
and that's just in the UK
I think you have something better to do with your time than make threads like this.
>Liberals have to use public transportation.
The Berlin main station. Have some fun facts:
-it was stupidly expensive to build
-it's built on a wide swath of empty land so you end up in the middle of nowhere once you step out
-it's badly connected to local public transport
-it's convoluted in design and difficult to navigate
-it's terribly constructed (the glass facade plates tend to come crashing down during storms, a car tunnel keeps flooding during rain)
-it was supposed to replace some perfectly functional train stations because they weren't flashy and progressive enough
So it's actually a good example for the average Democrat project.
Pic related. It's a legit dem slogan - who's low IQ now ?
>Picture on the left is an american highway
>Picture on the right is a German trainstation
No wonder Hillary lost, all her supporters are foreigners that can't vote.
OP is a fucking retard. Go to NYC and let me know how "High IQ" the transit systems are... all Hilltard supporters.
Kekked and chinked
The fuck, is that thing taking a shit on the train floor? Why wouldn't he just use the train toilet?
clearly you've never been to the San Francisco/Silicon Valley area
>the Democrats support the working poor
>lololo dummy idiot poor republishits hahahahah
user, I...
Reminder that the only reason Trump won was because there are more rural, poorly educated, knuckle dragging, morons living in hick bumfuck towns than there are actual human beings living in big cities.
wait... hillary supporters live in Germany? WTF are you on about
Yum yum yum *pic a corner* yum yum yum *take a shit* yummy yummy smelly from the poopy gotta make more smelly smelly mommy will be happy yum yum yummy
The way you say that makes me feel all tingly boy.
What's with the old Cadillac font?
I hope this is real, these people are out of touch as fuck.
You mean like Mexicans and African Americans?
That's a city bro
It is real youtube.com
Well at least you admit it.
Well it says its the subway so unlikely to have a toilet. Plus it would be fucking disgusting having one on a subway.
Imagine being on the underground during the summer with all the shitkins and currymonkeys in addition to having a toilet that would most likely be clogged and overflowing anyway.
>This shit again
Not at all. Your just to dumb to understand market demand. I own a small construction and, landscaping business. Most of if not all of my clients live in the burbs or country side. High dollar contracts in rural areas. Nice big pristine lawns. Tons of high dollar remodels and digging ponds Etc, Fogettabout it. Even my 20 year contract to paint the dorms at the local community college I avoid travel through the city.
>This is passionate Farmer,your argument is invalid,you city-dwelling parasite
I know what thing. Im sure glad Democrats are two smart to win!
The tractor, a machine designed by an urban man, is worth more than 100 rural men
Oh, so we believe surveys now? Interesting.
You Trumpcucks really need to make up your minds.
Oh, so we don't believe surveys and polls now? Interesting.
You Hiltard Krautcucks really need to make up your minds.
On a scale from 1 to Irish Famine, how triggered are you right now?
Please be honest, you're amongst friends here.
On a scale of 1 to Dresden and the inevitable destruction of the Kraut race, how triggered are you right now?
Please be honest, because honesty is all you really have left in your life and you're not among friends so no one will care one way or the other.
Uh oh, someone's hungry. Again!
Who gets bombed in a nuclear war? Flyover country, or major cities?
Americans are low iq subhumans no matter kike puppet they vote for
Uh oh, looks like someone is sore about bringing about their own genocide. :( Poor little pet.
>Proud of not being proud
dumb fuck leafs keep posting this shit don't realize left is all California. All Killery supporters.
Stupid fucking leaf.
You're depressed and humiliated. It's ok.
>t. Maliq Khalij
Please oh please mr. mouhmoud, tell me about what is white and what isn't
No I am actually pretty happy to be honest.
I don't know why you are showing me a picture of our unelected Prime Minister that leads an unstable minority government likely to have a general election soon.
In any case, once again Germany will serve as a warning to the rest of Europe. I actually don't even hate you with the same kind of venom you seem to have for my nationality.
I'm going to miss Germans and the Germany I used to love to visit. I feel sorry for you lads, I wish I could do anything to help you fix the situation.
Its pretty dire as pic related show. auf wiedersehen Gunters :(
Phoenix Metro checking in. Glad H-Dawg lost (three times). Hope she slips in a pile of her own shit and ends up a vegetable so I don't have to ever hear her again.
Shitskins or Indians I understand... But why us chinks?
yes. All it takes to raise food is a tractor. God you urbies are so in retarded you dont even know how out of touch you are.
>kraut-cuck thinks he isn't a faggot
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